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Everything posted by jafo105

  1. Kyla Blair SUNshine Girl Kyla Blair, 21, wants to be a graphic designer who dabbles in acting and modelling. This 5-foot-5 Aries spends her time in front of video games or the computer, designing things and exploring the world of fashion. She also likes to swim, dance and play soccer. (Todd Gillis/QMI Agency)
  2. There is a special section for reporting bait and switch. Follow the link below. Canada Wide Warnings: To Report Bait and Switch, Scams & Dangerous Encounters (NOT FOR NEGATIVE http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=198
  3. I have no problem seeing a SP if she is in a relationship. I would be uncomfortable if her SO was home at the time of my visit. The details of her relationship are between her and her SO. Not me. Further more, I do not have any expectations of developing a true love interest in the SP. Although I do hope for a special friendship to develop with the SP. Since I usually see an SP long term. Jafo
  4. neatly trimmed pubes
  5. For something a little different. All of these ladies are over 30. You might be surprised to know two of these ladies are in fact in their 40s.
  6. I am sorry I do not remember her name. She is one fine babe though.
  7. My condolences Tina, and to her family and friends. Jafo
  8. Why me!! By the sounds of the other posts I have lead a very sheltered sex life. The only places I have don it is on the sofa, living room floor, kitchen table, the bed room, and a Jacuzzi. I do have fantasies of other places but the girlfriend's were never willing to try them. Jafo
  9. Megan, I am not familiar with "interac money transfers". This would interest me if it is not too complicated to set up. It would also depend how the transaction is recorded. (For discretionary purposes). Jafo
  10. Like most of you I use the ATM. I found it really uncomfortable walking around with all that cash on me. Now I withdraw smaller amounts over the course of a week. I do not like credit cards so I would be interested in "debit transactions" if it was available. Since I tend to stick with just one SP (Long term). I would also consider paying by cheque. Jafo
  11. Definatly Cerb. I am not into those other social media sites.
  12. I want to thank everyone for taking the time and sharing this weekend. I know this was not easy for a lot of us guys. Remember, most people are more interested in who and what you are on the inside. Thats what matters most. We are very fortunate to have a great bunch of ladies like we do here on Cerb. Cheers, Jafo
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