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Ghosts and other spooky stuff
nntsci replied to nntsci's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I used to believe my parents house was haunted, but if it was, they never showed themselves and never hurt anyone. I used to hear the sounds of a party in the living room below my room at night, not loud, but it had that cluttered ambient sound that you get with a lot of people talking at the same time. I actually had this idea that my rather dull work-a-day parents had a great social life at night, but once or twice I snuck down to see what was going on... nothing. Dead silence. When I was young I remember waking up as the sun was rising and often being afraid to get out of bed I would see faces in the edge of the curtains. It must have been a weekend because no one else was up yet. Anyway in addition to the faces in the curtains, I could see the door of my room bending in. Did you ever see the original haunting? Well there is a scene just like that with the door breathing. I don't recall any sound effects though, but the bending inward to the point where I feared the door would burst in any minute. This happened several times, but would disappear as the sun rose and other people (my mother) would get up. I think the bending was an optical illusion resulting from the grain of the door. Another time I was home sick with a flu. My parents went out to get some medicine or soup for me. I can't recall how old I was, but I'm guessing maybe 11 or 12? Anyway I heard the door open, and footstep clomping up the stairs, go into my parents room and open the closet door. I called out, Mom, nobody answered. My parents came home about 1/2 hour later and I cried out and told them what I had heard. My dad thought it was a burglar and rushed around looking for things missing; nothing was missing. The house used to creak all the time. But once we got a cat, it was more tolerable. If you have a ghost, get a noisy pet that way you can blame all the weird sounds on the pet. I my current house, we only have aquariums... no mobile critters. But I don't believe any of these experiences were actual ghosts. The sounds and images were likely the workings of a tired and fertile (and sick) imagination. I also think that because I grew up with these sounds and they never harmed anyone, they don't scare me. Real or not, I don't believe these experiences can be harmful. I don't actually believe in ghosts at all... but it would be cool if they did exist. And its fun to tell stories about them. -
Blurring the SP-client relationship...
nntsci replied to Ironsman1's topic in Ottawa Discussion - Escorts
that's the thing I find remarkable about TV shows, they don't address the ethical issues at all An example a few years ago was on Fresh Prince going to college and in one particular episode all the women were talking about one of their college professors who was so good looking. Not a word about the conflict of interest or the risk to his career. -
Blurring the SP-client relationship...
nntsci replied to Ironsman1's topic in Ottawa Discussion - Escorts
Yes, blurring of boundaries does occur in all areas of life. But in some professions such a psychologist, teacher, doctor, blurring of that relationship can lead to disciplinary proceedings or even a loss of licence. Its funny how little people are aware of things like that. Just recently I was watching some show of TV where a person started dating their therapist -- I can't recall the details because I turned the channel as soon as they got to that ethical violation without even addressing it (I can't even recall if it was a TV show or movie). According to the official rules for psychologists, they'd have to wait 2 years after the end of therapy to become romantically involved. The show Anger Management also has the issue (Charlie is romantically involved with his therapist). In those specific cases the reason that it is considered an ethical violation on the part of the professional is due to the power imbalance between professional and client. Psychology is particularly problematic because of a tendency for romantic interests to form as part of the therapy (what Freud called transference) and it would be unethical for a psychotherapist to take advantage. I don't know if boundaries blurring is considered a problem in other professions (e.g., law?). The power differential doesn't apply in the case of SPs, but transference of emotions could. In the case of SP's there are no official rules. -
Ghosts and other spooky stuff
nntsci replied to nntsci's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
