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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. Right on dude! Keep the food/cooking related posts comin'! (not to say your other posts aren't good, i'm just a nerdy foodie is all)
  2. Holy crap! I should really just go for it! You just made my day :D
  3. Thanks for the advice RG. Unfortunately, Winnipeg is kind of notorious for this thing and I don't have the time or money to fight it. Plus I really like the caretaker in my building and don't want to cause them any hassle just 'cause kitties turn my brain/heart to mush. I just go to friend's places and adopt their pets for the day, not quite the same, but it still makes me smile
  4. I do a google image search, find the pic I want and then click on the view in full size link. then I copy the web address from the browser and click the insert image button in the icons/fonts section that comes up when you reply to a post. A window should pop up that asks you to post the url and you just paste the one you copied earlier. Hope my explanation makes sense!
  5. Just looked it up on wikipedia. Dammit! Now i'm gonna have to get off my butt and go to the comic shop! Thanks for the recco berlin!
  6. The building I live in doesn't allow pets :( I want a kitty dammit! Kudos to those of you who can have pets and are adopting ones that might not otherwise find a good home!
  7. Thanks for understanding Berlin! If I may toss out a few more: Preacher - A graphic novel by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. Thoroughly enjoyed this series! The main story arc focuses on Jesse Custer, A preacher who's lost his faith embarking on a mission with his estranged love, Tulip, and his Irish Vampire buddy Cassidy to find god and bring him to account for his actions. One of the side story arcs includes a direct blood relative of christ who's portrayal made me laugh out loud! Robert Kirkman - Amazing comic book author! His works include: Invincible, The Walking Dead (was adapted into a tv show for AMC), and Marvel, Zombies Michael Crichton - A few favorites when I was a kid: Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Congo, The Eaters Of The Dead
  8. Holy crap! I hadn't realized there was already 17 pages dedicated to this topic on another thread. I fail, oops.
  9. Suicidal Tendencies - Possessed to skate '97 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HenS6Jr-SGA
  10. How Could I have forgotten World War Z?? If you haven't heard it yet, find the audiobook. It's got a great cast which includes (among others): Henry Rollins (of Black Flag fame) Mark Hamill (don't make me say where he's famous from, lol) and Alan freakin' Alda! And if I may go completely nerdy for a moment... Joe Schreiber - Death Troopers, as one reviewer put it: "This book combines two of my favorite things on earth: the Star Wars universe and the undead."
  11. Exodus Rocks All Senses Expertly Next: METAL Additional Comments: CRAP! Ignore my post entirely, damn well took too long :confused0024:
  12. Recently discovered a great stress reliever: Playing in a band! I haven't felt this good in... I don't know how long :)
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep 'em coming! My appetite for books is nothing short of voracious!
  14. Trooper - The boys in the bright white sports car
  15. What are all you cerbite's into in a literary sense? I'll throw out a few to start: John Scalzi - I have huge man-crush on this author! He has one of the oldest and longest running blogs on the internet as well called whatever. Crazy bastard once taped bacon to his cat and posted it on his blog. I recommend ALL of his books. http://whatever.scalzi.com/ Douglas Adams - Mandatory reading for connoisseurs of absurdity Chris Moore - Absurd material mixed with lots of heart. Recommend: A Dirty Job, Bloodsucking Fiends, You Suck (a love story), Lamb, The stupidest angel (a tale of Christmas terror), ah hell, all of his output is great in some way! American Gods - A Neil Gaiman book I'm almost finished reading. Recommended by a friend and it is great!
  16. In my books you sure as hell do! Nice post Phaedrus :) Additional Comments:
  17. AFI - High School Football Hero Ah, to be 15 again! Actually wait... never mind :P
  18. Andrew WK - She is beautiful Where can I find a microphone cable this long?!
  19. lol! Well played madame, well played! Would it matter if I thought it was?
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