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Everything posted by nntsci

  1. Its never too late... to masturbate, lol. Lately I've fallen in love with the French Actress Isabelle Adjani (ok, well lust). I shared a couple photos of her on my 'Skirts' thread. here's a link to another http://www.theplace.ru/photos/photo.php?id=384102
  2. Every time I see her name I want to sing "How do you solve a problem like Maria"... ah, but she's not a problem. Marie's the solution. She's a feisty, friendly, and energetic young gal; had me feeling like I was with some high school cheerleader; but she's all woman. Her pictures are accurate, her body is gorgeous, and her description on the web site pretty much sums it up: "Marie loves to give the best of her energy to every single moment to ensure you will have the most unforgettable time of your life". I really enjoyed my hour with her. Be warned, she loves to talk a lot, but I enjoyed our conversation.
  3. nntsci


    I was listening to this earlier today. I think I originally bought the LP back in the 1980s because of the cover art.
  4. nntsci


    I found this little 20 year old Asian beauty at the KellyGirls escort site. I've not seen her in person; Mississauga is a bit far for me to travel. As I've noted before I find skirts particularly sexy. Of the 6 photos of this girl on the site, I find these three the most attractive... they also reveal the least, but instead tease the viewer. Maybe I'm weird, I don't know, but I seem to like being teased, lol. I love this lady's sailor moon outfit. For those who didn't have children back in the 1990s, sailor moon was a silly Japanese cartoon about a female superhero with huge eyes -- apparently there is a movie coming out soon. From the images of her, I think she is very good at using her skirt to maximize her sex appeal. In the third photo, by pulling up her skirt, she gives a little flash of her upper thigh... so sexy. Too bad the advertisement and phone numbers partially blocks the view. I think I'll try to come up with an excuse for a business trip to Mississauga.
  5. I hate to be a naysayer but I have two problems with the post. First being unhappy is often not a voluntary choice. Your brain does stuff that is beyond conscious control. Things like traumatic life events, and just plain ordinary chemistry may not allow you to feel happy, at will. I also wonder if the people in the photos are really all that happy, or if they are just acting happy for the sake of the photographs. Anyway, the post has a tone of blaming the person for their moods when their moods may well be out of conscious control. I don' t like the moralistic tone that doesn't take into account individual circumstances. Second, personally I think that contentment, not happiness, is the goal. One needs to accept ones limitations. Expecting to be happy is setting the bar too high so that it is often not obtainable and creates stress that may in itself lead to unnecessary unhappiness. Many of the photos simply set the bar too high. Ones job may be boring because the truth is that most jobs are boring, but a necessary evil. Telling a person whose job is boring that it s their fault is not going to be helpful to them, and even if they change careers to find a more exciting job, odds are the next job will be just as boring (and they may have lost out on seniority etc.). Another example is the image of a hot 43 year old in the photographs. Sorry, but not everyone can be hot at 43... I wasn't hot at 18 ... and now that I'm well past that age, being hot is not likely to happen, what so ever, lol (fortunately I'm a man so I don't need to be hot, just well paid, lol). I think being realistic and accepting ones own limitations is a pretty good state of mind. Another example is the "no excuses to not make art". The fact is that most people can't draw or create anything worth looking at. I personally don't have that limitation -- I can paint with near photographic realism, but most people cannot do that. So to tell people who can't draw that they have no excuses because some armless kid can, just rubs it in their face that they can't draw. They have a perfectly legitimate excuse, art worth looking at is not easy! And no, don't tell me that abstract art as something easy, creating a half decent abstract is harder because it requires more imagination to pull it off. Did you know that since Jackson Pollock, no one has successfully made a career using a splatter technique. I took part in an art therapy class on the weekend and one of the things the instructor told the participants was NOT to draw anything representational because it may intimidate people who cannot draw well. So that's my too cents.
  6. but shhhhh, don't let a gal know... because as I've discovered, sometimes they don't like to know the truth...
  7. Actually the one real affair (not an SP) I was caught the first day. Because of that I think she believes she can tell what I'm doing. She can't. But I agree, affairs are difficult to keep hidden. The main problem with keeping an affair quiet is the other woman. They tend to get attached emotionally.
  8. My wife asked me to send a file for her using my scanner because she doesn't know how to use a scanner. I went to the directory to attach a file and up on the screen was a number of naked and semi-naked images of women... ooooppppps. Some of which were escorts I had seen. Of course, all the images were of the highest artistic standard. They were on a memory stick that I never leave in the computer... except that day. I quickly changed directories but she saw the images and asked me "What's that?" I say being as casual as I can, "I like porn". She says "Since when." I replied, "Since always." No trace of anger or upset. I think she was somewhat amused. I attached the file that I had just scanned and sent it for her... Since then she hasn't mentioned it at all. That was a couple weeks ago.