Great stories everyone. I work at home a lot and very often weird things happened when I'm alone. Like doors upstairs opening and closing by themselves. I eventually figured it was the door to my eldest son's bedroom that wouldn't latch properly so I replaced the door handle with a ghost proof model. I've also heard banging around downstairs in the middle of the night. I think that it was actually the icemaker in the refrigerator... or so I rationalized it. The weirdest thing however was that I heard my clock radio alarm go off in my room at around 11:30 during the day -- it shouldn't go off at 11:30, but sometimes my wife resets it and forget about it, so upstairs I went. . When I got up stairs to turn it off, it wasn't on. I looked at it. Nothing weird about it. Went back stairs and 10 minutes later it came on again... same outcome. Apparently the ghost needed to get up for noon or something like that, but hit the snooze button the first time. Another time I could have sworn that my wife alarm clock which makes a buzzing sound, came on... but when I got upstairs, her alarm wasn't even plugged in (I knew that because I had unplugged the stupid thing -- it was so unreliable). Again, when I got upstairs, no alarm. A few minutes later the ghost had a shower. BUT. This one had an easy explanation. My 16 year old son was upstairs; he had stayed home from school because he was sick. It was actually his alarm. Once I had a sleep paralysis experience. That is where you wake up and you can't move. Sleep paralysis is a normal thing that happens during REM sleep to avoid injuring oneself during dreams. But sometimes people partly wake up, are still paralysed, and see things such as witches or aliens. My dad used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming about some witch on his chest, but he slept on his back. I rarely do that. But once I woke up and was lying on my back and felt a weight on top of me pressing me down. It felt warm and was more like a woman lying on me, but there was I didn't think it could be my wife -- would never happen, lol. As I slowly woke up more, I could move my arms and embraced that weight, I could feel someone lying on top of me, but as I encircled my spook, it disappeared slowly. Again, I didn't feel any fear, but what a weird experience. -
I had noticed Grace Miller's pictures on the GOE web site a while back and wanted to book her, but the timing was never right. She wasn't available when I was booking a session. Then she left the agency for a while and I was disappointed, but she returned recently for a short time. Wow. She is a beautiful lady. She's also very intelligent, and very sensual. The experience was excellent. She is very tall (about my height). She is tall, very slender, beautifully curved and soft in the right places. Her breasts are not large, but very pretty and felt so nice. Her face is a treat and she has a beautiful smile. Overall a very lovely lady in terms of her appearance, companionship, her brain, her body, and what she does with it. She does amazing things with her tongue. Her pictures on the web site are accurate, but her hair is a little shorter now and lighter in colour.
I want to preface this thread by noting that I'm a skeptic and don't believe in ghosts what so ever... but... I was at a rental cottage a couple weeks ago and having my first shower in the cottage after a hard day of swimming, canoeing, and stuff like that. The water went cold probably due to having a small water heater tank, and I think someone turned on the tap in the kitchen. Anyway, I stepped out of the shower (brrrrrr) to adjust the water, and felt a hand on my shoulder caressing me. It felt warm and sensual. I was the only person in the bathroom, the bathroom door was locked, and I can't actually imagine my wife sneaking into the bathroom to join me in the shower anyway, so I looked around in surprise... nothing. I looked up and saw that there was a towel hanging on the shower rod and thought, oh, it must have been the towel dangling onto my shoulder and my brain interpreted it as a hand. But for a brief second it sure did not feel like a towel. Anyway, I got back in the shower, but kept my eyes wide open. As I said I'm a skeptic and didn't believe that it could be a ghost, but while I was washing my hair I kept half expecting to find a bone in my hair as happened in the Grudge -- I think I watch too many movies. And like all people in ghost movies, we stayed in the cottage... but then it was a friendly ghost giving me a bit of a massage; not a scary ghost, LOL. Speaking of which, the film, the Cabin in the woods was on the TV later that night. Anyway, when I got out of the shower, I was afraid to mention it to my wife cause I thought perhaps she would want to get right out of there... and having spent several hours driving to the cottage I didn't want to go anywhere else... but she didn't, suggesting she is not as superstitious as she used to be... of course, it helped that I already explained it away as a (rather sensual) towel. Didn't have any other experience like that for the rest of the week. I've had other ghost like experiences, all of which I can explain away as nothing special, but I thought it would be fun to start a thread about spooky things you've experienced.
what are you doing at this very minute?
