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Everything posted by crankF

  1. Manual Double Dong or a cucumber?
  2. It's "planned obsolesence", similarly used with cars, computers etc..
  3. Merle in Walking Dead; he sort of atoned at the end but was still a badass villain. Anyone who can rock out to Motorhead and drink Jack while his 79 Chevy Caprice is being swarmed by biters is THE MAN!
  4. Why won't O. DOG shake hands with my good friend "the clown"?
  5. Ferrero Rocher, never had Laura Secord Head cheese or Limburger cheese?
  6. Nicolette Jack Bruce or John Entwistle?
  7. Do you remember "Pure Pack mais oui"?
  8. Prostate massage by a lady doctor cats or pussies
  9. Slo comfortable screw tequila sunrise or Singapore sling
  10. Holy cow; I knew Old Dong was a hoot, but I didn't know he was so deep!
  11. This was really Monday, but I'm still happy; Paid a visit, first time in several months to my longtime, old reliable massage artist and she said she was glad I made an ap. because she always loves making my "grower" stand at full attention.
  12. I do believe i'll invest in an attack gnome, while still relying on my .357 magnum revolver for protection.
  13. I said all that I ever intend to say regarding religion and the hobby on the religion thread. I will say however, that The Sessions is an excellent flick featuring the great wm. Macy and Helen Hunt's most excellent naked middle aged bod.
  14. Hop scotch 50 Ale or Molson Golden
  15. My nephew's wife was having a smoke in their backyard one night and her little boy saw two white things which turned out to be a dude's eyeballs. She screamed and my nephew ran out to find out wtf up. He said he was being chased by people with a bat; they called cops and it turns out he had just stabbed somebody up the block and was trying to hide in their garage!
  16. Triangle (piece of hair pie) Speaking of pie, raisin or coconut cream?
  17. Same Oatmeal raisin or Chocolate chip?
  18. Received an unexpected friend request from a lady I think is very cool, and gladly accepted it.
  19. Anne Murray- mom's fave Uriah Heep or Blue Oyster Cult?
  20. No frikken brainer dude: MASSIVE CRAP! Patty Smythe or Pat Benatar?
  21. Speaking of Biebs, I saw a recent pic today performing in his new total poser mode with abs, tats, moussed hair, zebra stripe pants, ,etc.. It gave me a nightmarish notion: Imagine the offspring if Justin B. mated with Ke$ha?
  22. crankF

    TPhoto 00001

    You have several different looks, and they're all lovely!
  23. Bombs are something that really sucks. Prayers please for Boston, Mass..
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