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Everything posted by loopie

  1. She really hopes to avoid discussion of sleeping arrangements with her future husband? That marriage isn't going to last long. Isn't her future husband going to notice that there's a bunk bed in his bedroom? Won't it come up in conversation then? Does she think he's just going to see this bunk bed in his matrimonial home and go right into asking who wants the top and who wants the bottom? If I moved in with a woman and there was a bunk bed in what I thought was my bedroom I would be like "Do you have two kids I've never met?" Don't get me wrong, I hate actually sleeping with anybody else and if I ever got married, seperate bedrooms would be key to the relationship lasting. But seperate beds in the same room? Daz whack!
  2. In most of Canada, we live in a white-dominated culture, so when most white people talk, whiteness will be the standard. If one white guy is physically describing somebody to another white guy, the second white guy will likely assume the person being described is white until they hear otherwise. In most white Canadian people's minds, being non-white is still considered an exception, so it is the type of thing that will get noticed and mentioned. I grew up in a neighbourhood that was very multi-ethnic. So I feel like I don't notice race as much. When I was young I always found it a bit odd that my mum would really point out the race of different people. Not in a hateful way, it was just something she would really notice and feel was important to mention. But my mum grew up in a small village in Germany where everybody was white and German. So for her, seeing a black person was really exotic. And I think there's lots of people in Canada like this too. Lots of Canadians come from villages where everybody is white, and so if the first time they ever interacted with a non-white person was when they were in their late teens, then race will probably always be something they notice. In their minds, white will probably always be the standard and anything else will be considered exotic or different, and non-white will definately pick up this. So non-white SPs and porn will be promoted based on their race as some sort of exotic feature, whereas white will be treated as the standard. You'll see porn that will be titled something like "Asian Love Fest" or "Big Black Love", but if it's a porn movie with all white girls they won't call it "White Girl Love Party".
  3. I'm more of a dance pop guy. When I excercise and even when I don't, I listen to stuff like La Roux, Goldfrapp, Lady Gaga, Annie, Rihanna, Little Boots and a lot of old pop and disco stuff like Michael Jackson, BeeGees, Tiffany, Samanth Fox. I find a lot of motown music is nice, not for pumping me up, but for keeping a steady pace.
  4. So far I have only gone with indies for several reasons. I like the personal feel. I like looking at their posts here on Cerb and feeling like I am getting a better idea of what the woman is like. The ads I see from agencies seem so less human, many of them just telling you the SP's age, race, and measurements. I guess it's the difference between feeling like you've just rented a warm body versus the feeling of spending money to have time with a quality woman. Also, I generally would feel uneasy about dealing with an agency because it involves more people than I'd really like to have involved in this. I'd rather not have all my contact information lying around some office somewhere. I'm not married or a public figure or anything, so I'm not worried about discretion or blackmail, but still, I'd just rather not have a whole bunch of administrators involved in my sex life.
  5. I'm not sure if this is a celebrity crush thread, or a respectable actress thread, so I'll go with talented actresses who are also sexy beautiful women. Kate Winslet Marion Cotillard Rachel Weisz
  6. I still can't really grow a decent moustache. There's always the hope I'll hit puberty in my 40s.
  7. I live in Sandy Hill in downtown Ottawa and go to a restaurant called Mangia on Dalhousie frequently. It serves a good mix of food from different European cultures. There's also a Belgian pub called The Black Thorn over on Clarence. It's a bit more expensive, they make neat pizzas and various Belgian dishes there. They both have good atmosphere and are never super busy when I've been there.
  8. Climate effects my mood a lot. Sometimes I think I'm the only person in Canada who likes the cold. I'm much more of an autumn and winter person. The air feels so crisp and clean in my lungs it just energizes me and makes me more mentally alert during the day and when it's cold at night I just sleep like a happy bear. I don't mind summer, but I'm a snowbaby all the way.
  9. Since starting in this hobby I have wondered about this myself. I remember when I first came on this site I couldn't believe the selection of women. I was amazed at how many women do this for a living. I wondered if I had friends and colleagues who did this secretly. This then lead me to brief anxiety about meeting SPs who don't show her faces in their photos and it turning out to be a friend/coworker/sister. I've wondered just how open you ladies are about your profession. Especially reading Julia's post about her man telling his friends and coworkers and how they reacted. Are most of you that way? Would most of you want your boyfriend/husband to tell everybody what you did or would you rather he not? When you first quit whatever other job you had and decided to do this, did you tell many people? Would you tell your kids? Just curious.
  10. I don't follow celebrity gossip but it's hard not to hear about her endless problems with the law, her family, drinking, and her career. She seems to have a really bad image problem, and I think she's earned a fair bit of that bad rep. Robert Downey Jr was in the same boat several years ago. People liked him, knew he was talented, but he just wasn't professional. Nobody wanted to cast him in big roles because there was always the chance he would end up back in jail or rehab halfway through making a movie and it would sink the whole production. The guy who directed Iron Man had to really fight the studio to cast him because he was considered too much of a risk. But it seems getting that role and that film and Sherlock holmes being a big success has helped Downey clean up and motivate him to stay clean. If Lohan wants to pose nude, that's fine, she's done it before. But I don't think it's going to help her professionally or personally. If she wants to get her acting career back on track, she's got to do some acting. She needs to show up, be professional, finish making the film without being thrown in jail or rehab, and with luck, end up in a good movie or tv show that endears her to fans.
  11. loopie


    Great sexy cleavage shot. I really like this. I would love to have this view in real life.
  12. loopie