  9. "Is happiness a "moral obligation?" What a bunch of non-sense... Its terrible advice. The universe doesn't owe anyone a living, but acting happy when you are not is not going to help... it just going to lead you to blow up at some later point. Its BAD psychological advise. The video is confusing happiness and being polite. One can be polite and not take ones own pain out on others, without being happy or even pretending to be happy. It also has an obnoxious moral tone that will just ultimately stress people out. Is he seriously telling a depressed person, that they now HAVE to act Happy!. That would make them feel even worse because they are being told that they are morally obligated to pretend to be happy when they are not!!! If you are unhappy, talk to people, seek treatment if necessary, get a hobby, learn to relax, exercise, meditate, entertain oneself, take pleasure is little things (the sound of the wind through the trees). But pretending to be happy because some religious nut case wants to make you feel guilty about not being happy is a recipe for disaster. The idea that pretending to be happy is an "moral" obligation, adds on an unnecessary burden that will make people more unhappy.
  10. I personally have no problem being with gals who are of a legal age. If that's what society has determined is (on average) old enough I'm ok with that. However, I'm personally wary of being with any gal who says she is under the age of 21 to avoid the hassles that could come from a girl that misrepresents he age... and also to avoid any potential issues about the age of the woman in the pictures I look at. This issue is of particular concern when I travel because I know that any image I see on my computer may well still be recoverable from the hard drive of my computer and rather than reformatting the hard drive every time I travel, I avoid looking at really young women (e.g., 18 year olds). I'm also not keen on being with inexperienced women -- I don't get the appeal of virgins at all!!! I like a gal that knows what she doing. So for these reasons, I figure 21 is a safe margin of error. I also know that past the age of 24, gals seem to start to pretend to be younger than they are, lol, and if a gal says she is 23, there is a good chance she is over 30. I have been with 2 service providers who were listed as being in their early 20s on their web page, but confessed to being in the 30s. That was fine with me; both lady's were very hot 30 somethings. Another service providers was listed as 35, but told me about her adult children so I figured she was in her mid 40s... damn good looking nonetheless. I must say one of the few nice aspects of getting older (past 50) is that the percentage of the female population that I would willingly sleep with keeps getting larger... Of course, the percentage of the female population that would sleep would me is perhaps a different story. LOL.
  11. Jup, that's men... we want to fix stuff... listening is not our strong point... unless, of course, were laughing at the guys predicament... then we'll listen in order to get the mocking right.
  12. I've finally answered my own question... to repeat or not to repeat with the same girl? I recently saw Arrabella again. In the year since our first meeting I think she has learnt a lot in terms of technique. God she's good. My pleasure was particularly intense. Still only gives shallow kisses, but the main event was amazing. Oh, she thinks her breasts are small, but I think they are the perfect size, and feel so nice.
  13. Most often its the guy that unwilling to work on a relationship... women seem to really enjoying doing that sort of thing. My wife and I attended marital counselling and the therapist's first comment was that the very fact that you are here together is a really good sign. Apparently its often really difficult to get the man into therapy because he thinks he will just get blamed for everything. So a lot of the first session was about making sure that I didn't feel that that was the case -- that he was non-judgemental and interested in working toward improving the relationship for both partners. My wife and I now actually go out on dates regularly (to the opera), spent a week in Lost Wages, I mean Vegas, and a weekend in Niagara. Spending time together is of key importance to opening up lines of communication. Its not where you go, but the fact that you do stuff together that is important.
  14. A gal I used to know told me the key is to make her feel special... like she's the most important thing in his life... that he only has eyes for her... Once you can fake that the rest is easy.
  15. yes I two am a serial monogamist... lol. My best friend got married in 1999, he told me he had never cheated on her because she was his best friend. That was a little more than a year ago. Then last summer his wife told him she didn't love him and a little later asked for a divorce. Ok, so he moved and suffered for a while in agony over his shattered marriage. After a few month of loneliness he got himself onto a dating service. A couple months ago he met someone and started dating and is now having the best sex of his life. A couple weeks ago he was meeting with his soon to be x-wife, probably to pick up the kids, and mentioned that he's dating. Now his (soon to be) x-wife wants him back; more precisely she wants to work on their relationship (something that she was not willing to do before). So now he has to choose between the best sex of his life and his former best friend that told him she wanted a divorce? Love is such a many splendored thing, LOL.
  16. Unfortunately, if I did that, I'd get myself in a lot of trouble... cause my boner points in a lot of directions.
  17. I agree, in terms of women being as fixated on appearance, because I was almost totally ignored by women until I was in university (ok, maybe it was my creepy personality as well, but I'm pretty sure it was my rather mediocre physical appearance, LOL). But women also do look for deeper qualities like that size of mans bankaccount, LOL. My best friend also had incredible problems finding love... until his income surpassed 6 figures.
  18. Well, I pre-empted the situation the next day by casually mentioning to my wife that I saw my daughter the day before on my way home. That way, there would be no awkward surprise if daughter mentioned it to her on the weekend. Daughter never brought it up, but it was a relief to have prepared just in case. I'm getting too good at this leading a double life thing... maybe its all those years of reading spy novels by John le Carre.
  19. nntsci


