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Luscious Laurel

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Luscious Laurel

  1. Two things you can pass someone through kissing is the bacteria that causes cavities and the bacteria that causes gingivitis, or gum disease. Once a person is over 35ish the teeth harden up and cavities become very rare (my dentist told me this) but, as we age we become very susceptible to gingivitis due to the changes in our saliva's ph and our ability to control these critters. One can pass these germs through drinking out of the same cups too. I have noticed a trend for familial teeth problems and I asked the dentist about that too. He said it is not unusual for an entire family to be infected with the bacteria, and, just add less than enthusiastic cleaning and you have problems. Gum disease can really destroy your mouth. Brushing once a week with hydrogen peroxide is a good way to kill the critters and rinsing with a solution to restore the ph (found in drugstores) will help. I love my teeth! I am very selective with whom I kiss!
  2. 2008 Milrod. Sorry, made a mistake: 31% of the volunteers were Catholic 19% Protestant 2% Jewish 30% other You are correct in stating that a voluntary survey would naturally select for those most likely to volunteer information, making the entire survey slightly biased toward this characteristic.
  3. In an article on inside sex workers it states that 53% of those interviewed were raised as Catholics.
  4. I recall several incidences of disabled people having their settlement awards eaten away by unscrupulous people working in the public trustee office. Canada is indeed soft, unless you evade your taxes! Carrie, you have reminded me of several situations I know close to home where people were so very deeply in love they believed everything, or, seriously, even if they doubted they would go into denial and find a reason for any 'odd' behaviour, or serious income losses. I would love to have a relationship, but, I know that one more mistake could put me in the poor house forever. There is nothing more disabling to your future than a nasty divorce.
  5. I just realized the other day, that men and women probably look at pricing from a completely different standpoint. Women think "this is how much I am worth" Men think: "this is how much I am willing to spend on myself"
  6. Empress, you took the words out of my mouth, or from my pen. That was precisely what I wondered. You never know when you read stories like these, what the truth actually is. Remember the girl in Montreal who shaved herself and pretended to have cancer? I feel sorry for anyone who is robbed like that. I do know an instance where a judge gave a disabled man's sister power of his affairs and she was a crack addict. So, half the money that was meant to care for this quadriplegic was used up in about 3 months. Fortunately, the situation was resolved before he became destitute. Infatuation is a powerful drug. I have had to give my head a shake when I fall for some fellow and after the great sex is over I realize we are not at all alike, usually, polar opposites...I do this bi-annually(but the sex is so good it's worth it)
  7. I love the Dr. Who series. You have great taste Cato. The other series I loved was The Avengers. Emma Peel was a great role model and a sexy beast! Oh, Steed was good too!
  8. I have recently switched over to massage service. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what it entailed having been educated by a client who was a regular at MPs in Ontario. He told me the routine and the average prices. Now, bear in mind I am operating in the Vancouver Lower Mainland area,but, I am surprised at the requests I get. What is GFE massage? Isn't the greatest talent of a masseuse the ability to relax the client and have them feel as comfortable as if you had known one another for years? Does one need to advertise that? It seems redundant. How is it possible to massage a client while he is putting his fingers inside your pussy? (a request that surprised me). I am sure there are quite few professional women who can enlighten me, but, I wanted some input from the consumer end of things too. I am trying to word my ad so I can be sure I am attracting my target market. thanks for any input! cheers all!
  9. Gosh, I did this to one of my favourite clients! I got caught up in some stuff at home and completely forgot to go to the apartment. The poor thing stood out there phoning away. It was months before I saw him again, and, I felt so lucky and blessed that he came back.
  10. I made great money as a teen and on up until a divorce. Then came a bid awakening. I learned how to heat a rock in the oven and wrap it in newspaper to keep in our beds at night. I learned that from a woman who was very poor. (I still do it now cause the rock stays hot for a very long time.) It is interesting to watch your breath in the air while you sit in the living room, and, if someone walks past then the air that moves against your face actually hurts. We wore winter clothes inside. We burned some living room furniture cause we didn't have any heat except the fireplace and we had no wood. And I remember living on porridge a lot. But, I pretty much figured out which church was giving away what food and when, and, I can make something out of anything. We sorta made it an adventure.
