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Everything posted by loopie

  1. I think the best romantic relationships are built on friendship, but that doesn't make friendship less valuable.
  2. Yeah, I rented this a few months ago too. I'm typically not a big follower of the American political scene, but I still found it very interesting to see a summary of this man's career and the mechanics of this scandal. Lots of funny characters like that crazy political goon with the tattoo of Nixon's face across his back. This one was hilarious. The part with the popcorn will stay with me until I die.
  3. That whole clitoris thing sounds like fun. Maybe in my next life I'll give that whole "being a woman" thing a go. That is, if "being Dolph Lundgren" is already taken. Obviously.
  4. The movie I enjoyed the most was Hobo With a Shotgun. I don't go around recommending it to everybody I meet, but if you're the type that really likes 80s vigilante sleaze like Death Wish 3 or Savage Streets, it's a fun time at the movies. Other stuff I liked: Drive Rise of the Planet of the Apes The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Hanna Fast Five
  5. My celeb crushes: Kate Winslet Marion Cotillard Dita Von Teese Beyoncé (she looks the best with the huge afro) Emily Blunt Rachel Weisz Noomi Rapace Shakira Ellen Page
  6. positive attitude and general cheerfulness are the big winners with me.
  7. Spain is really nice. I briefly lived in Alicante (a few months) and found the weather was always nice and the beach never too crowded. I didn't stay in a hotel, I rented a flat, but it was very cheap as was the food. I had a really nice vacation in Israel a few years ago. It was not cheap, but the weather was really nice and the beach in Tel Aviv was never crowded and there was lots of neat stuff to do and learn if you are into history.
  8. I just finished reading this epic graphic novel called Ayako, I really liked it. It takes places in Japan after WW2. It's part espionage thriller, part history lesson, and part family drama. I found it really engaging. Good read.
  9. You could always rent the David Cronenberg film Crash (not the multi-strained one about racism, this is another film). The characters in that film sexualize accidents and have nude accidents as well.
  10. For some reason when I hear the words "sci-fi brothel", I get this image of a brothel where the women are all androids. Then I get scared because I imagine the whole experience going all Westworld on my ass.
  11. I think I'm missing the point here (if there was one). I guess I jumped to the conclusion that anybody who wants sex to be declared a basic right wants to get government involved in sex. After all, who would be making this declaration other than some governing body, whether nation or international. I figured the declaration of sex as a basic human right was as a stepping stone to other legal reform or government funding. So to clear things up, my question is: what do you hope the declaration of sex as a basic human right would change?
  12. Even in provinces such as Ontario where we receive a seperate water bill based on consumption, the government directly controls the price of water. The government also regulates rent and food prices. The government sets minimum wage and provides welfare based on the prices of rent, food, water etc. So basically the government makes sure that the necessities are affordable and that you have the money to afford them, which is close enough in my book to providing these necessities itself. If the government actually did all this stuff itself, it would be incredibly costly and probably very inefficient. Regulation of prices and wages along with welfare are a better approach in my opinion.
  13. As far rights to sex go, I'm with Kubrickfan in that I believe in protecting the right of adults to persue the consentual sexual relationship of their choice. I do not believe that we as a society have a moral obligation to provide sex to the sexless. Although anybody who wants to earn the title of "The Mother Teresa of Pityfucks" has my admiration. Even though I'm a pretty big socialist who believes in lots of government regulation, sex is one area where I think all the government has to do is protect our freedoms to do as we please. I really don't need my taxes going towards some Ministry Of Shagging to tell me what the official Canadian way to screw is or the correct frequency. And such research would be required if sex were to gain recognition as a form of therapy covered by our health plan.
  14. I am definitely not one to tell people what topics they should or should not discuss on this or any other message board. In fact, I do think a discussion of sexual addiction is a relevant and interesting topic for this board and I am interested in learning more about it. Like I said, I don't know enough about this specific addiction to make strong statements. I can only take what I know about other addictions and try to apply some of that to this. Other types of addicts are warned to avoid environments that tempt them to indulge their vice. And success in beating other types of addiction usually means not indulging their vice at all. I don't know if beating sex addiction means never having sex ever again or if it just means reducing that amount of sex one has or the amount of time one spends thinking about sex and pursuing sex. I really haven't been able to get any consistent or definitive answers. I think we all hope Kindman can find help for his problem, I just think the best way is to do what roamingguy said and go directly to the source of the help by contacting professional therapists/psychologists and not to hang around in environments that tempt him.
  15. I don't mean to be rude, but posting a thread asking for support in quitting sex on an escort message board seems a bit like having an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in a bar. I have tried to understand this addiction because it gets a lot of press lately. And I will admit that I do not feel I understand it. Nobody has really provided me with a consistent or meaningful definition. So I can't really say I even understand what the problem is and what sex addicts feel they would need to do in order to cure themselves or treat themselves. But if you feel sex is ruining your life, I really don't think this is the place to get away from those temptations.
