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Everything posted by CristyCurves

  1. Some may not care, some may not believe others may be on the fence. Some may say it's being anthropomorphic, but is it? Maybe we need to be anthropomorphic to understand the commonalities between species. We do know that animals have and show emotions, we've all seen our own animals/pets react and display emotions and scientific research in evolutionary biology, cognitive ethology and social neuroscience supports this. We also know that elephants have a huge hippocampus, the part of the brain that processes emotions, there are also studies that prove chimps, rats and other animals can laugh like humans, but can they shed tears from sorrow, can they cry? Certainly they can shed tears, but are they from emotions? There are theories, studies and opinions which depict findings to such and that also deny such abilities. But what if it is the case? Would it change your opinion on how you treat them? Would you stop eating them, would you spend more time with them, would you feel more for them? If you saw an animal cry like a human before it was slaughtered, before it was put back in it's cage at the zoo, or put into an aquarium from the wild, would it cause you to react differently than you do now? Would it cause you to care more? https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/stuck/201002/can-animals-cry
  2. I hope tom Mulcair because the environment is important to me.
  3. Furbabies highlight any moment/day:) just love a dog, any dog:)
  4. I eat chocolate cake for breakfast.....it seems to be working;)
  5. Awww, thank you for sharing that sweet video, bull terriers are one of my favorite breeds. I have two min pins, both senior ladies, one with disc issues, a past disc surgery and the other with eye issues, glaucoma and hemorrhaging in the other eye, to which we are trying to find the cause. If I may say for anyone with dogs with eye issues in the Maritimes Dr's Cullen and Webb in Moncton are fabulous, some of the best vets I've encountered.
  6. Easter eggs that is:) A quote I heard today- happy people aren't the ones with the best of everything, they are the ones who make the best of everything. So why not be happy and make the best of your free time and spend some with me. I provide a very relaxed, unrushed hour, in which you'll be pampered like a true vip and hosted in style. Drop by and experience Cristy...you'll be glad you did. 300 hourly this week only 150 1/2 hour. I will only be responding to phone calls-902-453-6323-thank you- Please- when calling don't ask what's included-thank you. -when calling please let me know that you are a Lyla member-thank you-looking forward to hearing from you.
  7. I thought you were very brave and thoughtful to be so open, but okay if you think it best, I'll carry on:)
  8. A clients owes a companion nothing other than what is promised in a meeting. If you're very regular with a lady and you just stop it isn't required to give a reason but it would be polite. We would wonder after all. It would be solace to know that the client wasn't sick, injured or that there wasn't something we possibly did to cause his change. No long explanations necessarily just a pm to say he's moving on and best wishes. Politeness and respect and thoughtfulness go along way even in temporary relationships.
  9. This site will give you lots of helpful info concerning this business, proper protocols, laws, others experiences, etc. But keep in mind, any comments about anyone are just another's opinion and or experience and those should be taken with a grain of salt. People say things for a myriad of reasons and not always for the right reasons. Do your own research when wanting to meet anyone, make sure their pics are real, that they are of legal age, that they are to your taste, but most of all, communicate with your intended companion, that will tell more than anyone's opinion. In the end, only you can determine who will be your best match, not someone else. Most here are helpful and will answer any questions you may have. It's about having fun, staying safe and meeting new people. I hope you enjoy and find it to be all you want and need.
  10. Thank you for taking the time to respond, much appreciated, I'll try what you suggest:)
  11. urrrr, I'm using google chrome today and as before it won't allow me to use font size/color etc. When I click on those prompts this shows up (sorry I copied and pasted what appeared but when I post it disappears) not the font I want to use. It works properly when I use IE. Another issue I'm having is when I log into my eastlink email account and click on my user name and password it brings up cristycurves . I can't seem to figure out how to erase that as I log into that acc with my real name-for those who didn't know;) it's not cristycurves. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you
  12. As the ladies replied suggest research, look at pics and their descriptions. A few extra pounds, from my experience can be someone 5ft 8 at 140 lbs to someone 5ft 120 to someone 5ft6 180 and so on. I've been called big by some small by others and everything in between, lol. Size perception in this business is not the same from one to the other.
  13. Exactly! I'll also add in situations like the op is facing even getting advice may confuse his emotions, needs or cause him to questions himself more. Human interactions are complicated even when we destruct them down to $$'s and cents.