  11. K, I tried to update and add things that would tell a little about me, eg; I enjoy Baroque, Classical, and Jazz, and popular 40s and 50s and 60s music, but, there is not enough room. I did not even get to the really good stuff So, we have to, in 10 words or less, say something succinct about our personalities?
  12. Yes, these topics can get very passionate. I had a friend who was always in love with someone and ending up pregnant. She had 5 abortions between the age of 17 and 21. She said to me once it was no big deal as she caught them very early. I just thought she could've been more careful. She always believed the guy when he said he was infertile, or fixed, or whatever else they said So, in a way I experienced Julia's frustration, and, I understand what she means in her story. Well, the decision belonged to my friend and I am glad for our freedom to choose. She did grow up and go on to birth 3 lovely children...life goes on. BTW all it took was 3 minutes without a condom with my second ever boyfriend and I ended up with something called trichomoniasis. Easy enough to fix but, Yuck! I learned quickly and never again went unprotected!
  13. Pro Choice. Anti-abortionists spend a lot of time highlighting late term abortions. These are absolutely awful to endure and generally don't happen unless there is an emergency. A late term abortion must be delivered the same as a full term child. Pretty crappy. Most abortions are performed very early first trimester. I could not carry a child full term now. I would have to abort. I would not abort if I was younger. Choice is important.
  14. OMG I soooo want one! I read the story of the guy who invented and designed it and how he developed it to maximize a woman's pleasure. He noticed that most women like to grind their hips rather than ride up and down on a shaft. He wrote a book that comes with the equipment. I got horny just reading some of this on the website!
  15. recently my naughty sister sent me a pic on her camera. It was one her boyfriend sent her of his very erect member. Just as she hit send she realized she sent it to a wrong number. Hope it made someone's day happy
  16. Happy Birthday Commander! "Happiness is good health and a bad memory" -Ingrid Bergman
  17. What a shame! So young to have died for something seemingly trivial. Her parents must be heartbroken! Injection of silicon directly into the body was discovered to be a problem in the 60s already!
  18. I heard another one about a fellow who is a goalie in Vancouver. He is 77 years old. Nice to know that life isn't over after 40 regardless of what media seems to want us to believe. Not long ago I went to town and had dinner with a friend. We decided to go dancing afterward but could not find a place where the 30-40 somethings would go. Every club was devoted to the younger set, which, is great. I was a younger set once too. I find the West Coast to be a very ageist society. Once you are past 29 you are on the shelf. So, these guys are my heroes, oh, and the 92 year old lady I know that walks like a 22 year old and still ballroom dances.
  19. Thanks for the thread! The first time I was faced with filling this out I took it a little too seriously and my profile description was reminiscent of a high school annual. I took a look at other ladies profiles and adapted mine to be less personal. The web site pretty much tells it all and has the pictures so I figured the info area was more like a tickle, oh, there is a better word in the marketing world, but, my brain fails me. Anyway, the idea seemed to be about dropping juicy hints to entice someone to look for more. Sorry to hear it doesn't work. Back to the drawing board!
  20. The point about last minute appointments being more secure is quite true. When I worked for an agency I had set hours to be available and it was easy to flit out the door at last minute. Now, however, as a person with a day job and working Indy, it is difficult to dash away at the last minute. I have a friend, my age, who has found a reputable agency to work with in her town and I really envy her. She has a set hour she books on and when she does, all her calls are lined up for her. She never has to worry about being in a compromising place (eg: shopping center, with family, at work) and answering personal questions on her phone.
