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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. Wow! Thanks for the response Samantha, you are clearly more cultured than I! Now I feel kind of silly posting my selection ;) Megadeth's Rust In Peace album. Before I heard this album I was strictly a punk rock fan, this whole album changed the way i listen to, and enjoy music.
  2. A question to everybody: What's one mind blowing piece of art you've come across that has changed you in some way? It could be a painting, music, sculpture, literature, poetry... You get the idea! ;) I'm curious to see where you other Cerbites find beauty and inspiration.
  3. I'm gonna cheat and go with the A at the end of Tea :p Annihilator - WTYD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CgA3-WXXsc
  4. I saw a trailer for Battleship this past monday, it looks completely idiotic. As well, they showed a trailer for the Fright Night remake... Really??? Are any of these necessary??? I'm going to go ahead and say there aren't any movies I would like to see remade. Quite the opposite in fact, I'd love to see some originality!!! On a side note, i'm ridiculously excited for the Avengers movie next summer :)
  5. My go to reaction for women with tattoos? HOORAY!!! :biggrin:
  6. Hey Castle, I'm going to do my best to keep this post coherent (no promises, I'm not always the best with words). When I read about your situation it made me think about how I could wind up in the exact same mess, I tend to want to help people... Which can often end badly for me. I've waited a bit before posting, trying to line up all my thoughts and reasoning concerning this subject. In the end, I keep coming back to my initial gut reaction, I can't provide good arguments or reasons for it, sorry. This whole situation is a god damn mess that you really don't have to be a part of. Good chance your involvement could make things worse and you'll get hurt. Fuckin' bail dude. For me, the GIANT red flag in all of this is the fact that she actually asked her child to lie to his own father who she's still married to! Who the fuck would put their kid in that kind of situation? Sorry, I know i'm being a bit of a cold-hearted jerk, but as others before me in this thread mentioned, she is an adult and her own person. She's going to do whatever she feels is best for her, whether or not it's healthy, smart, or whatever. There's a good chance you'll just get caught in the emotional crossfire and end up so much worse for your trouble. If you love something, set it free... Yep, I totally just ended this with a crappy cliche, my apologies yet again
  7. This is really too bad. A very inspirational story with an ending that is far too abrupt. Who gives a shit how she passed away or that she may have made mistakes when she was younger (not referring to being a sex worker btw). This woman accomplished more in a short time than most people ever will with a full life ahead of them, and that's pretty freakin' rad! May she rest in peace.
  8. DRI - Beneath The Wheel http://www.youtube.com/user/dristuff00#p/a/B0BAB15B259461D5/1/WfrIbgSGCqc
  9. Sadus - Certain Death http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6so9sFVJjL8&feature=related
  10. Iced Earth - Ten Thousand Strong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x82mPcpBByM&ob=av2n Oops, Angel beat me to it! okay then, Ten Foot Pole - The Getaway
  11. Just wanted to point out that we have a bounty of gorgeous alternative women right here on CERB!
  12. I wish Belvedere out of Calgary still toured. They were fun
  13. Wow, never thought I would actually enjoy a Kings of Leon song, neat! Now I feel the need to reference an earlier conversation! Testament - Into The Pit ;)
  14. The Offspring - Hammerhead http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdbrxHLhOn8&ob=av2e I just recently saw this video, it's pretty rad :)
  15. DRI - Acid Rain http://www.youtube.com/user/dristuff00?blend=22&ob=5#p/c/B0BAB15B259461D5/3/YummFZ70WkY
  16. Why do I like Sara? Star Wars tattoos, that's why!
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