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Everything posted by GChrome

  1. Agree with above...saw her over a year ago and service was super meh...good luck
  2. Anyone have a link to a recent ad or a workong website?
  3. Great location, she is legit. Cheers!
  4. To be fair, it's either her or her 4 year older sister, lol!
  5. I can never get an answer from her when I text!
  6. I can confirm that she was 100% totally legit last time she was here! Great PS experience as advertised! Please don't message me asking for details as I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast this morning let alone the details of a SP encounter a few years ago (Although I do have a video - with her permission of course) 😉 Enjoy fellas!
  7. Any updates on the notes transition yet?
  8. I've searched and cannot seem to find any posts about notes. Where did our notes go from the old site? Will they eventually be ported to this new site? Thanks
  9. Fantastic, Sensual, Sexy and Sultry. These are the words I would use to describe this beauty! ZERO hesitation, go see her, you will NOT be disappointed!
  10. Unfortunately a place like this does not exist in Halifax :(
  11. The AD says she offers BB. I'd stay FAR away!
  12. Did you find out what happened to Sasaki? Would like to dig up a number for her based on a recommendation!
  13. No she doesnt. To my knowledge, there are no Massage Therapists in NS (who actually have a certification) offer anything "extra". There are however, a boat-load of MT advertising on kijiji using this "new" selfie sales technique, but they are all legit!
  14. Same here, never an issue, always virtually instantaneous response via text (same number for me as well)!
  15. Take a tour on the Harbour Hopper! https://www.harbourhopper.com/ If you like Italian food, I'd highly recommend: The bicycle thief: - https://bicyclethief.ca/ aMano: - http://www.ristoranteamano.ca/ Both are excellent choices and located downtown in Bishops landing!
  16. I will for sure, right now I'm leaning towards sticking with the agency that I know in advance what to expect!
  17. Dude, you know that most Asian ads say that pics are 100% real, and very seldom are, its more about weather or not the pics are a fair representation of the lady you will be seeing. For example, VIP is very reputable agency with fantastic ladies, they advertise "real pictures", we all know they may not be the actual lady, but always are beautiful ladies of approximately the same height/weight and are a fair reflection of who you will be seeing!
  18. Does anyone have any experience with this poster? The title is: "new asian college girl kitty real photos !!! " This is not VIPOTG, I've seen the ad sporadically now for a few months, just wondering if anyone has taken one for the team yet? Thanks!
  19. I'm pretty sure that HJ is the only option avail. if anyone can confirm otherwise plz feel free to post here!
  20. Hey fellas, Anyone have a chance to see Melissa Blaze? Here is the link: https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_every_mans_dream_xxx_playtime-3579188 please PM or reply here ASAP! Thanks!
  21. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=263114
  22. Sad I missed out on this one, it would be great in the future if we could collectively try and post the recommendation while the girl is still here! Thanks though!
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