  21. I work a 'day job' so last minute booking is almost impossible. Even if I could, though, I think I would not. I do not see strangers at the last minute. I need a little bit more 'connection' time via email and phone. I find email is the best introduction, and then, once we have established we have the same boundaries, the phone is the best way to actually book and confirm appointments. Back when I worked for an agency these details were not as important, as, the agency had your back. However, as an independent it is imperative to have time to establish a good sense of your client. Once I know a fellow I can often slip him in at the last minute. I find it is more like meeting a secret lover and having a clandestine affair! Nothing is fool proof. I once exchanged a plethora of emails only to find the client wanted bbbj. BTW, there is always an agency somewhere that offers last minute appointments 24/7
  22. I agree with many comments in this thread. I worked at a sex shop for a while and I had women in their late twenties coming in and talking about how they had never had an orgasm and I was always surprised! I also think that men project their own ideas of what an orgasm is onto the women they have sex with. Our orgasms are very different. For a man the orgasm is usually the end of sex and for women it is the beginning. Once our motor is running we can go all night! So, spending an hour with a man is not really long enough to get well into the home stretch. I know that after the client leaves I still have very strong yearnings in my pussy! When a client repeats it is easier to get into the session. There is an anticipation, I call it "pussy recognition factor". My pussy already knows and remembers the cock she has been introduced to and she begins to think about him before he arrives. This helps the atmosphere ignite. I began exploring 'self' at 14 and was having multiple orgasms very shortly after my first. I was so excited to one day finally share this experience with a man. I was pretty disappointed when my first daty happened. I felt nothing. I remember looking down in puzzlement trying to understand why I could not feel his tongue on my clit. It was supposed to be the very best thing I could experience and I had fantasized while stimulating myself with my fingers, never imagining that a tongue would feel quite different. I have since learned that a tongue needs to be stiff and strong and not soft and weak. It also needs to make gentle, but strongly pressured contact with the clitoris, and for me, to rub it slowly like stroking the lip of a wine glass to produce sound: firm and slow. When a man announces that his sole intention is to make a woman orgasm it really puts the performance pressure on. Previously, someone mentioned the ego boost that a woman's orgasm gives to a man. I would rather he allowed me to pleasure him and through this create my own heat, and, then I can relax and the climax will come naturally. Also, one last thing, really! Even if a woman does not orgasm the act of sex itself feels great. Sometimes I will masturbate but not orgasm. It doesn't always have to happen. But, men are by nature performance oriented and they like to have the 'finish' and the physical signs of this finish. This is why squirting has become the rage. Men feel they can finally see physical evidence of an orgasm and avoid being cheated by a faked climax. LOL. Sex: it's all good.
  23. I heard a story, on the radio this morning, of an 85 year old man out East somewhere who is still playing hockey. He plays on a community team with men much younger than he is. Some of his fellow players who were interviewed stated that this fellow was a damn good hockey player too. He was told in 1962 that he was too old to play anymore, but, he wasn't buying itl The sport has kept him in shape. He also volunteers mowing the lawn of a couple of cemeteries and he uses a push mower, which, I can attest to being good exercise! I personally have a friend who is 90 and teaches skiing. He was also told he was finished at 60 and he decided otherwise. Went on pain meds and hit the slopes again. He is a very active man:)) There is a ski hill near my home and many of the volunteers are in their 70s and 80s. The thing is, if you keep going at what you are doing and don't retire to the couch, you can keep your body in terrific shape. I have another 'friend' who is 85 and ballroom dances. He moves like a 50 year old. These people are my inspiration. Whenever I feel like crap I think of how they persevere. I might add that people in that age group are a tough lot and went through a war etc... Anyway, food for thought
  24. Oh, Samantha, I have had the same experience. Sometimes I am thinking during the silence "he must really not like me and must be having an awful time and maybe he is trying his best to get through this" Then at the end of the session out pops a tip and a sweet kiss, and, a follow up within the week. Usually the sessions get more relaxed and I am rewarded with some naughty words of encouragement. I think some men are very, very shy and I have been told that I am a sort of charismatic strong willed seeming person. I personally don't feel like that but maybe that is what makes shy men close up. It does make it difficult to find the words during the session. I am afraid to use naughty talk in case I scare them to death, but, I think the naughty talk is what they need! And a good spank!
  25. I have wondered about this. I am 40 but I seem much younger and not just because of looks, I speak and act like a younger person. My voice on the phone sounds around 23. Maybe when clients see me they are expecting a more mature woman? I so fail at maturity Ha Ha!! My forever age is probably 24 year old!
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