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Everything posted by iluvmuffins

  1. I suggest we plan to get together the first week in the new year after everyone is done with the holiday festivities. Also, the idea of wearing something to identify each other is great. My option would be to wear a tie of a specific colour, or say a common theme for a t-shirt such as a soccer jersey. If we go with the t-shirt, I'll be the guy wearing the Arsenal jersey. Later. Merry Christmas to all!
  2. Pete, congratulations on reaching that milestone! Doing anything 5000 times is quite a feat, and I know I'll never reach that number. After that many posts I don't think anyone would be surprised if you chose to move to the back seat and take a more relaxed approach on the board. I'm relatively new here, so I haven't noticed any change in the climate, although even if I had been a long time member it may have gone un-noticed by me. Sometimes there are many factors which result in a change, and not just the actions of a few. Usually, the bad apples can be flushed out and I'm sure the MOD(s) make every effort to "keep the peace". But peace is not so much the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it. Even through your post about your chosen change of status on the board, I have learned something new which reveals a lot. I was unaware there was a special section for "Elite members" and SPs! One other thing I will miss is seeing your profile pic so frequently. I think for a hobbyist, you have one of the most appealing profile pics on the board. As Spock would say, "Live long and prosper".
  3. Add me to the list of those interested in getting together at the Ottawa stripclubs from time to time. I'm sure there's lots of other guys interested in meeting up as well. Anyone else interested PM me as well, and well start a get together.
  4. Are there many SPs out there in the Ottawa area that offer this kind of service with a shower and/or hot tub?
  5. I currently have an iPhone 4 and although I've been very happy with it and the wealth of apps available, I find that iTunes limits the flexibility of the device. If I were getting a new phone right now, I'd probably go with the Galaxy Nexus S, an Android device using Ice Cream Sandwich. Go to http://www.google.ca/nexus/ for more info. I've heard there is a greater percentage of free apps on the Android store than Apples store.
  6. The site is looking just great on the iPhone now. I use Tapatalk as the client presents most things for my needs, but it's great to see the browser version on mobile device is rendering the site just as it looks on my PC.
  7. Well, first of all thank god for the PVR otherwise I just wouldn't be able to watch much TV. For me: Law & Order: CI (with Vincent D'Onofrio) Breaking Bad The Big Bang Theory Shark Tank / Dragon's Den Entourage The Real Housewives of New Jersey (you gotta have a little crap reality TV once in a while to make you feel superior)
  8. There's nothing wrong with a tall vanilla latte once a day. You know what they say, "a latte a day keeps the doctor away".
  9. If I were to go to a hotel that posted a sign like what SHAKESPEER provided at the beginning of this thread, I'd feel very uncomfortable. As a client, I prefer to visit an SP in a nice downtown hotel or her residence. I also didn't realize that hotel's monitored the sites as much as has been stated here. I want to be comfortable as I enter a hotel, and not think they're watching for clients walking in.
  10. I would also be interested if there are any SP's who provide striptease / lap dance as part of the overall experience. There's nothing sexier than a woman driving you wild as she dances close to you.
  11. I think it's important to take a shower upon arrival as it shows the lady your with that your fresh and clean, and ready to get down and dirty. It's also to be considered as part of our rendezvous time. Regardless of whether I took a shower only a couple of hours ago, it shows the lady that her wishes are respected, and we enjoy things more openly when together. One SP I visit even washes me in the shower and starts part of her service to get me hard, then sends me on my way into the bedroom with me eagerly waiting for her. To end things, I always take a shower before leaving. Some women have extraordinary sense of smell.
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