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Everything posted by KaceyKatzegeist

  1. In the end, yes I'm being paid to be with you, but that doesn't make me your property. If you treat any of the SPs as you would any other lady you were having dinner with or meeting for the first time, I would think that's tops. Being respectful of her practices like any other business and just being respectful of her as a person, too.
  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/clickandclash/sets/72157626584908000/ Sometimes, the oldies are the goodies. ;D However, my favorite pose ever ... yummy. Give me a guy with a pair of nice jeans that are hanging at the hips, with just a slight twist to the waist so that little hollow on the pelvic area pops. I swear, I almost took my roommate down right then and there when he did that.
  3. Alas, I am not able to afford to do anything for Hallowe'en this year. :P I was going to be a cow (I was going to get second hand white clothes and dye patches, then wear a cowbell and horns with black shoes) but that's fallen through. My friend was going to be my cowgirl, too! I wish I lived closer to where kids like to go. I remember the first year I moved out of my parents', I bought Hallowe'en candy and sat on the front doorstep waiting for kids. Now we live in the back of the building, so no one ever stops at our door. :( I am however looking forward to post Hallowe'en shopping. Cheap colored tights, yes, please!
  4. I'm pretty sure I've seen egg nog here way earlier.... However, I wholeheartedly agree. May we please get past Hallowe'en before Christmas gets to take of the 75% of the seasonal aisle in a store?
  5. Right now, I'm working out of hotels/motels. On one hand, I would like to be able to provide an incall location at my own home, but I have a few reasons for not, such as having a roommate, feeling it's safer that people I don't know don't know where I live and also that my roommate happens to have a lot of sound equipment. I'd rather not come home one day and find his cd players or speakers missing!
  6. Holy heavens. That is crazy. I'm glad that you decided to call though instead of just dismissing him because he was "an old man". (Even though he clearly acted like a child...) You were very lucky to have someone in your police force who is understanding of sex workers, too. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with someone talking down to you or side eyeing you the whole time. Was your boyfriend's car okay? I know eggs left to heat up on a car can cause damage to the paint. :/
  7. My roommate and I share an interesting situation like this. We're not technically dating, but we do live together, share a bedroom, whatnot and everyone will ask us about our boyfriend/girlfriend because of how close we are. We both have sex with other people and we each know about it and have met the other one's playmates (though that's not agreed upon, it's circumstance). It can work, but you have to be extremely open. For example, he knows I don't like when he's gone for the night because I like to sleep with someone. We are extremely open with each other, to the point that neither of us has felt so much trust in someone else in quite awhile.
  8. Oh no. :( I hope the alarm scared the person off and you didn't lose too much, if any, of your stuff.
  9. Oh, Pink Sushi? We have a mini one here in SJ, but the big one up there ... oh yum! Try the bulgogi when you go back. :)
  10. Well ... I know a guy who needs his butt waxed every summer because of the heat. Apparently some wax slipped down there by accident and it was a less than ideal experience. ;)
  11. Okay, so I've got friends who are all worried about me entering this profession. Everyone has been big on the "get a weapon" idea. I figured I'd dip in and see what you ladies do to make sure that you're going to be safe when you have clients.
  12. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=260 Here's a list of the recommendations gentlemen have made about the ladies already. :)
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