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April Dawn

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Everything posted by April Dawn

  1. I don't know if Malika meant this but I can cum from playing with my nipples. I've never had a g spot orgasm but would love to sometime :p Posted via Mobile Device
  2. is it as big as the moon? Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Actually is the moon a unit? Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Definetly not wrong to think that. I had a similar situation happen with a long time client. He had driven me home a few times after a session instead of me taking a cab. In the beginning I had always gotten cash up front but after a year and a half I didn't think it was necessary. He gave me the envelope and off we went. When I got home I counted it and he had taken 40 dollars off our normal rate for 3 rides home. I said nothing at the time but at our next session I asked for the cash up front, counted it in front of him and when he asked why I mentioned that he was 40 short last time. He said it was because of the rides home but if I had such an issue with it I could have my 40 dollars back. That was our last session together. Posted via Mobile Device
  5. I already thought you were a goddess :p I love the way your mind works lady! Posted via Mobile Device
  6. That's something I've never really thought of. Growing up on a farm I always remember my mom finding the kittens and taking them and momma cat and putting them somewhere safe till the kittens were older cause tom cats kill them so they can mate with the mom cat and have their own offspring. How far have we gone up the evolutionary scale? But... Didn't most early societies have matralineal societies because they couldn't trust that the father was the father? And haven't "polygamous societies been around longer then monogamous societies? I know within my own cultural heritage there was second, third ect wives, wife sharing. I feel like this is something I have to do way more research on! Public library here I come :p Posted via Mobile Device
  7. And why would that be? Is talking about gossip ay different then posting pictures of cats, songs, baking recipes or any of the multitude of topics discussed on CERB? There are threads on shannon tweeds engagement, steve jobs death and other related topics. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. Is gossip and TMZ! Right now I'm going crazy for all of the beyonce is she pregnant or is she faking the pregnancy and using a surrogate drama. All my friends make fun of me but all I want to do is talk about this. Also is jessica simpson pregnant? I've seen the recent pics and the fact that she's not saying yes or no is driving me up the wall. I have no idea why I love hollywood gossip so much *sigh* Posted via Mobile Device
  9. I've always identified as poly since a very young age (infact far far before I knew what it was) My grandmother was married and divorced 7 times. She kept in close contact with all her ex husbands and I had a lot of grandpa's I could go to and I loved them all. Now flash forward to kindergarten when I found out that people don't have more then two sets of grandparents. I felt sorry for them. The close dynamic worked for her and for us grandkids. Now let's move this forward again to my first boyfriend. I loved him, I still love him but I could never stay faithful to him weither that was sexually or emotionally. I wanted what my grandma had. When I was 17 I started researching and finally had labels for what I wanted and needed. I've done monogamy and been happy, I've done poly and been happy and done both and had it blow up. I think that being poly or monogamous is hardwired in your brain, like sexual identity, and kink. It either works or doesn't and if it doesn't feel right don't do it. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Good job! Keep 'em coming. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. When someone expects that because you are an escort you should see anyone who has the cash to see you. I am not a slave or indentured servant! Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I'm going to try really hard to keep this within if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. As a woman she has the choice to do whatever she wants. If that involves escorting that means she still has free will and choice. Just because somebody sells their body for sex doesn't mean that they are available for anyone with cash or involved in some sort of sexual slavery. For a lot of women on CERB its not all about money. That's what makes them top notch escorts. I find your statement really disturbing. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. I always have loved babies! I babysat for years in my hometown and created a nice little empire for myself haha. When my neice was born my sister was bedridden for months after so I took time off work and basically moved in. I love the way they smell, the look in their eyes, feeding them, holding them while they sleep and even the feeling you get after the baby stops screaming for hours. That being said I do not care at all what people's babies are up to. When new parents blow up my FB with their baby news I don't show them on my news feed haha Posted via Mobile Device
  14. getting a free pampering from my best friend who's taking her estetions (I have no idea how to spell that) course. mani, pedi, sugaring Mhmm ! Posted via Mobile Device
  15. I'm going to be spending my third year not celebrating thanksgiving. I don't have family to celebrate with and it just seems easier to sit at home, have a guinness or two, and go to bed then do something with friends. Posted via Mobile Device
  16. Why can't I eat bacon for every meal? Posted via Mobile Device
  17. Have I told everyone on this thread lately that I love you and douglas adams? Posted via Mobile Device
  18. Was the worst one from earth? Posted via Mobile Device
  19. *scratches on the window with a sad orphan face* I want turducken for thanksgiving. I miss having family. *sigh* Posted via Mobile Device
  20. Google definetly does! When I signed up for google plus it used a old email that I used to use and didn't want to switch it over even though I got an invite and signed up with a different one! Posted via Mobile Device
  21. I completely agree that this was an issue with the agency. They should not have made a customer go through this not once but twice. Its a poor way to run a business but its not the SP'S fault in any way shape or form. Posted via Mobile Device
  22. Why are we scared of Vogon poetry as its only the third worst in the galaxy? Posted via Mobile Device
  23. It was great in Regina yesterday there was a zombie walk! It was so cute seeing zombie families and even little baby zombies! Posted via Mobile Device
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