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Code Blue

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Everything posted by Code Blue

  1. If a lady never tells her age, and a gentleman never asks, then how does this work? :-) CB
  2. "Hit me baby one more time", Britney Spears Wang Chung guest appearance in TV series by this name :-) CB
  3. Chemistry trumps age. There is a quote from an old Peter Sarstedt song about 30 being "a most desirable age". As a starting point it may work, but in the end age is so variable a predictor of chemistry I would say note it, but ignore it if that suits. CB
  4. "The truth will set you free" Or get you hung..... CB
  5. Zovirax topical ointment five times daily will shorten the duration of the sore. Otherwise Abreva tablets will do the same. Ideally you should start treatment with either at the first redness and tingle. For most adults who have them it is a recurrent issue with th stress of any viral cold/flu. CB
  6. I had hair once as well....... I liked Old Dog's scenarios though CB
  7. Good point. I'm all for maximising playtime! CB
  8. Wot does "good standing" mean? I ask to be enlightened not to harass. Happy to donate even if I can't get there. Let me know how? CB
  9. Buckley's!! Or a CB special hot toddy :icon_lol: CB
  10. They have no "vision", nothing to offer really, so all they can do is bash the opposition to make themselves look better.
  11. Talk to Sara, "sound her out" and if you don't get bad vibes then ask her out. Don't ask, don't know and spend your next few dozen haircuts hearing how you missed out. CB
  12. Look at the a*****le in the UK who convinced a generation of parents to let their kids get measles instead of vaccination
  13. I agree 100% - and we shouldn't give up trying either Somehow we have to align the "bad guys" with what is needed and start with the simple needs. It's hard to do that when you have "entrepreneurs" for example quite happy to spend $25m dispensing chrysotile to the Third World simply to make a buck. It will be the same as putting a surface to air missile into 1 jumbo jet a day every day, year after year as long as it continues. And our elected officials smile and nod!! Rant over CB
  14. I don't get sick leave, so I get the shot instead! It does work overall but YMMV I suppose CB
  15. I bet you've a collection of Bush-isms too, but that's a hijack I suspect. I met a Yoga instructor once who had a rope hanging from her ceiling and a funny looking hammock thing at the end. I gather her hubby quite liked her to sit over him in it. Some "Tantric" activity I presumed. I never got a demonstration myself :icon_cry: CB
  16. You're old when you dated Ian Anderson's cousin at high school! :redface: CB
  17. Aspirational certainly, but as Macchiavelli pointed out, if those with the power find the status quo profitable, then change will not happen. Sad in a way Regards from the Centre of the Universe CB
  18. I thought that's what good Exec Assistants do? :icon_cool: CB
  19. Another plug for the shot... 15 years, 15 shots, 0 flu CB
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