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Everything posted by loopie

  1. loopie

    Nice warm atmosphere, beautiful girl.
  2. I don't define love as having a monopoly on somebody else's genitals. Monogamy is just how some relationships work and others not. If two people completely sexually satisfy each other, then I'm happy for them. I've been in many relationships where my partner completely sexually satisfied me, so I know it's possible. But it's not an achievement, and you shouldn't have to feel like you're "working for it" or "resisting temptation". If you're in a monogamous relationship, you shouldn't even think about it, it should just be the way things shake out naturally. So I don't really see any joy in monogamy itself, rather the joy is in the person with whom you're monogamous. And I agree with Berlin, it's pretty silly to expect one person to satsify all your social, sexual, physical, and emotional needs. I think lots of people throw out perfectly good relationships because they're sexually mismatched when they could hold onto that good relationship and value what it's good for while finding part or all of their sexual satisfaction elsewhere.
  3. I don't really like assigning guilt in relationships. I'm not a relationship judge, we don't live in relationship court. I almost see a relationship as a seperate entity from the people involved if you get what I'm saying. When it's not working, it's not that it's "sombody's fault" or that one person is "the bad guy". There's usually no good guy or bad guy, or at least it's not productive to think of it that way. It's just two (or more) people in something that isn't working because it's not making them happy. It's the relationship that either needs to be fixed, redefined, or abandoned not the people.
  4. I know I am paying for a fantasy, but I just want an SP to seem comfortable with me. I don't need to be flattered with overblown false praise, I would find that insulting to my intelligence.
  5. I love babies and kids. They're funny and cute. I used to really want kids but eventually I stopped even thinking about the possibility of having a family in my late 20s. If it happens, that would be great, but I doubt it will. I'm looking forward to becoming an uncle soon. That will be fun. I don't mind parents telling me stories about their kids or talking about their kids to a certain extent. If they're telling you every sodding detail, then it gets annoying. The only thing about parents that really annoys me is when parents hide behind their kids. When they take their own beliefs that they had anyway and claim they now have these beliefs to protect their child or somesuch nonsense. Like when people find something on television offensive, but they can't just admit they find it offensive so they say that it should be taken off the air because children might see it. I also know a guy who constantly liked to pick fights everywhere he went. Now that he has a kid, he uses his kid as an excuse to pick fights. If somebody is driving fast in a parking lot he runs up and picks a fight with them and claims he's just doing it because they could've run over his kid, when really, the dude just likes fighting. If hears somebody swearing, he runs over and fights them because his kid might hear their foul langauge. That type of stuff annoys me.
  6. I like AngelofOttawa for organizing these social mixer things which I hope to attend this December.
  7. Aside from the personal hygiene stuff already mentioned, you can always message the SP directly and ask her if there's anything specific you can do to make the date more comfortable for her. She'll probably say nothing, which should help you realize that you have nothing to worry about. Also, tell her it's your first time with an SP and so she'll know to really take the lead and guide you through everything.
  8. Whichever one is the short-haired one. I'll pit two of my faves against each other: Rachel Weisz versus Kate Winslet
  9. Rebecca is a sweet and down-to-earth woman who is an absolute joy to spend time with. I messaged her a bit before we met and she was very easy to talk to and her sweet nature showed in her communication. I told her I was looking for a more gentle sensual experience and she gave me exactly that. When I met her she looked absolutely great in her lingerie and little high-heeled shoes. She has adorable green eyes and a warm glow. Her kind nature shows instantly and made me feel really relaxed. And of course, there's her sexy figure that we can all see in her photos. Rebecca has soft skin and beautiful thighs and loves to touch as much as to be touched. As a lover, she is a real pleaser. She is sensual and caring and maintains the feeling of connection throughout the experience. She is a master with her hands, her mouth, and her breasts and she used those and more to give me some truly amazing sensations. She really turned me on. We had good chemistry and built to a strong passion together. Afterwords she was still very affecionate with me. I really liked cuddling with her, talking and getting to know her even more. I never felt rushed at all. Rebecca is a real sweetheart and I don't see what man couldn't be charmed by her.
