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Everything posted by CristyCurves

  1. Wishing you a very happy, fun day. Happy Birthday.:biggrin:
  2. So now everything becomes more expensive lol, no more.99, 1.99, 9.99, ect. I wonder how this will affect the advertising campaigns of many company's. As the point 99 was always a way to get the consumer to think they were getting something cheaper, a better bargain.
  3. It looks like I'll be going shopping. A girl can never have enough toys and having a variety of ways to stimulate a sexy cerb man is always lots of fun. Anyway to add that extra sizzle is a great idea. Thanks for the info and the thread.
  4. Happy Birthday...and many many more-enjoy your special day:icon_biggrin:
  5. Congradulations, i'm sure Bridgewater will welcome you with open arms.
  6. It's okay guys wether someone blows into our vj j's or not we all know now. I appreciate the post and the replies. As to why I originated this thread -well after a rather rambunctious session-mostly doggy style-sex- I ended up pussy farting alot, I was embarrassed as this is not a regular occurrence for me-the pfarting that is. Anyway the pussy farting seemed to displease my client, I tried explaining to him that when you take your penis in and out alot, especially in some positions it forces air into the vjj,hence the pfarts and that they weren't like regular ones he didn't seem to get it nor did it appease him-oh well. I guess he'll move on to a more sillent provider, lol.
  7. Before taking this case why wouldn't you have known this was a possible scenario? After all if a man is stepping out it could be with anyone from anywhere. I'm just surprised you wouldn't have thought of that, anyway, not lecturing just wondering. But now that it has occured I would turn in the information you have omitting the hobbyist activity. If that is possible. As you said you still get paid and she will have most of what she is looking for. If the hobbyist activity is all the proof you have I would drop the case and tell her there was nothing to be found. I always find it funny when women especially want these types of investigations as we are very intuitive creatures. When we suspect something it is for a reason. Imo just having the suspicion is the answer that there is infidelity.But I suppose some need visual proof. Tough situation but in the end it is only you that can decide what to do as it is you that has to live with your decision. Hopefully the sister in law won't decide to join cerb at any point, lol. Just trying to lighten the mood:icon_biggrin:-good luck.
  8. Another great thread Jessie-Thank you so much for the effort and time it took to post this. As I said before we can never know to much and all info is helpful. Keep them( oh now thats a pun!) coming-great reads.
  9. I agree women were so feminine back then. Very sexy and glamorous looking at least in the movies. No one has yet to surpass Elvis- in my opinion that is. He will always be king.
  10. Yes leave it to me to bring this subject up, lol. But lets face it we all have had, I'm sure, moments when our bodies unexpectedly act and respond in ways we don't expect. Certain sexual positions, foods, conditions can cause noises at inappropriate times. Do bodily noises cause you embarrassment or do you appologize and just carry on?
  11. I have always been a fan of the 30's and 40's. For some reason I love the style of their clothes, hair, makeup, interior design, cars and the way people talked back then. Do you have a favorite era and why?
  12. Welcome back Allyson. I think you would be fine at that hotel, the front desk staff are very nice and it is a popular place, at least in the summer for lunch -dinner. So alot of non-guests coming and going. Since it's renovations all rooms are only accessable through the front door although you can exit through side doors. Really any hotel is good so long as you don't draw unneeded attention to yourself by being overly noisy or by having to much traffic in and out. Good luck with your search.:biggrin:
  13. If I may add, I also believe the only form of communication that is private and protected is over the phone. I am fairly certain I am right on this but feel free to chime in if there is more about this I should know-thanks:icon_biggrin:
  14. :bigclap:Another milestone for a wonderful cerb gentleman-congradulations. I always appreciate your input, dedication and care you give this site.
  15. Some new fluffy towels for my gentlemen friends
  16. So sorry to hear you are still having to battle that bastard-cancer. You are so wonderful at keeping others spirits up with your sly wit I hope all the well wishes help keep you strong-beat that prick- my thoughts are with you.
  17. Slainte- To all the scottish and everyone who celebrates this great poet-after all he loved women and whiskey!
  18. I guess we've been spoiled by past mild winters as everyone is talking about the cold winter weather of late. When it's this cold I always worry about the defenseless-yes dogs/animals and kids. Some idiot in Saint John left her baby out in the cold, luckily the baby was okay and she was arrested and charged. Many leave their pets out in this cold without thinking and without consequence. So my plea is if anyone sees or hears anyone doing this report them and aid the needed pet or child. Nothing can survive long periods unprotected in this cold. Thank you:icon_biggrin:
  19. Your last line is your answer and the gentlemanly thing to do. You are right some of us appreciate recommendations and some prefer not to have them. Just as some gentlemen like to write them and many don't. I would think anyone would appreciate discretion and being asked before you do reco. There really is no need to be explicit if you want to recommend, unless your sp requested you to do so. Again if you feel the desire to let everyone know your encounter details discuss it with the sp and she will tell you what she is comfortable with you divulging.
  20. Hi Mya, welcome- on another site I posted a thread about hotels I found friendly to go in and out of- but I haven't worked out of so I can list them-hope this helps mariiotts-the water front and the couryard especially days inn -bayers lake atlantica radisson cambride suites I'm sorry I can't give any info concerning their deposit requirements either- good luck and enjoy your stay
  21. I have a few, but some of my favorites are the sounds of waves crashing ashore hearing one of my little dogs snore my mothers voice-it's so soft, feminine-just comforting
  22. I think wanting to communicate is a great first second or third step...the first two(reco's and pics) are also great. I would recommend any gentlemen touch base, wether it be a phone call or an email, we all have our preferred methods of contact-I prefer a phone call. As pictures and recommendations can only give you a sense of ones appearence and someone elses opinion on your prospective sp. But as someone said don't overdue it. An initial phone call or email to get a sense of the sp's personality and ask her some pertinent questions is imo the only way you will know if you'll feel comfortable and if there will be any chemistry. Don't ever feel shy, all of us want to make any and all gentlemen feel wanted and welcome. A mistake is after making your choice and booking an appointment, contacting the sp over and over, this makes us uncomfortable, in most cases is unnecessary, and can cause reason for an sp to cancel Now go and play, have some fun, get to know some of us we would all love to meet you.:biggrin:
  23. I think you are better off to stick to CERB, gents and ladies as well. Anyone can post there, especially those up to no good. I also feel it is best to keep ones location discreet, to oneself, until you know the client you are giving it to. This is just my opinion but a feature allowing everyone to know your where abouts, even vaguely, especially until the law is firm on wether or not incalls are legal, is just not the safest move. Even then allowing anyone & everyone to know your location just draws unneeded attention to you and your business, again-jmo.:icon_biggrin:
  24. Wishing you a safe trip and sending you my thoughts and prayers for you and your dad.
  25. When i used to travel and make alot of calls-years ago- my cell provider at the time would switch my plan around so all my incoming calls and outgoing calls would be cheaper for the time I was away. I'm sure they still do this as someone else suggested talk to your provider, lots of options out there-have a safe journey.
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