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Everything posted by louismario

  1. it would be very nice if sp would consider travelling this way. I think it would work
  2. I always find it amazing...like bad amazing when people go to hurt or cause prejudice to other people.... I don't get what they benefit from it because in the long run , it will someday bight them back in the a.... Which is fair!!! Travelling ladies are very important and we should be grateful that they choose to tour this end of the country..... come on guys lets shown some gratitude and respect them!!!
  3. Wishing you a very beautiful day!!! Happy birthday!!!!
  4. Wishing you a very happy birthday.... I don't know you...although I would love to!!! Wishing you a fantastic day!!!
  5. I love sendind them and i love receiving them. I think communication is the most important thing....before and after an encounter. So I will always send a note after meeting a lady...hoping it will bring a smile to her lips. Receiving a note always put bounce in my steps... Recently I meet a lady and communication with her so so great....I will love her forever!!!
  6. Yes it can be quiet in the north.... but Meagan is right is right, some ladies will travel. And if you follow all the post, we are expecting some nice visit in June. Emily Rushton is palnning a visit sometime in June!!! Check her post. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=129538
  7. I would like to meet an sp in Bathurst on april 11. PM if you are available. Thanks
  8. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46507 I would be wise to read all that thread......
  9. I am also from northern Nb.... things are preety quiet around here.... As far as I know, only 1 agency but.... It would nice to be able to meet with travelling Sp from cerb but Bathurst is not a stop.... hopefully it will happen one day.
  10. I had the pleasure of meeting lucy a few times...she is absolutely wonderful!!!! She is a cerb member and has reco under the name Lacey Diamond.... I think it was was just an error in the name when the first reco was posted...her cerb name is Lucy Diamond. Check the reco at : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=67096 And yes again she is wonderful!!!!!
  11. I realized that life as we know it at this moment may be very different tomorrow.... we should enjoy every moment!!!
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