  10. Alexandra-Sky was the first SP I met. I knew from her online profile that she was beautiful and she came across as a warm and confident woman. She was very polite and quick to respond in my correspondence with her and we quickly found a good time to meet. When I went to meet her she was very warm and gracious and even better looking in person than in her photos. I was very nervous because I was new to this whole thing and I'm generally nervous talking to a pretty lady for the first time anyway. But she made me feel at ease with her sweet nature, social grace, and nice deep eye contact. She is a real classic natural beauty with a nice healthy natural tan to her soft skin, beautiful dark eyes, and fantastic curvy figure. As a lover she is energetic and passionate. She really puts herself into it and it's a pleasure to try and keep up with her. Because it was my first time with an SP, I only arrange for 45 minutes with her. I knew that 30 minutes isn't enough for me to ever really enjoy being with a woman, but I thought that if seeing SPs turned out to not be my thing, then an hour would be too long and awkward. So my only regret is not booking her for longer. Alexandra-Sky gave me the joy of intimacy and affection with a beautiful woman and never made me feel self-conscious or embarassed about my naïveté during my first time with an SP. I recommend her to anybody. If you're new to this, being with her will be a great introduction to the world of escorting. And even if you're not new to this but you love strong beautiful women who make love with passion, you'll have a great time too.
  11. I am in my early 30s, but when I shave I look about 15 years old. People frequently tell me this is a good thing because I can date younger women, but my whole life I've only ever had girlfriends who were older than I. I always just seemed to end up with women 3-5 years older than myself. I don't ask them their age or pick who I date on that basis, it just seems whoever I'm attracted to is always older. Same goes for my friends, most of my friends are older than I as well. However, in my short time seeing SPs, the three SPs I've seen have all been about 10 years younger than I. But again, I didn't pick them based on this criteria, their young age is not a thrill in itself for me. I just looked at the profiles and went with who appealed to me in terms of their looks and how their personalities came across.
  12. I hope I can make it to this one. The last one fell on a very long busy day for me at work. The sight of all these beautiful women in one room might give me a heart attack. Even though that is exactly how I want to die, I'm just not ready to go yet.
  13. I would probably move to a different city every year or so for the rest of my life. Take lots of courses and learn all sorts of skills and more languages. I'd also put my money into silly creative ventures. In each city I lived in, I would design and make a monument to contribute to that city's character. When I lived in Swedish cities I would make monuments to ABBA and Dolph Lundgren. I would make two "friendship" monuments of Tiffany and Debbie Gibson shaking hands and put them in each of their hometowns. Stuff like that. I'd take some of my bad ideas for movies and television shows and just make them myself. I'd also pay to have my ideas for videogames made for real. I'd pay for all those crazy one of a kind experiences. Like if I could zipline from the top of the Eifel Tower to the Arc de Triomphe, I'd make that happen. If could rent out a whole town for a giant paintball tournament, I'd do that too. I'd design and build a roller boogie disco, because that totally needs to be brought back. Roller boogie is awesome.
  14. I am a man and I've been doing yoga for a couple years and now and I really like it. It helps me relax and it is very good for preventing and correcting damage to your body, especially your back. In many ways it is like self-massage, it helps loosen muscle tightness that a lot of us develop because of our work or lifestyle. You also develop small muscle groups and better balance; this helps prevent injury and aches by taking strain off larger muscle groups. As for sexual benefits, I haven't noticed them in any obvious direct way. But when you have better bloodflow circulation and less strain from muscle tightness/aches, you are bound to be more in the mood for sexual activities. It has definately helped my energy levels, mental alertness, and sense of balance and I would recommend it. There are lots of different types of yoga, and bigger studios such as Rama Lotus offer a very wide variety of classes fairly regularly. Some emphasize flexiblity, others balance, others strength building. So there's a yoga class for everyone's needs.
  15. Maybe I just want it both ways. I like the idea of sex arriving at my door within 30 minutes of me wanting it, but I also want to be cheered on by a goofy mascot while I do it.
  16. I just want to tip my hat to all of you who can pull this off. I'm a clumsy lover and I'm barely coordinated enough to have smooth sex with one other person let alone two. I think if I tried a threesome it would end up more like a Peter Sellers slapstick reel than a porno.
