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Everything posted by ostirch

  1. -Reading through the instructions in Italian to assemble the discounted vacuum cleaner you just bought. -Taking a shower in the locker room of your local YMCA. Suddenly, out of the blue, because of the relaxing hot water, an erection springs up. The kind you have not had in years, the kind you never thought you could have. At that same moment, a group of guys comes in. Your towel is at the other end. There's nothing you can say, there's nothing you can do. You are trapped with a stubborn stiffy in front a group of naked guys in the shower, and you're totally heterosexual.
  2. Today's porn bores me. Not sure what it is! Maybe because there's so much of it, it's become so common, there's not that flair of it being forbidden or, dare I say, special. I remember when getting porn for a Saturday afternoon used to be an exciting project. When I was young, I had to figure out how to get it passed the video clerk, endure his shaming or understanding look; And of course, not get caught by my parents. If all else failed, I tried to descramble Pay TV and settle for the soft-core stuff. And when I was caught, it was so much fun because my parents thought something was wrong with me. The porn then was good quality with creative story lines and decent acting. Not a theme that's being replayed over and over again. I would actually watch the whole movie from beginning to end just to catch the story. The Devil in Miss Jones, Talk Dirty to Me, Private Teacher(which I still watch today). There was one that opens in a restaurant and... I forget the title. As male actors, I really like Tom Byron. Did not annoy me at all! I wished I could have been like him. I would not like to go back to the 1970's or 80's, but the porn was so much better then.
  3. Miserable or joyful, everyone can find in one's self a reason to prove the world is as one sees it; And not as it truly is.... Because life is not good or bad, it just is.... That's what I am still learning... I also learned that you can learn new things relatively late in life, like juggling, having fun at the arcade or new English words ... Looking forward to 2012...
  4. My father was in a depression all his life... The house was always a mess and he did not bother doing groceries. I was in this weird situation, where he had lots of money but I was still going hungry to school. I had to take care of him and cheer him up. As a result, when people get irrationally upset, I know there's something painful behind it. I try not to be a caretaker to my friends. And I just abhor people who are cheap.
  5. I thought Chester Brown's, "Paying for It" was amazing. I could relate to a lot of his feelings and ideas. The novel is supposed to be biographical, so some of the escorts depicted may also be Toronto Cerbites.
  6. I actually had nothing better to do than to search for a larger sized version of that ad to decipher the phone-number and to ring it. There was no answer...
  7. There should be an amendment to the constitution that ensures the right to bear them. You know like the right to bear arms. Can you believe that Alabama still bans the sale of them. And Texas used to ban owning too many of them????? People there go to Wallgreens and get an electric toothbrush. http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/02/11/obscenity.trial.reut/ Canadian Customs likes them too. Back in the 80's, they would seize them and slap some kind of "sin" tax on them. I know I had to pay it.
  8. Tonight is going to be a big big big night! The good news is that from now on the days get longer; but will still remain shorter than the nights, at least in this hemisphere. And February and March are hard on the soul. I take Vitamine D3 drops. They really help against depression...
  9. The link here: http://www.tlc-trust.org.uk/index.php deals with the issue. The site is wonderful. It should answer some of your questions. A movie released in Australia and hopefully coming to Canada talks about it too: http://www.scarletroad.com.au/trailer/ I should have searched first, but I started a thread on a similar topic here: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=298713#post298713 If anything, sex workers need to know that their work is valued.
  10. Hi, I came across this amazing website, an amazing resource for anybody having trouble getting sex because of how society views them. Sorry for shamelessly promoting it. http://www.tlc-trust.org.uk/index.php It provides "opportunities, advice and support to disabled men and women so they can find appropriate sexual and therapeutic services." It may be viewed as a competing website to CERB. But I doubt it. I apologize in advance if it does. Thanks...
  11. "Can you please tell me which police station i should hand myself into, as i do intend to commit the crime of paying for sex whenever i can afford it, for as long as i feel soul-destroying sexual frustration. Or, if you want to save time, just let know which prison i should attend to save the cost of a trial, as i will always be 100% guilty of the horrendous crime of ..... 'a man wanting to have sex with a woman'." James Palmer in his letter to the Home Office, 6th October 2008 from http://www.tlc-trust.org.uk/news/item65.html
  12. It's a documentary about a sex worker and her clients who have disabilities http://www.scarletroad.com.au/trailer/ Does anybody know anything about this movie? I would really like to see it. I have had no luck and I even tried contacting the producers. Thanks
  13. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them... and you have their shoes. --Jack Handey
  14. Even in a relationship, you can feel very alone. I try to follow this bit of advice, single or in a relationship
  15. Could not resist writing a reply so here it goes. I think some important facts are lost which may lead to really stupid laws. Most important, not all sex workers are women. The debate is leaving a lot of the gay male escorts and there are more and more male escorts for women. Secondly, not all clients/customers are men, there is non-negligible amount of women who now pay for sex/companionship (http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/arts/story.html?id=6f1d0124-af59-431a-b9eb-f75a5aa47882). Framing the issue as powerful men exploiting desperate women is a gross generalization. In fact, we know very little about who really does pay for sex because it's somewhat taboo. I am sure, we'd all be chocked if we knew. One thing that I do believe (and I am biased here) is that people who pay for sex are in a vulnerable spot, I know I was. And I am grateful for the few SP's who for a moment pretended to like me. There is a saying by Khalil Gibran that "Work is love made visible". Part of me wishes that the SP's I saw, have someone in their lives that make them just as happy as they made me when I saw them. I have no shame in saying that I paid for sex, I worked hard for that money. I will show up as a John to those meetings.
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