    You are very pretty.
  13. When I go to see an SP, I feel I am paying for a fantasy and don't even think of trying to push that fantasy into reality. I would never try to date an SP who I saw as an SP. I would feel disrespectful and like I was taking advantage of her professionalism if I tried to push things in that direction. If she were interested in me that way she would have to be incredibly explicit because I would just assume it was part of the fantasy for which I pay. If I met a woman some other way and then she revealed to me that this is what she does for a living it would be somewhat surprising, but I could live with it. I'm not a physically possessive type, in fact, I've encouraged past sweethearts of mine to have sex with other men. So it's fine. However, I really doubt any of this would ever happen. Normal women aren't very interested in me, so the odds of one of these beautiful, bright, confident, cheerful, well-rounded, open-minded SPs actually choosing me out of all the men they have access to; well, that just seems beyond unlikely.
  14. loopie

    Really nice lips. Cool photo.
  15. So far I've only gone to incall locations. I've been to both apartment and hotel and I don't really have a preference either way. They were all nice locations and I had a good time at all of them. At the hotel I just walk in like I belong there (because I do) and didn't have any problems. The first SP I went to see worked out of an apartment building where some friends of mine live and I wondered what I would say if I ran into them, but that didn't happen. I've toyed with the idea of having an SP come over to my place but haven't tried it yet. I figure it's probably better to go to incall locations because the SP would be more comfortable there. She can set the temperature to whatever she wants etc. And the more comfortable she is, the better the experience is likely to be. I still might have an SP over eventually, I like the idea of it.
  16. Thanks Julia, that's what I was trying to say earlier; you don't need to put one group down to put another group up.
  17. I don't really like these types of statements, they mostly feel like sexism phrased as enlightenment. I don't think we should pick our leaders based on their genitals. Is that really how you guys think? Do you see that USA's economy sucks and say "Oh, the crappy economy must be because of Obama's weak sensitive balls, they should elect Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann to be President because their strong vaginas will provide superior knowledge of economics."? Really? I think we should look for the best leaders regardless of their sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. I'm also not big on considering somebody an admirable leader just because he/she seized a lot of power and made a lot of things happen. That would mean giving respect to every two-bit dictator on the planet and that's just not my style. I value the quality of the things a leader does, not the scope or the quantity.
  18. There's no contest for me, I'll go with Emma Peel herself, Diana Rigg. A strong classy lady.
  19. I'll go with Vikki, she's got pure sexy in her eyes. Linda Blair or Samantha Fox
  20. I'm with Juliasundies, the only real porn I saw as a child was Bleu Nuit and that was really softcore and there was a lot of softcore stuff back in the 80s. The tone of it was pretty affectionate with its snoozy musak score, the longing passionate facial expressions on the actors, the long disolving shot transition effects, and they generally seduced each other with a fair bit of foreplay and humped in very traditional positions at a leisurely pace. So maybe Bleu Buit shaped me more than I thought about ever giving it credit for because that is still how I relate to the sex act. I like a lot of foreplay, vanilla sex positions, leisurely pace; I don't need the Kenny G music, but I'd rather that than most other types of music during sex. I've seen some porn and generally don't like it so I don't watch it. These angry looking musclemen jackhammering these girls to rocker music just puts me off. As for what was respectful of a lady during sex, I never really thought about it. Like I said, I'm a gentle vanilla lover, so it's not like I have urges inside me that I need to temper or find the right girl to indulge them, they're just not there. In fact, I've had various sweethearts of mine look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I just don't have any fantasies beyond vanilla sex acts. They suggest stuff but none of it appeals to me. Threesomes just sound like they require more coordination than I'll ever have and the idea of anal sex just doesn't appeal to me. So I guess with me there's a nature versus nuture debate. Am I just a naturally vanilla gentle lover, or have I been socialized into being one? If y'all want to chip in for hypnotist I'm sure we could sort this thing out.
  21. Anne Hathaway has always done big zero for me. She's one of those women who has nothing wrong with her, but I just can't find her attractive for the life of me. In fact, I find her kinda insufferable. I'm definately not looking forward to her as Catwoman. So I'll go with Barbara. I'll have a French brunette showdown. Marion Cotillard Juliette Binoche or Audrey Tautou
  22. Price doesn't make me assume a woman is better in anywhich way, whether it be looks or ability or anything else. SPs set their own prices, so the price is just what she feels like getting paid or what price she finds generates the right amount of business for her. So it doesn't effect my expectations at all. My expectations for an SP would be based on how she describes herself as well how others describe her in recommendations. If she describes herself as being "upbeat" and "energetic", then I expect her to be those things. If a bunch of other hobbyists recommend her saying she is "sweet" and "shy", then that's what I will expect. The more specific an image she creates through her communication (and that others create for her through their recommendations) the more specific my expectations would be. The less specific an image she creates, the fewer expectations I would have when going to meet her.
  23. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No stupid gifts, no materialism, no stupid costumes, just food and good relaxed times that be enjoyed by all ages.
  24. The only situation in which a hobbyist should decide not to pay is in the case of a bait and switch, and that should be right away. If you get there and it's a different girl, just turn around and leave. If you make arrangements to meet an SP who does not post pictures of her face, you are taking the risk that you may not be attracted to her. She is holding up her end of the bargain and you should be prepared to compensate her for her willingness and professionalism. If you get there and don't find her attractive, you can leave. She might politely refuse some or all of the money, but you should offer her full compensation. Asking for money back just because an experience was disappointing, that's just being an ass.
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