  17. sex on a full stomach = high chance of cramping, burping, and farting during sex I say have sex then eat, or just eat a banana or something quick and light, then have sex, then have a real meal after the sex.
  18. I do think the conflict of whether or not you could marry a pornstar goes well beyond moral judgement. I would think that most of us here are not judgemental of somebody making a living as a pornstar (I could be wrong). But just because you are perfectly accepting of this as a legitimate career doesn't mean you could live with the demands that career would place on your wife and therefore on your relationship. I used to date a nurse. Nursing is a well-respected profession and I don't think there's anybody out there who judge somebody for having that career. But still, being in that relationship was impossible because of her career. I prettymuch never got to see her. If I happened to be awake at 3:00 AM when her shift ended, I might get to talk to her for twenty minutes between when she came in the door and when she passed out. She was constantly sick and emotionally and physically drained. I liked her as a person, and when we started dating she only worked 4 days a week, so we got to see each other. But the career was really what killed the relationship. I still respect the career, and I still like her as a person, but the relationship was just impossible. So a relationship with a pornstar has its own demands and stresses beyond simple moral acceptance of the career. In fact, I think moral acceptance of the career in general is the easiest step. Living with those day-to-day stresses and demands and still building a healthy loving relationship is the hard part.
  19. Couples work out all these workarounds for everything else. Just to be stereotypical, if a man's wife loves shopping for clothes and he finds this boring but she still wants company, she calls up her girlfriends and goes with them. If the man wants to talk about sports but the wife doesn't care about that stuff, he goes to a sports bar with his buddies. Nobody minds. But when it comes to sex, people become the most possessive. It's pretty unlikely that two people are going to be 100% compatable. To me, if you have a relationship where everything else is great, but you're sexually incapatable, that's still a pretty damn good relationship and it's worth finding a workaround for the sex stuff so that you can hold onto it. If I were in a relationship/marriage with somebody who was a great friend and we were capatable in terms of managing our household, raising our kids, having fun pursuing common interests, but just didn't turn each other on, I would encourage her to seek sexual satisfaction wherever she could find it. Especially if I sensed that she resented me for her sexual disastisfaction.
  20. I don't think it's hypocritcal or misogynistic to admit that all you want out of a certain woman is sex or sexual stimulation. Just because you wank to images of some lady in videos doesn't mean you accept, support, or like everything about her. I enjoy art or all forms made by all sorts of assholes. Most of my favorite writers, musicians and filmmakers are a bunch of needy tempermental assholes. I wouldn't want to have most of them over for dinner, but I love their work. I'll gladly pay to see them perform, but I wouldn't want a personal relationship with them.
  21. Considering what I've seen in my lifetime, I don't think I'd ever be able to tell somebody what they should "realistically" be aiming for in a partner. I don't think I would ever tell an older guy not to aim for younger women; nor would I tell somebody I thought wasn't good-looking not to aim for good-looking people. I've seen so many couples that would seem completely mismatched on the surface that I know opposites attract as often as they don't. So as for what any person can "realistically" expect to find when looking for love, the answer is 'anything'. So much of it just seems like luck and chance. You should just go for what you want.
  22. People are hyper critical of celebrities. Snarking on celebs is just a hobby for lots of people. For the most part, any famous person who is considered attractive, is very attractive. There's lots of famous sex symbol women who I've never ever fantasized about, but in real life any of them would be more than pretty enough for me. I find it silly when people feel they have to exaggerate to get their opinions across. I think it's enough to just say "She's cute but not my ultimate fantasy.", you don't have to go as far as to call them "gross" or something. This video sums it up well: I like this lady. P.S. And I like Pink too. She's a sexy tough tomboy and I'd gladly get outdrank by her any day of the week.
  23. I think there's just a type of person who likes to make really nasty negative remarks to make themselves look cool, feel superior, and make their approval seem more valuable. Also, being really extreme in one's opinions can be an attention-getting device.
  24. loopie


    You look so soft and warm. This whole scene is very inviting.
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