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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. When idiots park in my spot... the one I PAY FOR EVERY MONTH! Anyone have the number for a towing company? ;)
  2. Attaboy Lee! Glad to see a fellow Manitoban doing us all proud! :D
  3. Hmm, everybody seems to be Prison Bound around here Social Distortion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWR1iZo1LMo
  4. Welcome to CERB! Phaedrus and others already took the words right out of my mouth! However, I just wanted to say for me personally, my first time happened in the so called traditional sense... A drunken hookup. It sucked! It was awkward, uncomfortable, and hardly memorable. As well, it wound up costing me a friendship which I regret to this day. When I as younger I wish I would have had the courage to eschew the traditional opinions and stereotypes that most of society perpetuates in regards to seeing SP's! I get the feeling going this route sooner would have wound up costing me much less in the long run and I would have had way more happy sexual experiences! But hey, hindsight is always 20/20 right? ;)
  5. This is pretty awful news. A great talent and a great heart with a never quit attitude. :( Hopefully those she inspired along the way can do their part to carry on her legacy in some form.
  6. Holy crap Angela! Yet another milestone under your belt. Is there an end in sight? I hope not :) So what comes after Beatlism anyway? ;)
  7. Turning Japanese eh?... Here's Japanese punkers Nicotine with their take on Europe's "Final Countdown"
  8. Okay, that's just awesome Isabella! I'm so trying this after the yearly staff party this weekend! Now on to the problem Cristy originally posted. My go to solution is a mosh pit.. Obviously this isn't the best course of action for everyone but maybe it can be modified? A night of sweating and crashing into like minded idiots really helps my overall mood, so maybe a night of dancing your butt off with some like minded friends can have a similar effect?
  9. I'll be brief to start, and post more later... (If I don't suck and actually remember to post more) Pretty much: Yes! This particular odd duck tends to quack and waddle in his own goofy way. That being said, I can also blend in quite well with the rest of the flock. I just happen to be quite aware of their slightly different plumage and disposition, so to speak ;)
  10. Crap! As usual, i'm late to the party! Umm... I was caught in imaginary online traffic?... Hope you had a great day Emily!
  11. Damn, a top poster and a member of the elite! be kind to us mere mortals Pete! ;)
  12. God Forbid - Crucify Your Beliefs Part of a loose concept album about the fall of the United States, followed by the aftermath and an eventual rebirth of sorts. Also, the intro to this song is beautiful in a weird way. Okay, done nerding out now!
  13. I'm with the majority on this one. Meatloaf = Tasty! Just ketchup on top of the meatloaf is boring though. You've got to mix some brown sugar and a touch of mustard/mustard powder in with the ketchup before you slather it on and bake it! Mmmmm :) Also, Sheppard's pie is also up there as far as good ol' home cookin' is concerned!
  14. Thanks Sara, I now no longer have a head and the day has barely started! ;) This woman should hook up with David Beckham or Michael Jordan. Their babies would be able to levitate balls with their minds :p
  15. Nailbomb - Wasting Away Former Sepultura frontman Max Cavalera's punk side project.
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