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Everything posted by nntsci

  1. Melanie, you are not a loser... I think you are right about politeness, but at our end. we guys often don't know what to say... I'm personally always rather nervous and shy when contacting someone and especially when I first started this "hobby" I was quite intimidated about what to say when contacting ladies or agencies. The first time I sent a message by email asking how this works... or something like that to an agency. She replied by asking me to phone her... I didn't get around to phoning her for a year. Perhaps it would help if you would tell us your ideal greeting would be... how would you prefer people contact you. What would you ideal client introducing himself conversation go like.
  2. If I was contacting someone new. I would definitely not just say "hey". I always state my name, and ask about specific time availability (never cost). I might mention where I saw her ad. I usually book through agencies so I state a lady's name and that I've been a customer of theirs before. I sometimes do not get responses from new girls or new agencies and move on. The woman I connect with a "hi" or a "hey" I see privately and we know each other very well (4 years) and we both have reasons for not wanting too much revealed in our messages. Basically we use that as a way of ensuring that the coast is clear before discussing details. lol.
  3. was just listening to someone doing a karaoke version of Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd).
  4. Not counting lunch, the last thing I purchased was a bucket full of rocks (sans bucket)... from the Princess Sodalite Mine in Bancroft. $45
  5. "I'm curious...if you love camping and your wife hates it, wouldn't she be relieved if you offered to go camping on your own and let her enjoy some activities she enjoys?" LOL... ok, perhaps... BUT, its the going camping with another lady bit that I would have to keep quiet about... and then there is the issue of having to explain why after having given up on going camping (cause no one in the family wants to go with me) I suddenly start camping again... by myself... and take a tent big enough for more then one person... I'm not sure I'm THAT good at telling stories... lol... I might have a way out... I collect rocks as a hobby and I use some of them for art (I sculpt)... I spent today on a one day mad excursion in Bancroft collecting... Maybe I can use that as my cover story. Not sure how good an actor I am. LOL... Ok... Disaster... I just sort of gently tested the waters and mentioned to my wife I might go camping up in the area of Bancroft so I can spend more time collecting rocks... So she says to my 20 year old son, lying on the couch, that he should go with me... and my sons says, yeah I could go for that... The best made plans of mice and men so often go astray...
  6. framing for a sketch a friend drew for me.
  7. I've been having similar thoughts today, and I may know the lady to take... The only problem is I can't figure out how to get away over night without my wife (who hates camping) figuring something was going on. How do you sneak camping gear out of the garage and then back in.
  8. I've never really paid much attention to "open minded". I figured if she works in this field, she's pretty open minded... but I suppose that it means she will listen to you and try to please you in the way you want her to treat you, rather then just mechanically doing her thing. One of my big preference is I love to gently run my hands through a woman hair, especially while kissing or in cowgirl (not unrelatedly I also particularly like long hair). I guess I have a hair fetish. Her willingness to let me gently play with her hair has a huge impact on if I repeat or not. So I always hope she open minded about her hair, lol. As for Girl Friend Experience. I do think that does mean something as I've been with ladies in Austria who made no attempt to engage in conversation, or was not affectionate or friendly during the session... and only partly because of the language barrier... I do enjoy the GFE but some lady's create the illusion better then others. and of course after a few repeats and a genuine connection is formed... its not really an illusion.
  9. Yes, I love a goodbye kiss... and its so true that it could be the last time. One never knows. One of my favourites disappeared a while back (hopefully she graduated with her degree); we joked once or twice about the awkward possibility we might meet in a professional context someday... I hope so :) (possible, but very unlikely). a couple times I've left the room at the same time as the SP and we parted on the street... due to the need for discretion there was no kiss on the street, and goodbye hug was not as long as I would have liked, but the affection was still there.
  10. Tragically Hip -- Escape is at hand for the travellin man
  11. As it turned out... we didn't go to the gallery... because she was too busy, but as luck would have it my guitar was accidentally on purpose left in my car from the weekend, so I brought it with me to our date. So instead of going to the art gallery, I played her songs on my guitar and she sang along... She has a lovely voice... and the Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne was lovely as well. So it wasn't what I had planned for, but we had a great time.
