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Everything posted by emiafish

  1. Instant dry SPF 30 mist. I brought 3 cans of the stuff from home and ran out yesterday.
  2. Another day in paradise. The day dawned cloudy, but the prevailing breeze swept the clouds away. Time for sun, sand and surf. The biggest decision I have to make today is where to have lunch. God I love vacations.
  3. I will often offer a smile or a compliment to strangers, regardless of age or gender. My actions are sincere. If a smile and a kind word are perceived as creepy, then that changes nothing. Perception has nothing to do with who you are. However, if I were to suddenly selectively compliment pretty young things to the exclusion of all others, then I think it would not be inappropriate to question my intentions. Happily, I'm an equal opportunity admirer.
  4. I like ShannoninWpg because she is down to earth, real and real sexy. Besides I love an adventurous woman with a dirty mind. Just think of the shenanigans and high jinks, Oh My!
  5. Grilled flying fish with a pepper mango chutney, served on a bed of wilted greens with grilled potatoes.
  6. French kissing, starting softly, almost timidly, then with growing hunger and passion. Eyes closed or looking into your lover's eyes during climax?
  7. Why does it have to be just one or the other? True, I live vicariously through the orgasms of my partner(s). But I'm also a creature of base pleasures. Sometimes, especially when orgasm dances on the edge, the thought of my partner "wanting" me to come is enough to push me over the edge. On the other hand, giving pleasure... No scratch that. I love bearing ecstasy, aiding with bliss and sharing in moments when you're so close to heaven you can almost touch paradise. There is almost nothing that compares with that feeling. The shared intimacy of an orgasm is addictive and incurrable. And yes, there have been times when I'm happy just to give. Other times I've been the grateful receiver of a partners talents. But the richest, most satisfying encounters are when both of us are shaking with tremors of post orgasmic joy. I, for one, am pleased to be both a giver and a taker. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  8. Hmmm, why not older? My wife has nearly ten years on me. But to answer the question, younger. Oral or penetration climax?
  9. I like HalifaxMan58 because even though he is a CERB rookie, he contributes to our community. And besides; we dirty old men need to stick together.
  10. Bare, I like easy access. Salt water or fresh water beaches?
  11. Finally after almost a year, I am free from antidepressants and the sexual side effects. Namely the ability to orgasm freely has returned. The drugs I had been taking did nothing to diminish desire or to hinder my ability to get hard, but orgasms were few and far between. Happily, most of the lovely and talented CERB ladies were able to help me reach the mountain top, sometimes with tremendous effort on their parts. My home sex life was a nightmare, while my wife got off easily and often, I was left un satisfied and frustrated. Even masturbation was an exercise in futility, I had porn star endurance and my wrist would give out before I got off. Since getting off the drugs, I've had no problem climaxing with my wife and lover, Twice yesterday and again before breakfast today. Vacation sex is the best. Hmmmm... It's raining today, I think I'll surprise my napping wife for a nooner. There is something about the heat of the tropics and the sound of the surf that gets my mojo going.
  12. Woke up to a grey cloudy rain filled day. Normally this is not much of a problem. But when it happens in a place that is three thousand miles away from ordinary, and is costing a ridiculous number of dollars daily for a beach front villa, then it SUCKS! Oh well, I guess I'll spend the rest of the day exploring. After all there is always tomorrow.
  13. Long hair on girls, short hair on women. Surprise sex in the morning or at lunch?
  14. Just finished posting a couple of well deserved recommendations. Now I'm off to bed with a smile on my face. :asslick:
  15. I love that Ser Loras, the knight of flowers was included in the list of ladies! Very droll.
  16. I never noticed before, but come to think of it; my orgasm face (O face) looks just like my mid-sneeze face. If it ever got stuck I would frighten small animals and children.
  17. I miss her too. And I'm happy for her at the same time. She reminds me of the Squirrel from Hoodwinked when she's had her morning coffee.
  18. Tough choice! Face sitting, it's muff diving for lazy men. Squirt in your mouth or face?
  19. Muff diving while sky diving!!! Death wish here <== Standing or kneeling doggy style?
  20. I just had a wonderful notion. I'd like to recreate the orgy scene from Caligula, but set it in modern times. Then I'd invite all the ladies of CERB, take a Viagra bath and dive in!! It may not make a lot of sense, but damn it sure would be fun!!
  21. I like RG because he recognizes the best in others. As he as said so often about others, he is one of the pillars of this community and he is one of the reasons CERB is such a positive site.
  22. The SO and I completed our Emergency First Aid and CPR + C training course today. Now if one of us has a cardiac event, we won't need to rely on 911 getting out to the country within the golden 9 minute rule. Country residents have been known to die while waiting for emergency assistance. That and the fact that I couldn't live with the knowledge of my wife dying before my eyes and I did nothing to save her. At least now I've taken steps to preserve her life, and she mine. To me, that is more meaningful than Roses and a hundred Valentines cards.
  23. My car's AC decided this would be a great time to die. Humidex is approaching +40 for the third day in a row. It was not too bad this morning, but the commute home will involve traffic jams and sloooow going for at least 1 hour. I think I'm going to drive home naked!
  24. Boxers Firm slow caress or light feathery touches?
  25. It all depends on the size of the playroom. If I'm on an air mattress or single bed then no more than two partners is doable. But if there was a king size bed or cushioned floor with lots of space, then the sky is the limit. Imagine a chess grand master playing 50 opponents all at the same time or a bee moving from flower to flower. In my real life, I've had the pleasure of 2 and 3 partners at the same time. Would I like to try more? Hell to the yes! Fifty sounds like a good round number, or maybe a century. In my imagination I have never ending stamina and my dick is always hard. In real life, less so. Still I'd like to try.
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