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    i am male

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  1. i have encountered a couple of times now. when i text an SP they do not respond back some where between one to two days after my texting them. My question is how many of you hobbyist out there would or do reply back after such length of time?
  2. i have seen on leolist a great number of lady's using onlyfans as a way to contact them, is that a new way to make an appointment or are they just the new way to scam one to join onlyfans?
  3. has anyone seen this sp before. she is on locanto Cum play wit me, Thunder Bay – Escorts Thunder Bay (locanto.ca)
  4. she is real. she advertises on lactano.
  5. took one for the team and found out it is a bait and switch
  6. I have been noticing that there are more and more non Canadian area code phone numbers showing up on almost all the sites that sp's advertise on. has anyone had any of them turn out to be real?
  7. never got a responce that day. when i made this thread there were pictures, when i went back to look at the ad there was no more pictures. so i am going to sermize the ad is a fake.
  8. hey :) want to have relaxing and fun time;) ? i am your girl | Thunder Bay | Northern Ontario | Female Escorts | LeoList has anyone seen this not local amy, any info is appreciated.
  9. is it me or all the adds that are contact by email only all fakes. is there any that are real?
  10. has anyone any info on tasty tia she advertises on lac
  11. both were advertised on leolist. I don't see them on there anymore.
  12. just had two bad experiences to day one with kimmie and the second was with Jessica. both were not the same as their ad's pictures. so I ask what happened to all the good local sp's that worked in thunder bay including the house that brought ladies in town?
  13. the one going by kimmie is a bait and switch. the pictures are of a white lady but when you get to the room it is a Portuguese lady.
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