nntsci replied to Exotic Touch Danielle's topic in Fun Threads
I'm on the computer wasting time... the TV is on and paranormal activity is on. The ghost just burned a pentagram on their weigi board... and they haven't moved out yet. Just how stupid do you have to be to stay in a horror film. -
Showing your face pictures
nntsci replied to Meaghan McLeod's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I do prefer to see a gals face, but respect her privacy. I prefer to see a picture where the face is hidden by her hair, a hat, her arm, or in shadows. I'm not fond of fuzzy pictures where the face is blurred. My eyes will keep trying to focus and I'll get a head ache. Here some examples of images I really like where her head is vsible, but the face is not shown. Her privacy is protected, but you get a better sense of the ladies overall appearance. This lady uses a hat to hide her face. So the viewer sees her beautiful hair, but no details of her head. http://www.torontopassions.com/spdir/opensp/id/1283453233e6ec826fbb854e06be1bc4938421fa43. This image of Grace Miller from GOE uses shadows to hide her face. This photo of Sophie, also from GOE uses her hair to hide her face. I can still she those kissable lips, but not enough of her face to recognize her from her photograph. That's my view anyway. -
Showing your face pictures
nntsci replied to Meaghan McLeod's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I totally understand the need for privacy and understand why you gals cover you face or hide it. I prefer to be able to see a gals face, but its not a deal breaker. Anyway, Its kind of fun to meet a gal for the first time and finally see what she really looks like. Its funny I showed a picture of a escort to a friend and she reacted negatively to the missing head -- something along the line of interpreting it as dehumanizing the gal or objectifying her. It was funny. I explained the missing head is entirely for privacy (and safety). -
Stupidest thing you bought
nntsci replied to Jabba's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I believe in living without regret, so I try not to regret any purchase I've made, but a used Ford Taurus that I purchased in 1995 when my wife crashed our Volkswagen was the worst purchase ever. We only kept it for about two years and it had so many problems such as leaky coolant, a loose steering column, to name two examples -- (this was in spite of having a mechanic go over it and check it for problems before we bought it). I recall driving to work and suddenly there was white smoke coming from the engine... I made a second mistake of getting it fixed instead of getting rid of it right then and there. -
well, my first attempt at a tumbler link didn't work (I tried to get a picture on Tumblr, but it would show up in the posting , but here is a link to a nice image https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=183530738489080&set=pb.173813232794164.-2207520000.1374900546.&type=3&theater
And we men really do appreciate it, lol. But sometimes it makes walking around on a hot summer's day a wee bit hard.
"I realize that bartering is considered the norm in other cultures and countries but for lack of better words, you're bargining for what is supposed to be an intimate service and this is insulting." I want to preface this by saying that I NEVER try to bargain -- on anything -- it goes against my Anglo-Saxon upbringing. Definitely have never tried that with SPs. With one exception. A couple times I've asked for something special like asking her to wear the skirt in her photos... and tipped for the added feature... That is I am prepared to pay more, but never ask to pay less. But I wanted to point out that intimacy really doesn't have anything to do with the issue of negotiation. In my experience, marital sex is pretty much always a negotiation, LOL. Rings, jewellery, retiling her bathroom (the soaker tub in the ensuite that I never use), cooking dinner, taking her to Nevada, or Paris, etc.. (I'm joking).
Thankyou for this one (all of them actually but in particular this one). Love the white dress with the black stockings. Very summer like. Additional Comments: This gal is just about perfect in every way. Yes, close to my ideal of perfect, what else could I say about her. Not sure if this is a skirt, dress or dressing gown, but she's beautiful, so what the heck. This lady is gorgeous and very smart as well; she also does amazing things this her tongue. This is sort of a dress. Love her legs.
