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Malika Fantasy

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Malika Fantasy

  1. sweet mother Jesus of all tattoos
  2. My birthday gift? My good friend in Washington DC paid a flight back and forth so I can go visit her in two weeks! then Paris in 3 weeks then London in 4 weeks! :D
  3. love it! the beginning was amazing, not so sure about the 80's part thought. I hope to see the Spice Girls!
  4. Is there a place that we can watch it online? at least the ceremony? I don't own a TV anymore :/ but I really want to see them!
  5. at this moment it's currently 9:23pm in Toronto. I am at the same time 23 and 24 years old at the same time. I defeat TIME!
  6. Or also she could live with someone, an SO, a roomate who work normal hours during the days and booking someone for only 30 minutes make it less likely to get caught if they are unaware that she is an SP
  7. This is obviously not my case.. .but I would guess for someone that is somewhat new in the industry and still unsure about being an SP...she would offer 30 minutes only to first time clients to see if she get along with them before offering longer time. Like some required a coffee date before intimate time...but if she only offer 30 minutes, then yes I would scratch my head and wonder why.
  8. White spaghetti with some a lot of cheese on it. Nothing make me happier than this.
  9. Nathalie Lefebvre! In my eyes, anal would be more consider a fetish, it isn't bdsm
  10. having a review on the other board. that is actually good. I was dreading about it, but yay I must be doing something good:D
  11. :D again:) Also just realize that 250 000 copies of her work are going to be print...:) also-random for those that want to know my awesome friend...we do cam together:D --this is totally not an advertisement-- nope. Just two girls awesomeness.
  12. She won! Woot woot! Thank you SO much everyone, I know you made a difference:D
  13. Tumblr If you like something, there is a blog on it.
  14. THANKS so much everyone! It finish today at 3:00pm Eastern time. Pretty sure she is winning<3
  15. I swear.a lot. but to my defence I am in French. I know some people call me on this, but it's a part of me, I couldn't live without swearing (especially in French...so I guess it is kinda hot ;)) I fucking love swearing like a motherfucking sailor:D and I assume it! but good luck on finding alternative:)
  16. Okay, really nothing kinky or sexual or even remotely hard, it will only take 15 seconds of your time. My really good friend is finalist for a contest and the votes finish tomorrow at noon, the only thing you have to do is vote for her (Natalie from Toronto) today and tomorrow to help her. It mean a lot for her, it will actually really improve her career as an illustrator to have such exposure, you don't need to sign up for anything, they don't send you newsletters. Just a click http://www.fluevog.com/code/fc_finalists.php thanks<3
  17. To give you an idea...not done yet, but close!
  18. My full back tattoo is a phoenix, a pink and purple one, but still one. If I could, I would make out with my own back...It has SO much meaning for me
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