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Everything posted by CristyCurves

  1. Mod suggested posting here as I've reached out to him for help on this. When I post my advertising ad in the Halifax section it then NEVER appears under the new post section of the main forum, why? Mod feels that because its my ad it just can't be seen by me, but I suggested any other new thread I start will be seen by me when I click the "new post" at the top of the page. Anyone want to help or make suggestions?
  2. Chocolate covered almonds-sweet on the outside but a little nutty on the inside-he, he, he he-but ohh so good for you!
  3. For those who love green eyed men:)
  4. I love it when I see a man walking with a fluffy little fur baby it always makes me smile, I'd rather see that than a man with a lab, that's so typical:)
  5. lol' date=' something about peanut butter in the morning, I too have been eating a lot of pb toast, now its pb sandwiches banana:)[/color']
  6. Not well, insisted that nothing was wrong, in denial and felt I was at fault?? The other person just seemed confused, it was awkward for both of us. If it happens again I think I'll be more prepared as to how to handle it and feel more secure doing so.
  7. I hope you don't mind me responding to this thread even though I'm not a widow. I would like to say not matter your relationship in life many men choose to see sp's as it offers them companionship without the complications and responsibilities of a long term relationships. A lot of men like being single but still want and desire intimate female company so they call us:) Even when coupling some gentlemen still seek us out for many reasons and to them they are entitled, but don't be fooled we can also nag, I might nag you to eat my pussy more:)
  8. Congrats to another revered cerbie, keep them cumming:)oops, coming
  9. I love Michael Jacksons Man in the mirror. I think the song has a strong message, my perception of it is, that everything can be changed and it all starts with one person, you, the man in the mirror:)-make a change:)
  10. Good point, but more should realize without those before us many wouldn't have the ability to prove their potential, after all a road has to be created and cleared first before it can be walked on:)
  11. It is a popular thought that men who do seek the services of escorts do so out of desperation and the lack of ability to "get the girl". I have heard this from men. As someone who supplies services to men I can attest that most men that seek my services anyway certainly don't fall into that category, they are exactly the opposite).Many would be considered good looking, educated, intelligent, sexually skilled and very likable. Exactly the opposite of the arses that said escort service seekers were the desperadoes:)
  12. Why are we so ignorant about and to, who should be our most treasured populace, the "older generation". In other countries they are revered, respected and treated so much better. They can and do teach us so much, they are our history keepers and without knowledge of our past how could we improve our futures? I have had some of the best conversations with seniors.I love their company and enjoy their openness, life lessons and bravery. I mean it really does take strong person to age gracefully, its not for the weak of mind:) It especially saddens me when I see an elder person out by themselves struggling along in a walker or a wheelchair and see that they have become invisible to most. I wonder if they have families, are they living comfortably, what have they been through, what have they accomplished and are they alone? If you have an elderly neighbour, relative, or see someone that you think my be alone why not offer your company and assistance, you will make a stranger a new friend and give someone purpose:) and the feeling that they aren't forgotten.
  13. I'm not sure if this says something about ones personality but when I open something, anything, I have to consume all of it, so beware when I open your pants, lol, no seriously though, weather it be chips, cookies, or a package of licorice I won't stop until its gone. Maybe this is compulsiveness, gluttony, or maybe I am over thinking a very common behavior. What are your thoughts?
  14. What are some activities that you enjoy when the weather isn't fit to be out in:) I like to go shopping, watch some good movies, go to a cozy restaurant and spend the afternoon sampling the menu:) or invite a couple of friends over and play some kind of game-scrabble, is my favorite
  15. I would be flattered if someone, especially someone I had only met once, took a few moments to give me advice. As long as I had the sense it was well meaning and being done to help me and not to criticize my abilities. Anyone that offers help to someone without personal gain is doing a kind and good thing and that act should be appreciated:)
  16. May your day be extra special, Happy Birthday and many, many more:)
  17. Tall or short thick or thin all hair colors and shades of skin manners galore, intelligence too eyes of green, grey or blue.....
  18. I've had to back out of a couple of appointments lately because of men with a particular odor on their penis:( Not sure if it was indicative of a yeast infection odor or something more serious, so better safe than sorry. What I will say is, it made for a very uncomfortable situation. I probably didn't handle it right, as I'm not the most diplomatic person, as some may know I say what is on my mind without filtering most times:(so what would you say or how would you handle that situation if it happened to you and can't men smell or tell when their penis is odorous?
  19. Thank you for sharing that, very exciting and provocative and a great reco for your dome:)Experimenting in different arenas of our sexuality is always exciting, even more so when we push our boundaries:).
  20. I simply liked the name Cristy but also wanted my name to be somewhat descriptive, so I added curves to it:)However I do tire of things quickly and my name is one of those things. I have been thinking of changing it, just not sure to what:
  21. Hmmm well so you do do something else with your hands...:) lol, congrats to one of cerbs most beloved and cherished members, especially to me:)
  22. It appears to me that some are somewhat offended at the thought that there are some that enjoy and prefer a larger penis. I think Brads analogy comparing men liking larger breasts to smaller or vice versa a good one. We all have preferences and just because someone prefers one thing over another doesn't make it better or worse just their choice. I have always had better sex when intercourse is concerned with thicker penises, they feel better to me and I shouldn't be made to feel bad for admitting to that. Many men admit to a preference to natural breasts over augmented, I don't get offended, to each their own, why so many feel the need to always "protect" a mans package I'll never know:) but many do. I am also perplexed at why men don't believe it when a women compliments their manliness. I can only speak for myself, I never feel the need to falsely compliment anyone for anything and I certainly wouldn't waste my breath telling a man he was large if he wasn't, what would be the point? Men know their size. If I didn't feel I could compliment him on that I 'm sure there would be other attributes he'd have that would be worthy of mentioning. After all, everybody has something about them that could warrant a compliment:)
  23. So I'm always buying lingerie and have always bought my usual bra size 36d, used to be a 36c. So today I went for a professional bra fitting and surprise surprise I am a 32ff. I was astounded by the difference in the size and the feel of a properly fitted bra. My boobies are thanking me.I feel taller and think my posture is even better. I would recommend all women treat themselves to a proper fitting. You too will probably be surprised at the difference in your size and feel:)
  24. I am sure I can speak for many RG you won us over just by your personality, so my point is -you are already candy for many including myself, you are yummy:)
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