  12. I never use cologne... I'm sent sensitive (some give me rashes).
  13. Why is it that my wife gets up early on the days I decide to sleep in?
  14. Apparently lamb leg roast... my wife has told me to pop it in the oven... Will be cooked with mint and probably covered in grape leaves to keep it moist. Oh, and wine... must add red wine.
  15. The husband of a friend of mine left his wife for a woman he met through an escort service. Apparently he drove away in a Ford escort (his x-wife jokes). The relationship didn't last long. The divorce has lasted. I think she was very wise to break off the relationship because of her feelings.
  16. About old posts... You can dig up your old conversations going back some years... not sure how far back, but if you go to your CP... mine goes all the way back to my first posts. I think... I guess I'd better check to be sure... I'll amend this post if I'm wrong. "Hey" what do you know I was right... my first post from 2011 for a thread called "Do they know" is still there... so if you posted something to a thread, you should be able to find it... eventually... but I was wrong its your profile statistics that you go to...
  17. Hey has its uses. One of the Lady's I see, is only available once every few months... The rest of the time she travels the world to music festivals (or is unavailable for some other reason). If she is in town and available, she sends me something inane like "hey", "hi" etc... If I'm checking to see if she is in town I might also say "Hey"... This ensure that the conversation begins innocently... just in case someone else is near the phone. but most recently I asked my global traveller about places to go in Lisbon and signed it "your artist friend". And what do you know she had a few thoughts on the topic of Lisbon... and surprising in person, it was a lovely afternoon it was.
  18. Met with a lovely lady, who I've seen many times before... she helped me celebrate my birthday a little early (which is actually next week). Between kisses... I played on my guitar a number of song by Pink Floyd... a band we both like... and we sang together... she has a lovely voice. A wonderful time. Additional Comments: First time I've ever played guitar without clothing.
  19. I have developed friendships with three ladies over the years... we are friends in a very intimate and personal manner. One of the ladies has largely retired but occasionally sees me and I'm certain because she enjoys my company too. She was very helpful to me when I was going through some bizarre relationship issues at home. She would make a pretty good relationship counsellor. The financial arrangements are the same. Its the nature of our relationship. If she wanted to give me a freebee, it would be up to her... I'd never expect it. Another lady and I had lunch before going back to the hotel room I'd rented, and the lady paid for lunch; she insisted (I told her that doesn't mean she can have he way with me, lol). I will add that the ladies who I've developed friendships with are also fantastic lovers and that is because our friendship makes our time together fun for both of us. On another note... one of my wife' friends got divorced after her husband moved in with his escort... and apparently when he left her home he drove away in an Ford Escort (she joked). Relationships do happen... The relationship didn't last long. The divorce did.
  20. Any other SPs have experiencing juggling personal romantic relationships and work? Just curious.
  21. dremmel bits and sand paper... for a sculpture I'm carving.
  22. Thanks... I agree, you are not really deceiving anyone.... you might not even know if he is married or not... Some lady's ask me about my marital status and family, but not always.
  23. Today I choose the bike to go shopping... picked up food to make Lasagna, and some workshop supplies (diamond tipped dremmel bits and sand paper), then came home... rested for a while, then went out a again, got 3 bottles of wine, a movie rental, some banking, and then some small art canvases for another project... now I'm resting, barely able to move, lol
  24. I agree, most of the reviews on TERB are respectful, but they do have a different character... I posted a review on TERB that I had also posted on LYLA (back when it was CERB), but a couple of the respondents wanted more details and I was asked additional questions by PM and in replies to most post about other positions and activities that I had not mentioned... I also saw a positive review of a lady that was followed up by a question if the reviewer works for the company... I've only seen one really really nasty review on TERB... (of a lady who I rather enjoyed). The girl quit a few months later -- don't know if that was the reason though.
  25. Tonight it was fried lean ground beef, mixed with onion, cauliflower, peppers, and fresh garden zucchini and Kale... flavoured with oregano, lemon grass, soy sauce, and red wine... Yummy... but no one to share it with this evening... my 2 adult sons have gone out... and my wife is working late and get her meal included for her job...
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