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Everything posted by brockvilleman

  1. like all advertising, i guess the person has to make thier point to the type of person they are looking for. for me on my limited budget when i see the words, up scale, or elite, i pass them by . i owuld like tol see them post rates and an idea of where they are, like downtown, east or west end as well as some photos when you look up thier personal info. i often pm them to find out, but most often i am disappionted that i cannt afford them. oh well. once you find someone with in your budget , you just have to meet them and see if you click. sometimes you do, sometimes you dont.guess it is just like all advertising, sometimes you like it sometimes you dont.
  2. never thought about it before as i always pay upfront with a ma or sp. as soon as we get to the room i give the ma her tip.i just like to get that part over with so we can get on to other things.i do this with all that i visit and every time. iwould ahve to say to the ladys , if he forgot his money in the car, tell him you will be right here waiting when he gets back and not to take too long as you are so excited. guess the guy figures it is not like robbing a corner store , which it is, and who is going to report it to the police. too bad you dont have a pic to put up here so others will know.
  3. if you know one of the ladys there , i would just phone and ask when she is working that week.i have done this in the past and they have given me the info as to what days and where.
  4. always loved and have had a crush on ann margret ever since i reached puberty
  5. being rather new to all this and i dont know of other sites, all i have to say is , and please correct me if i am wrong, this site is possilble by its paying members and advertising. so if one wants to know about others not here or on other sites, go there and look. i was always brought up that sears employees didnt tell customers that eatons had the same item on sale for less.
  6. thanks for posting that. just wish my speakers worked. we owe so much to all branches of the services, past, present and future.
  7. had a cat once that use to come around and dig in my garden. what i did was buy some cheap cat food and throw it in a garden down the street. no more cat at my place. you can try this with bird seed and save the bullets for for any bird lovers that come around.
  8. always been a boob guy but also bright sparkling eyes, ones you can get lost looking into.
  9. is cheaper better? ater some thought i would say this, for me i have to stay within my means and my budget and on a pension that is not all that much, $180 hour is my limit. that said , those within my means do very in the way we interact. that is very important to me. if we click or not.there are some that we just have not and therefore i wont be going back. there is one that with the first few minutes we did. i will be seeing her when i can. not all people click and finding one that you do is the important part for me. it is not all just about the physical part. to make the physical part great you have to have the emotional part to. you have to feel at ease with the person and comfortable. some kind of conection.one you can talk to and relate to is important. i just hope the one i have this with does not move or retire in the near future.
  10. that sounds like a nut bar. i know there is a way to block calls but i would have to ask one of my kids how to do it. maybe your service provider for your phone could hellp you out so you dont have to go through that agian.i know there is a few times i have booked in advance and then had to cancell , but they know i have an hour to travel and it has been due to weather like freezing rain. hope they understand.i didnt llike to cancel as i know i was mmissing out on a good time and was disappionted.
  11. just love the old b&w chaplin and keaton movie. first time i seen one ithought, oh well it is raining out and nothing else to do. ended up buying some of them.
  12. happy belated birthday. glad you had such a good time. like thing in life sometimes you just click with a person and others you dont. being a little older than you i think i will have a birthday week or amybe birthday month so i can enjoy myself more than just the one day.what do others think, birthday , birthday week, or birthday month?
  13. yes i budget sorry to say it is not $200 a week, i wish. like every thing else in life you have to set priorities.
  14. i am going with new england, giants pulling off another upset, hmm. one thing i hope for other than a pats win is a good game. something that keeps you watching past the 3rd quarter. already got the beer in and snacks bought.just wish i had a woman with great footballs to watch it with me, oh well
  15. anything that is home made italian, especially canaloni and of course meat balls. have the balls just in sauce with warm fresh bread and butter
  16. no info yet, but will let you know as soon as i do. i also an looking for info on a lady called, cat a retired nurse. looking for contact info for her
  17. i agree with you on more info would be nice or at least a link to their personal web site
  18. pick up the phone and call one and talk to her or go to chat and have a private caht with one that is on there
  19. would there be different catagories? what about the trophy, a large gold breast? sooooo many pics to choose from. i would like to be a judge if you judgge them in person. Additional Comments:
  20. anyone have info on how to get a hold of cat a retired nurse
  21. i think you are right in some ways, body does not mean everythig, could be with someone that has the perfect body, in your mind and cold as ice. on the other hand be with one that is not so perfect and get it all the time.also there is 24 hours ina day and viagagra , as the ad says, could last for 4 hours, hmmm, well what about the other 20 hours. better be something happening other than body parts
  22. i made a date for friday, looking forward to it very much
  23. when i first read this i laughed, and then nest time. then i started thinking about it.since my wife passed away i have been living in the past. thinking no one will ever be like her. how do i know, i have not given anyone the chance. time to get into the present then maybe there will be a future. thanks for putting that out there.
  24. wow, not sure if that is the valley of death, or the song clinb every mountain
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