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Gabriella Laurence

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Gabriella Laurence

  1. I'm sorry IF this question has already been asked and answered... I noticed that I received reputation points lately... Is there a way to see who gave me those points and where and why? lol Thanks! ;) xox
  2. Wow! Thank you for all your help! I really appreciate it!!! :-) xox
  3. Thank you Gentlemen! The reason I am asking is because I will have to attend a few business meetings in Ottawa (mid March) and I was wondering if I should spend the weekend there and share some good times with you! :mrgreen:
  4. Prefer to meet with Ladies? Is the weekend more convinient for you? Are week days easier for you to get away discreetly?
  5. Gabriella Laurence


    I love all your pictures but this one is my favorite... Classy, elegant, sophisticated and simple! Beautiful!
  6. Happy birthday my sweet! Enjoy your present because it is quite the experience! xox
  7. Great post Kyra! Could not have said it better myself! Thank you! xox
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