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Everything posted by manitoba

  1. Ness has always done this, tag team massages. I have had as many as 3 girls, not all at once:( in an hour. I have had Rose start, leave letting another lady take over then come back for the finish. Not cool at all, a large part about why I stopped going there. Why not one lady the whole session and make it clear at the start if you will leave happy or not with that lady?
  2. I upgraded a Surface Pro 3 in about 30 minutes. No issues so far but still getting used to the interface.
  3. I started using a 7-11 phone when I lived outside the city. It gave a local number and all I did was erase the call logs and keep it in my car.. Wife thought it was a backup emergency phone. Now with the new laws I have a phone number that is not connected to my real name so if LE wants to trace calls they will have a dead end.
  4. These photo checkers are a lot like anti virus software. Some will get past just every checker but very few will get past them all. Use one then if no hits try the other one. Gets the majority of the fakes
  5. Just to update Last communication was back in late May. I put some blame on the sender, assuming it was the parent, for not monitoring their child's internet activities and have not heard anything back so I am pretty sure that I am safe. Mb
  6. Short notice without some flexibility can be a problem but if you can ask in say the AM for anything in the PM you should get in. If you ask for 3 pm not so much.
  7. try google.com Directly posting contact info is against the rules and no one will bother to send you a PM if you don't do some work yourself. Happy humping Mb
  8. I usually book short notice but go in a quiet period so it has never been a problem. Have had a couple bookings since that post on both short notice as well.
  9. I think I have narrowed it down a little. Only one account that I had been communicating with recently was shut down in the last while and all sexual chatter was initiated by her without many strong replies from me. I had also though of passing the blame on to the parents for not adequately supervising their child. BTW no way were the pictures of a 12 year old, she said 18 but the pictures looked more 20 something. ( No9t that pictures are a good way to judge age.)
  10. Perhaps a special section only accessable to people with a history of good on topic posts where the rules on identifying are a little looser? Initially limited to a very select few and then additional members who meet a post count and nomination criteria ( have a provider vouch for them perhaps) and then stand for election to the area might allow for free exchange of information while protecting the providers? Might also serve as incentive to some posters to makle more positive contributions to the site as well. Just thinking off the top here.
  11. Just tried making a booking for today. For the first ever time was told not avilable today but have been there in last couple of weeks with same great service.
  12. Can you fill us in on some of the action in the Grand Forks area? How much law enforcement issues are there? Is there an active market? Where do we find it? That sort of info would be useful for some of us. Thanks
  13. Was just there, great looker did not get name but just a massage.
  14. Chinese New Year is this weekend. They wil be taking some time off for their holiday.
  15. I cannot argue that the risk of getting an STI from someone who doesn't have one is zero but do argue that the risk of getting one from someone who has one is 100% in the case of unprotected activities. Think about it, to catch any infection from someone you need to pass sufficient quantities of the bacteria or virus causing the infection that your immune system cannot cope with it and that does not always happen with any activity known to transmit the bacteria or virus. If it did then when normal infections like the flu or common cold would automatically infect 100% of the population. One major bacteria/virus transmitting vector is money and everyone handles it. Even stepping in front of a bus is not 100%, it may stop or swerve.
  16. All that says is that the cruse ships have been "swept" with SDI's. No numbers but just another example of a scare tactic with no numbers or real facts to support the contention that the ships have been "swept"
  17. Do not think that they work together as they slam the other is some of the ads. Would like to know which is a real filipina or not. Quick way is when there ask to use the comfort room or CR which is the philipine euphemismfor the toilet. If they have a blank look then they are not filipinas if they point the way then they might be.
  18. I am a little concerned that she posts her address in some of her ads.
  19. As soon as anyone says risk is low medium or high without saying what range of transmission rates are being used to govern the categories is making a subjective opinion of the rate. Is 1% or 10%or 25% a low or a medium or a high rate? Depends on your own individual risk tolerance but yet posters above say that this categorization is not subjective. Personally I would rather have the actual numbers and make my own determination if that is a high or a low risk or not. As for the links provided they give some raw numbers on transmission. i.e. how many people got the disease not how many acts did it take to achieve that number of transmissions. They also gove some risk factors without actually stating what the rate of transmission is of infection for the activity. And the two samples of HIV transmission rate simply are not statistically significant enough to make any determination. And for the record, I am single and unattached. I always play safe. I really doubt if knowing the actual numbers will change that because in some cases the consequences of getting some of the infections are simply more than I want to pay in any case. However as a numbers guy, I want to know the numbers, not some public health officials subjective assessment of the risk. I have know several public health types, they can be some of the most morally judgemental people around while hiding behind claims of being medicinally neutral.
  20. The ad in the OP is no longer on line. There are currently three ads on K offering buko, all different numbers. Anyone tried any of them?
  21. I think that the question was about the legal risks of visiting a well known establishment. Not due to the ladies but due to the fact that they are so well known. I believe that enforcement will be somewhat selective. So far the only charrges under the new law that I have seen have involved actsions that were illegal under the old laws which leads me to believe that anyone who was left alone before willl continue to be left alone.
  22. Has anyone heard of any charges being laid under the new law? I have not seen anything in the news. Not for street workers but for the type of people that frequent this site?
  23. I called her reciently and was given the name of the hotel. There was another black chick there last week looked simular in the pictures but had a different name and number. Hard to tell as both ads did not have face pictures but posing in the pictures, including the action in the video and general body shape was the same. I asked if she had been there under different name and never received an answer.
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