  14. Isn't there an expression "never ask a lady her age":) Let me quote a "guy" that, when I was running services, said. He called looking for a girl/female/woman, I described who was available, they were all between 20 -29, slim and very attractive. I told him I have girls between 20 & 29.....29 he said, "she needs to be put out to pasture"! I'd get those types of replies multiple times a day. So yes I'd agree with Fortunateone, services did fudge a bit on details, what choice was there! If I described a 23yr old, 5ft5 girl at 120lb, they'd feel that was too big and too old. Yet the girl in front of you, that 23yr old, would be tiny, pretty, very young looking, sweet and available and deserved of an appt. She was never sent away. Many guys have certain illogical images concerning ages, sizes and over all appearances. I've worked with 20's that looked 30's 40 that looked 20's and late 20's that looked 20 and so on. So to me numbers should be irrelevant, as you just can't generalize. Older, younger, youthful, mature, mid age, senior, and so on should suffice. Because if you are to be honest, perceptions change with each decade. 20 is thought to look a particular way, as is 30, 40, 50 and so on and each decade eludes to something as well which isn't always reliable or positive. Now with the internet and pictures it's my feeling that many of us reveal far more than necessary when advertising, but that's just my opinion. It's become so that men seem to think they need to know everything about a companion, right down to the number of moles or freckles on each square inch of her body, every action or thought she makes. We are after all, not proposing marriage, we are spending time with one another. I feel if a man can't decide on whether or not if he wants to see a woman/girl/female from her posts/pictures or website then perhaps she or this hobby isn't for him. Yes, some pictures can mislead but in general most are as they appear so you would think that should suffice. If we are going to be honest, age, in this business does seem to matter, if you are going to listen, believe and read some comments, posts and reco's and reviews. Older isn't as respected overall as some have posted in this thread, generally speaking and younger can for some, be suspect. As far as what others do or say about their own age is their business not mine, it would be catty to remark on. I will say, that if all the men who said they liked mature actually meant chronologically mature, more mature women would post their age. But to most guys, and this is just from my experience, mature means over 25. So to end, I also tell my real age. I tell my age as being mature:)
  15. Thank you Mr.Nice for being so thoughtful. So big hugs for you:)
  16. Kudo's to you, single dads aren't often acknowledged and should be congratulated for all they do. As should the single mom's, it certainly can't be easy doing it alone. But I think your son will be fine as you've given him the most important lesson/gift for becoming a well rounded human and that is love, unconditional love. I believe when someone is raised knowing they are truly loved then nothing can conquer them. It is what feeds the soul.
  17. Depends on how you look at it I suppose. I see him/her as I said, not letting anything keep him/her down. It's a puppy with an obvious leg injury, probably broken leg. But as you see it's been looked after and the pup is having fun. Not letting it stop him/her from having fun. If you want to see sad, go to the pound and see the ones that aren't helped :( that is heartbreaking. another saying relevant to that pic-Things are what you make them or you are not finished when you are defeated, you are finished when you quit.
  18. What a fucking goof.- Couldn't have said it better myself;) I'm hoping that Harper doesn't get re-elected but as it's been said not much choice. I suppose I'll go for whoever is the most environmentally pro and respectful towards animal rights. So perhaps I won't be voting:(
  19. To each their own, some want 15 min appts, 40 min appts, soon it'll be 5 min appts, lol!. I just don't get why some get worried about 15 mins, whether that is over or under. Sometimes my clients are a little under their time , some a little over, it all balances out in the end. What I want is for the gent to be happy when he leaves. Lets face it no one is done at the same time, every session. But if you provide that option then hopefully you'll find it to be beneficial.
  20. I don't think politicians are any different from one to the other. They all have agendas, twist and turn them as their power strengthens and terms lengthen. They all have their own motivations to win, none of which is the betterment of the general public. So the option is to choose the lesser of the evils. To think that times were better is imo being kind to past follies but we all see things differently. People have to conform and change as times and governments change. What else can anyone do? With bill c36 we acclimate, carry on, survive and thrive. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and more clever;) As far as the anti terrorism legislation, it's about power and control not our safety. I believe we are all being mislead about the truths of who the real terrorists are. But these are things I can't change nor completely understand so I focus on what I can and do.
  21. Hello from Halifax:) Welcome to Lyla and to Ottawa, not sure if you meant you are new to this site and O town, so I'll welcome you to both, and may you enjoy .
  22. As one person commented "why isn 't he considered a prostitute"? He is after all, getting paid to have sex! Funny how authorities will switch things up when it's in their favor and isn't it sad how they waste tax payers dollars. When will people grow up and realize consenting adults have rights and one right should be paying for sex, if they so choose.
  23. I do believe there are those addicted to sex. I can't comment on if many, any or lots are involved in the adult industry as I don't have any stats . For anyone to be helped, no matter their addiction, they have to want and seek the help themselves. Any addiction can lead to risky, sometimes shocking or dangerous behavior as the addicted will often act beyond their norm to get their fix of whatever it is they are addicted to. But only trained professionals can and should be the ones to offer help, support or advice. It's no one else's responsibility.
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