I think the key word in this is --might--. If you have chemistry with a girl, it doesn't matter what the CRs are like. On the other hand, if mileage is what you're looking for, try an SP.
I went with Charlie to the CRs a couple of years ago and she was quite good. She had a gift for shoulder massages. Maybe she was just having an off night.
I don't think it's rude, I've done that myself and no one's said anything, although I do have more of theoldguy's problem.
I do feel guilty sometimes if it's busy and I feel like I'm hogging a table, mind you, though that's just me.
I've been following this thread for a while as I too am in a similar position. I was a regular for a girl for years, and we had a lot of fun in the CRs. I was her "best customer". Then recently she brought her real life up in a way that was very jarring, enough to kick me out of the fantasy I had of her.
I was angry at her for doing that, until I realized that she didn't create that fantasy. I did. She just nurtured it. It's harder getting over the anger at myself for falling into it in the first place.