wow, thanks to everyone, such lovely skirts and dresses
In the past year I've read threads about stockings, and tanlines, and redheads, and best buns, various other things. I've "read" through each with enthusiasm. To me the flirtiest item of a ladies clothing is a skirt. I simply love skirts. Long skirts, short skirts, back slit, side slit, I love em all. My wife has actually observed that I would fall in love in "anything in a skirt"... she's probably right, so its a good thing I don't live in Scotland, LOL. So anyway, I thought I'd start a thread on the beauty of skirts... cause I just love skirts. And I've love to see what other skirt images my fellow cerbites have to offer. I was going to start this thread a while back, but could not figure out how to past images; I still don't know how to past images that I have on my computer.. but I seem to have figured out how to past images that are already on other web sites. This Gorgeous beauty is from Toronto Passions. She is gorgeous with or without the skirt, but something about that skimpy white frill makes me long to be with this lady... I haven't actually seen her yet though. This beautiful young lady gets me for both her skirt and her hair -- I have a thing for long dark brown hair, oh, and I guess everything else about her too. I could fall for her. This final beauty if from Garden of Eden Escorts. I haven't seen her yet either. And seriously, its the skirt that I'm looking at... LOL.
As a client, I've never tried to bargain. I base my selection of an SP in part on the price and accept whatever is listed. I have provided tips, especially if I've asked the gal for a special favour (e.g., if she could wear the outfit shown in her photo). But then I never bargain about anything really. Its something I inherited from my English father who absolutely hated haggling. On the other hand, my wife is from a culture that expects haggling as part of business. (I promise not to ask her to book an SP for me, LOL). I wonder if you gals have any thoughts about if the negotiation problem is related to cultural differences? Additional Comments: Wikipedia is written by its users and anyone can open an account and correct errors. Perhaps one of your gals should go in and correct this little bit of misinformation.
Tonight I bought a boneless lamb roast ($32!!!), chopped 1/2 of it into cubes (put the rest in the freezer for another day), cut off the fat, marinated the lamb in red wine, soya sauce, Worchester sauce, and seasoned it with black pepper, a pinch of salt, paprika, and fresh garden mint, chives, and thyme. I then wrapped each cube of meat up in a grape leaf (harvested from a grape vine I'm growing around my front porch) and placed them on skewers alternating the meat with mushrooms, zucchinis, and onions. I just popped them in the oven and am baking them at 350F. The grape leaves add flavour and ensure that the meat is tender and moist. Will serve with rice and a Greek salad. Oh, I also wrapped half of the rice up in grape leaves as well (kind of like a cabbage roll but grape leaves taste better than cabbage) and am cooking it at the bottom of the bowl in which the lamb is baking. I've made this before, but with pork, not sure how it will work with lamb. My kids loved it except for my youngest. I eat the grape leaves and the meat. My kids peeled off the leaves, but did enjoy the meat, but that's ok.
What do you LOVE about where you LIVE?
nntsci replied to gabbylaurenxoxo's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I live in a mid sized town outside of Toronto. I like that fact that I'm close enough to the city to get in there when I need too, but far enough outside to be outside of the smog most of the year, and far enough that I don't have to fight traffic to go shopping locally. I like the fact that I'm within 5 minute drive of farm fields. I feel safe in the community. At the local shops and plazas the parking spaces are wide enough so that we don't hit the next car when we open the door. I also like the fact that from my house I can walk to shopping centres (about 1 km to 2km) that have 90% of what I could ever need to buy (though we usually drive, I walk when I can -- and that walk doubles as a workout). -
Oh, my she is gorgeous.
I personally have no problem with having the cheque paid by a woman if she wants to do it. I've had a couple of female bosses who would do that. But more typically when I go to dinner as a business meeting the cheque is shared and the idea of one person or other paying it rarely comes up. If it did come up I would need to be sure that accepting a free dinner wasn't a conflict of interest (regardless of the sex of the person). There are many women who work as equals in my field (medical/academic research) and they are as successful as men. etc.. I have no problem working with woman as equals; its just simply not an issue. However it is somewhat amusing to me that women in my field stereotype themselves by preferring counselling and applied research rather than more basic research, or if they do work in research they prefer qualitative data, rather than quantitative data. But I will add than many of the women I know in my field are very good at what they do. PS. my wife often pays the restaurant bill... since it goes to the same credit card, I suppose that doesn't count... LOL.
