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April Dawn

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by April Dawn

  1. Yeah I have had some weird phone calls and texts in my day but I just take it with a grain of salt. Posted via Mobile Device
  2. When can we go on a date? Honestly that sounds so perfect and cute.. Add one sunset though!! Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Mm I had a great first date the other day, we had some great mixed drinks (perks of dating a bartender) then he made me a delicious supper and we watched the original 3 Star Wars on the couch with his great dane. It was so good because socially we have known of eachother for 2 years and watching movies and talking together just gave us that chance to see who we actually were outside of public view. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Why wouldn't a lady ask for an id? Gentlemen can to verify proof of age.. I don't want to go to jail for having sex with an underage client... Ten gets you twenty as I like to say... Posted via Mobile Device
  5. After watching that all I can say is hey Jack Layton do stand up comedy " why do we have so many prisons if criminals do so well in senate?" did he really say that ? Posted via Mobile Device
  6. Wowza.. At the end of the day I will always be the dirty mercenary prostitute and any man I am caught with will be the upstanding family man who got tricked into it by a cunning woman. Posted via Mobile Device
  7. And this is when everybody in the Tim Hortons lineup stares at me for laughing manically. Thanks! Back to the topic at hand I don't mind requests for outfits if I know the person but if becomes a demand that's when I bow out. I don't like being told what to do unless I'm naked at somebodies feet. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. I like when they spoof the commercial in Scary Movie. Posted via Mobile Device
  9. I actually much prefer texts to calls, I have difficulty hearing on the phone. That being said I HATE one liners or asking about sexual acts. When I receive a text I would hope its fitting for the person I am. Which is why I prefer emails initially. Also I don't like when someone seems to think I operate a jack off texting buinsess. If you want to know If I provide a service I will be more then happy to tell you... Please ask questions so we can have a great session. Don't text me at all hours of the day and night. This is a buinsess line and as such respect my buinsess. I don't really want to spend the entire day talking to you. Keep it short and sweet. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. can I be your idea? Posted via Mobile Device
  11. What kind of bb do you have? Can you go between multiple web pages? Cause my nokia does that, it has basically the same browser as the torch. I find it only does that when I slide through previous pages I have been on, then it re submits. Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I just chill the glass, Ice makes me mad in anything. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: Also I wanna run to the LB now and try so many things, I am just getting into scotch Posted via Mobile Device
  13. LOL Surf Nazis Must Die and I were just talking about Scotch! Too weird. I like Glenlivet! Posted via Mobile Device
  14. Jhonen Vasquez is one of my all time favorite cartoonists. Johnny the Homicidal Maniac changed my life lol and the cartoon Invader Zim is magical! Posted via Mobile Device
  15. Do you feel horny every time you log on? Posted via Mobile Device
  16. Totally unacceptable! That guy is a loser and I hope he realizes why you won't see him again. Then again from the sounds of it, it will go right over his head. Posted via Mobile Device
  17. If everyone loved mornings as much as I do!!!! If all the snow would melt and it would rain so Regina wouldn't look like something the cat dragged in.. EWWWWWWW If the twilight books hadn't been written introducing a generation of young girls to the idea that its love if a guy stalks you and breaks into your house to watch you sleep Posted via Mobile Device
  18. Ooooooh I had a turtle once! It was a wild turtle that was in our dugout (I grew up on a farm) One of our dogs had caught it and brought it up to the house. My dad decided to keep it because it was injured so off to the vet we went and that turtle is still in my parents basement. My dad always had a soft spot for animals which probably had a lot to do with how I am today. He was always finding injured animals and nursing them back to health, I'm sure the vet thought he was crazy! On a farm that ran around 500 head of cattle all had names, most were shown and anyone could go out and pet them. I loved it and loved growing up with cattle, appaloosa horses, dobermans, german shepards and rotties. My parents taught me that animals can fill a need you have that's difficult to articulate and that you should always help someone or something in need. Posted via Mobile Device
  19. You have no idea how jealous I am when I check my emails and I don't get any offers like this.... Posted via Mobile Device
  20. Fml! There was supposed to be 5 letters obviously it was a solid idea to go to bed when I did Edward did cum by association MUMPS Posted via Mobile Device
  21. partakes until nude tits show. Go for it with SNFU Posted via Mobile Device
  22. Going for a hot shower! Posted via Mobile Device
  23. If I ever met Steven Colbert in a back alley he'd end up in my closet. I love his show and think he's quite possibly the most ridiculous and funny person in the entire world. Posted via Mobile Device
  24. I think its more a sense of decentcy then anything. If my personal address was put in a article I would be upset and scared. Its not safe for an escort, there are sick people out there. Thank you for not putting that article on here. It shows that you have more compassion then the people who wrote, edited and printed the story. Posted via Mobile Device
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