There are many professional activities where the provider offer a nice and kind relationship, a caring one, an understanding one, and in the case of a SP an intimate one, but... for a nurse, a psychologist, a therapist, a doctor, it's not because they are really nice with me that I should expect that they will become my "friend" or the "love of my life". Yes, their services are friendshiplike relations, but the line is clear. They even have a code of ethics that forbids personal relationships with their patients.
To fall in love with a SP or to become fond of her is part of the nature of this business. After all, we want to meet beautiful women, that are nice with us, accept us as we are, and so on, and that, can make my feelings aroused. And, in a way, that is what we all want... without having the bonds of a "commited" relationship.
There are many kinds of relationship, some are "instrumental" like the relation we have at the gas pump or with the mailman; some are more "functional" like the business relationships or with most of our co-workers; other are "significative" relationships, and those are rare and are part of the overall world of personal relationships.
Every kind of relationships have their own value and importance in our lives. I would say that the SP/hobbiest relationship is a "functional" one. A very nice one. For me, to understand my expectations with a SP like that make things very simple.