  16. In my opinion, you can probably skip the last 'Sin City' book 'To Hell And Back', it's by far the weakest. I liked all the other ones though. Definately get 'A Dame To Kill For'.
  17. This website really makes this hobby comfortable for me. I'm a shy and cautious person, so this website makes me feel much more at ease in connecting with SPs. And they've all been great. The women I have met through CERB have all been lovely professional ladies. The communication this website encourages really helps me connect with SPs who are right for me. The communication is also much more humanizing, which is what I prefer. I like the feeling of connecting with a great woman and not just "renting a body". So CERB promotes intimacy in more than just a physical sense of the word. The selection of SPs is also great. I see more great women than I have time, money, and energy to meet. And I'll also say that just knowing all these great women are available to me is really nice. I come on here and read the ads even when I am not looking for an SP in the near future. It's also nice to come in the message boards and talk with you guys either about issues directly related to the hobby or about other subjects. So yeah, I started this hobby back in the summer (2011) and it's been great thanks to CERB and all the great people who make it what it is.
  18. Those make-your-own-will kits are a total blast and a good bonding excercise. It's also great if you can solve a mystery together. There's nothing more satisfying than bringing a criminal to justice or recovering a lost object or clearing somebody's name together. And there's always teatherball!
  19. Prometheus started out as an Alien prequel with Noomi Rapace signed on to play some sort of neo-Ripleyesque character. Then Avatar made all sorts of money and Ridley Scott got more competitive and realized prequels are kinda lame, so they came up with an original idea for a movie but kept the same lead actress and decided to keep it set in the same world as the Alien films, but the alien/xenomorph will not appear in this film.
  20. 'Paying For It' was actually what got me to give hobbying a try. I found, like in Chester Brown's previous autobiographical comic book 'I Never Liked You', I can identify with Brown's thought process and personality. It was a really well constructed narrative that kept its focus. I liked 'I Never Liked You' better than 'Paying For It' because it was more touching. Even though it's about teenage years, I find I still pick it up from time to time and read it again and still love it. Unlike 'Ghost World' (both the comics and the movie). I still have great respect for what Clowes did with 'Ghost World', but I've found I have just outgrown it. Additional Comments: I also liked the 'Sin City' books. As far as Frank Miller goes, I also really like 'Hard Boiled', it's like a 'Where's Waldo' book of futuristic destruction. I pick it up frequently and just flip through and look at the art. I was wondering if any of you have read 'X'ed Out' by Charles Burns? I read 'Black Hole' by him and it was pretty good, but not great. I'd be willing to give him another try.
  21. I don't have any big problems with Stallone's directing. I've enjoyed a lot of the movies he's directed himself. He's perfectly competant. And I agree that taking a hands-on approach has saved his career. He knows how audiences want to see him and if Hollywood won't produce that material, he'll write it himself. And it's worked out great. And I do consider Con Air to be a masterpiece of ridiculousness. I definately liked it better than the first Expendables, which I also verymuch enjoyed. In my opinion the action in Con Air was better shot, the humour popped better, and West wrangled the bigger and more mismatched cast together better. I also thought West's remake of The Mechanic had well paced action sequences and good character work, for a silly hitman movie that is. So, I think West probably has better skills, but hasn't really connected with much good material over his career. I think Expendables 2 will probably flow a bit better and the cast will gel more under West's direction. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  22. The top three movies I'm looking forward to in 2012 are 1. Prometheus 2. Django Unchained 3. Cogan's Trade. I'm not a big superhero movie guy. But I've really liked these new Batman movies and look forward to the third and final one in this series. Expendables is more my speed. I like those macho action guys more than superhero types. I enjoyed the first one and I know they've got a stronger director and better budget for this one, so I'm looking forward to it. As for G.I. Joe, I thought the first one was fairly amusing in a really silly cartoonish way and the sequel cut out Damon Wayans and brought in Bruce Willis and Dwayne The Rock, so that's a big improvement right there. I'll probably check it out. It'll probably be fun.
  23. I will say that anal sex has never had any appeal to me. This tends to surprise most of my parthers because in all other respects I am an assman. I love butt cheeks, but have no interest in the anus itself. I used to date a woman with a really great bum. I loved squeezing it, kissing it, and especially rubbing my dick in between the cheeks. She kept offering anal and everytime I refused I think she thought it was because I was too shy or that I was one of those idiots who thinks it would make me gay. Now that I see SPs it comes up a lot. Usually an SP telling me it's something she doesn't do. I still have no interest in trying it, but more power to all you folks who like it somehow don't find it painful.
  24. I really want to salute you SPs who make the effort to accommodate clients with disabilities. Having a disability can be incredibly isolating, and I'm sure they really appreciate your compassion and company.
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