    Very true, but one of the things that make the skirt sexy is it simultaneously hides and reveals in such as way as to tantalize and excite the imagination. I think a woman can look much sexier in a skirt than in her undies because the skirt leaves so much to the imagination. And its dynamic in that as she moves what is revealed is constantly changing. Furthermore she can do this without ever crossing the bounds of "public decency" (or can cross it if she chooses). These features are what make the skirt such a good flirtation device. Some more images of Isabelle Adjani from the film One deadly summer (1983).
  20. Had a close call yesterday. Yesterday I met up with an SP. We had a great hour together and I left and started my way towards the nearest subway. There was a path through a little park. Suddenly I recognized a man on the pathway... It was my daughter's boyfriend. He smiled and said "hi, what brings you to this part of the city." I had to think fast. I said I had a meeting up here and I'm headed back to the subway. He said my daughter was working late on a project and if I wanted to say hi. So we walked to her office. I knew my daughter worked in the general area but not specifically where. I had thought it might be possible I bump into her and already had an excuse... I'm meeting with someone. Anyway I didn't think she would be working that late. It turns out her office is right near the subway I was headed to. The SP and I had shared a glass of wine and I realized I must smell of wine. So I quickly popped in a stick of gum. So the three of us stood in her office for a few minutes chatting. I know that the key to lying is to have a story ready, have details available, keep it as close to the truth as possible, not contradict yourself, and not be too eager to blurt out the lie, but let it come out naturally. Anyway. I told her a bit about my meeting... based on an actual meeting I had had with someone earlier that day. I was ready with an explanation of the wine if necessary and why we would be meeting in that part of town... Namely because it was a nice summer afternoon, that we decided to have the meeting in a bar -- something that does occasionally happen. The only real weakness is that I don't know of a specific bar in the area that I could mention. Anyway, she didn't seem suspicious, finger crossed. But I'm not out of the wood yet; she's and her guy are coming home to visit this weekend. Hopefully she won't mention the event on the weekend.
  21. nntsci


    This picture has an interesting story. A friend of mine sent it to me and said it was a picture of her from a few years ago -- friends lie, lol. The photo does look a like her... but younger... I stumbled on the true identify of the image by accident. Her name is Isabelle Yasmine Adjani, she is a French film actress... the image is from One Deadly Summer filmed in 1983. Here's another image of the same woman.
  22. I visited Grace for a second time today. I was celebrating my birthday and her birthday is also coming up soon. I had a great time. She is a lot of fun to be with. I think better the second time.
  23. "cannot always be fully be explained through a concrete scientific theory. That's what makes paranormal dicussions so interesting. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you." Well, I enjoy explaining things away... its my nature. But as I've said, it would be really cool if ghost do exist... Like when I felt that hand caressing my shoulder. It felt real. I looked up and there was a towel. Was it the towel that was flirting with me... or a ghost. I don't know. AS I said, I think it was the towel, but I kept my eyes open while I was washing my hair because I wasn't fully convinced. In my opinion, Its fun to try and explain it, and of course, when you can't explain it away, its even more fun.
  24. "It is one thing to be a skeptic but if you`re going to start a thread about paranormal phenomena and then cut down other people`s experiences or compare them to events that can be explained, don`t bother." I'm sorry that you were offended. I did preference this thread by stating that I'm a skeptic and explained away my own spooky experiences. I just thought it would be fun to talk about them. Didn't mean to offend. So much for that conversation.
  25. "My parents were once sitting in the kitchen and could hear footsteps up the stairs. No one else was in the house." I've heard the sounds of walking so often, but I believe (rationally) its can be explained by wood getting distorted and by people walking over it, and then bouncing back. Wooden stairs creek a lot. Or at least that's what I tell myself. LOL. My dad told me that when he was younger, he was staying with a cousin's house and he heard the father and the 3 son walking out in the morning to do their farming... then a few minutes later the same sequence of sounds again when he was alone in the house. Obvious not from dead spirits. He said he could even make out the actual sequence of each person in the creeks, big dad, big older son, medium son, and littlest son. Another story he used to tell is he'd wake up and see a little man at the foot of his bed. As I said before he was always plagued with dreams of ghosts (e.g., a witch trying to suffocate him) that were often associated with sleep paralysis and his sleep apnea. Anyway, he told his cousin. The next night he saw someone again at the end of his bed and jumped out on the little man. Turned out it was his cousin. Nearly killed the poor boy. The previous occurrence however remain unexplained, but the big difference was that when the fake ghost (his cousin) appeared he didn't have sleep paralysis and was able to jump on the fake ghost/cousin. In spite of all these experiences I remain a skeptic, but love ghost stories. As to being psychic, I'm totally skeptical. I had a friend who believed she was psychic. I asked her to guess my middle name. After 30 tries I had to start giving her hints. Another time I told her I was going out for some meaningless distraction, and she started trying to guess what I was going to do. Her guesses were hilarious, and very wrong. The only sounds my pets make a night is some croaking from some aquatic frogs. Its a pleasant sound... add to that the escaped crickets that get out of my son's lizard terrarium. We get the lazy hazy daze of summer all winter long. Sometimes I think we may have a ghost cat, LOL that chases the crickets around at night.
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