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Everything posted by futileresistenz

  1. futileresistenz

    IMG 3505a

    Just amazing, you're adorably gorgeous Nikki...beauty and brains!
  2. A little late is better than never, so they say... Congratulations on an amazing milestone achieved, Emily. Keep on rockin'!
  3. Although I haven't quite had this experience yet, I believe I fall into the category of 'the best is yet to come' and will forever enjoy and be grateful for the amazing time I've shared with the wonderful ladies of cerb! Thank-you! (and I'll post when it happens!)
  4. Great going, Cato! Congrats on your 5 year Cerb anniversary!
  5. N is for getting some Naughty Nookie
  6. Congratulations, Midnite Massage, for a fantastic milestone achieved - 1,000 savvy and engaging posts! It's great to have you here with us. Thank you for your generous and positive contributions! Just MHO, but you gotta slow down for a tiny bit! You'll wear yourself thin! ;) Yet I am looking forward to more of your writings. If you can handle another *rawwr*, this one's for you!
  7. Great thread topic, Jabba. I've fantasized for years about this sort of arrangement, and in my idealized version of it, it works out perfectly for both sides. Well, it could work, but will probably be a short-lived situation that, as Cleo said so well, can end up messy in the end in a heady mix of emotions and evolving interests. BTW, I wasn't insinuating in my comment that you were drinking, Cleo ;), but rather me being buzzed on the idea and being brought back to reality a little. Thank-you for that. Despite this, with the right partner, who knows, I would be intrigued, if it was a mutual interest and communication was open. The fantasy will not die, I guess, although lightning strikes twice in the same week are more likely. I'll stick to my paid benefits for now and the foreseeable future.
  8. futileresistenz

    What a very purrdy lady you are!
  9. H is for having a great time with a beautiful, engaging lady
  10. I'm shaking my head how some guys can and do apparently operate so freely with a lady's personal information. To pass along contact information, like addresses, phone numbers, and private details about an encounter with said lady, to a third person that you either don't know at all, or have only very sketchy information on, is reckless and at best inconsiderate. They may think, "Hey, she's getting a potential new client, so I'm doing her a favour, what reason's she got to bitch about that?" Think again! There are many potential pitfalls and a good chance that the uninitiated (or not new, but sketchy) client will waste the lady's time as indicated on many threads dealing with etiquette. He will have more information on the lady than he should before even passing her screening requirements. That's just one way that this is simply bad practice and although it can work out, it can also be very risky. Passing around such delicate, private information without consent is careless and unthinking. Would any client ever put up with that from a provider? The professional ladies guard our information with the utmost care and responsibility, only to insure that they themselves are safe, and then discard it when it is no longer needed.
  11. Q: What's blue and stands on the corner? A: A frostitute. Lame or cute, FWIW, it's here.
  12. Vitto, I'd like to join in to congratulate you on your first 1,000 posts. Something gives me a feeling you're far from done. I look forward to what's coming in the future.
  13. Belated best wishes to you, Mr. Liquor. Hope it was a great one, sorry I missed it!
  14. No great story here, my signature should shed some light on it. It was the best I could do at the time, but I'm not so enamoured of the moniker now as I was then. A name change could be in the works, but I keep kicking that can down the road. Gotta have a better alternative first. I'm sure muffmuncher is already taken. lol
  15. Uh-oh, I'm totally late on this one. Oops! Hope it was a very happy (birth)day for you, Pete! FR
  16. I is for intimacy, sharing both physical and emotional closeness. So hot!
  17. Started at a late 49, and in over two years had 18 (give or take) enchanting encounters with 8 different ladies, usually 28-45, so I guess that puts me in the low category. In an ideal world, the numbers could be higher, but the number of ladies wouldn't have to be by much, if at all - I like to repeat. I guess I'm just getting warmed up! ;-)
  18. Happy Birthday, Isabella! I hope it's all you wished for ... and then some! :)
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