Random thoughts for the day. "Nothing." Nothing could occur randomly. (this has two opposite meaning depending of where you but the emphasis).
what are you doing at this very minute?
nntsci replied to Exotic Touch Danielle's topic in Fun Threads
LOL. I'm writing on CERB... procrastinating because I should go to the basement and work out, but theres a show on TV that I'd like to watch. Am conflicted, TV on the Friday night... or working out and losing some weight? -
One of the things that bugs me about the assumption that paid sex is dangerous is that it ignores the role of alcohol. Paid gals typically do not need to get drunk to engage in sex. The one of two times I brought a small bottle of wine to share with a lady, she drank very little. Once upon a time, I nearly had an affair with a gal a while back, but she would only overcome her inhibitions if drunk, and I'd personally rather be sober. I'd rather make potentially life changing decisions with a clear head. The thing is sex when drunk is much more dangerous because people are much less likely to take precautions. My main reason for going to professionals actually is to avoid the attachments that come with a relationship. I already have a wife, I don't need another. The problem with the columnist opinion is it ignores that men typically don't view sex as some spiritual act of love. It can be, but most often it more about fun, pleasure, and stress relief. That difference in attitude toward sex between men and women will be there regardless of whether she's paid for it or not. And I agree with the other poster that noted that all sex comes with a price. And both men and women know this. My wife will get me to do home repairs, or do various other things for her (e.g., agree to go drive her mother to her brothers cottage for the weekend), with a promise of sex. Basically sex at home is paid for one way or another.
Did you ever get caught?
nntsci replied to Beneath69's topic in General Discussion Area - all of Canada
I've never nearly got caught in the act of doing it. The two closest I've come is (1) Once when I was a newby, I had written down the location and access code as well as the agency name and phone on a piece of paper and left it folded up in my pocket and found it a week later after it had been through the wash -- unreadable. That was a close call, Yikes! I now write down as little as possible so that all she would see if the access code or whatever... never the location or agency or phone number. (2) I was on the cerb web site one evening writing a message and my wife came into my office area in the house. I quick switched tabs. She asked me about something. While she was standing beside me, I could see that on the bottom of the screen was a tab which read clearly "CERB escort". I had to search for something on the web for her and all the time I was thinking -- I really hope she doesn't glance down to the bottom of the screen. I recall noticing she didn't have her glasses on and I was trying to remember if she needs reading glasses or not (she does, but not as badly as I do). Anyway, I solved that problems by upgrading to Windows 7 which doesn't show the various web pages as separate tabs on the bottom of the screen (but does have them on the top if you have multiple tabs). A similar thing happened another time (now In Windows 7) when she asked me to check our bank balance and I went to open a new tab and it opens a scene that shows your frequent sites you visit and I briefly saw that one of the frequent tabs was "Garden of Eden Escorts" oops. Time to delete my history. Anyway, I'm glad I'm very fast at doing things on the computer, so it was only on the screen for a few microseconds and as far as I know she didn't notice. Sometimes I have thought that I may sub-consciously want to get caught. I have taken a few risks, but most often I'm pretty careful. I actually suspect my wife knows I see other gals (not sure if she thinks I pay for it). There are a few reasons. First she knows I had an affair 26 years ago. We reconciled, but surprisingly she never mentions it. Even when we have an argument over sometime she never brings up the past and never mentioned that incident. I think that is actually because she's a social worker and understands that bringing up past wrongs just escalates a argument into a more serious battle. I've recently come to appreciate how lucky I am that she doesn't dig up the past. Anyway my point is she knows I'm capable of cheating on her. Second, she sometimes teases me about my careless spending and keeps her own income in her own account (guarded jealously). That's fine with me as long as she pays her credit card bills with her income. So she makes sure I don't have a lot of spare cash to have fun with. Third, another thing is that we use condom at home for our rare sexual encounters in spite of being 50. The use of condoms is because we found out when we were much younger that we were excessively fertile and had 3 accidental kids in spite of other forms of birth control. But I suspect that fertility has passed. Fourth, I sort of told her. I have joked about wanting to go to a professional. She took it as a joke, but may have realized I wasn't actually joking. Anyway she doesn't complain or act suspiciously. If I found that my wife was having an affair, I Think, I'd probably think. "Good for her"... maybe she'll learn something new!!!