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Code Blue

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Everything posted by Code Blue

  1. What would you characterise as "the rules"? I ask to be enlightened not irritating :icon_smile: CB
  2. Most Record players with any quality are actually simply turntables. The stylus (that's the bit with the pointy thing you place CAREFULLY onto the vinyl) is inserted into a cartridge at the same end of the turntable arm. The signal from this is tiny and will need boosting with a pre-amplifier which in turn will feed into usually any kind of sound system you may - or may not - have at home. My first summer job bought me such system, quite a while ago now. There are those who maintain the quality of those old systems and the recordings they produced remain far superior to any digital offerings today. The locals will be able to point you in th right places. This is an older technology which is coming back. Ah, nostalgia. Gotta love the smell of vinyl! CB Additional Comments: Sex cost me my collection too: she threw me out and sold it!! CB
  3. There must be some odd "dependent" trait in this guy's make-up. Despite his biological age, he cannot have developed much beyond the teen stage mentally. Your buddy was right: trust your gut. I have acquaintances alive today simply because they did just that. I too would be fascinated to hear part II Well done CB ..heading westward once more!
  4. Is age mentioned in the Charter? I had thought iit was NOT
  5. Its at times like this I could be of more practical help. Just know I wish you well CB
  6. "Look before you leap" For those of us inclined toward doing a little research into our interests, a site such as this is a great resource. For those hobbyists who can't or won't make the effort it is their loss. This place is not hard to find... I managed :icon_smile: From the business perspective, I would think the only easy way of maintaining a "unique brand identity" would be CERB. CB
  7. Definitely kissing! I would echo the art comments though: it takes patience and practice but it is SO much a part of the fun! Eyes shut, but I'm nearly blind anyway!!!!! :icon_redface: Fresh breath. There are more nerve endings per unit of surface area on a tongue than ANYWHERE else on the body. CB
  8. Anticipation dampens any hunger pangs I have, so food comes second. CB
  9. If this constitutes a hijack, I rely on the experts to tell me, but how useful is this stuff when crossing time zones? I've crossed three in two days with meetings each day and by day 2 I feel like poop Any experience/comments? CB - currently located in Mountain Time!
  10. No glib answer here! No-one has the depth around your particular situation either. But, just to be contrarian, could your desire to have your wife "satisfied" by someone other than you simply be a way for you to feel better about the way you treat her? I'm not trying to hijack either.... CB
  11. Go get well and here's wishing you every success. x0x0x0x0x0x0 CB
  12. I have never tried it save for a brief test patch on a leg. Never again!! I think the physics of it doesn't work on the average - or above average - scrotum. :icon_rolleyes: Mens razor - the blade angle differs than those for ladies. CB
  13. It's OK for them to "dip their wicks" everywhere, but not to be the "dippee". Don't get me started on the role of marriage in society....... The commercial exchanges in this lifestyle are at least transparent and honest! CB
  14. There's a problem with any payment system if trust is absent. My life is too unpredictable to have the regular appointment, so pay as you go is the only system which would be feasible for me. I suspect that is true for many hobbyists. I thought at first we were having dental problems! :-D CB
  15. The best approaches are to have prevention and harm reduction combined. The Hobbyists don't need to know about either. If it doesn't feel safe, don't do it. CB
  16. The 17" is great for editing /photo work but becomes a real pain to drag around as it is heavy. You can buy a MAC and expect good service from it for much longer than the PC laptops. I would however opt for extra RAM at purchase with any of the range as the software updates over time may benefit from this. As mentioned the Air is really good if you travel (light weight), but otherwise I might go for a larger screen. The Air has no DVD drive so if that is an issues you may want to look at the Pro range. CB
  17. What is it with car chases this weekend? Globe and Mail even has their top ten clips online. Must be all the sun we're having..... CB
  18. Like G11, I have no anniversaries (yet:icon_rolleyes:) I lurk, listen and hopefully get a little wiser for it. It is interesting how some anniversaries come to mind without effort and yet other events make no mark when you would think they would - or maybe should. Mind you I lose my car keys almost daily! a Hurricane-free CB
  19. "Before you accuse, criticise and abuse, Walk a mile in my shoes," Joe South, Many years ago
  20. Sleep patterns change with age - what doesn't!! Assuming you're generally healthy (coz there's a huge list of nasty conditions which can stop you sleeping), what worked for me was: stop caffeine after midday - and having been used to 12 cups a day that was hard! No drinks within an hour of bed time; steer clear of alcohol. It just makes you sleep, but when it's metabolized you wake and then stare at the walls! I find working out late in the evening makes things worse not better. I would be REALLY careful with some of the meds suggested above. CB
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