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Everything posted by Lovinmygfb

  1. This is a wonderful lady. She tunes in to what you like and want and delivers. She is an excellent GFE, engaging conversationalist and is the furthest thing from a clock watcher. Her oral skills are wonderful and tastes great too. I have had two, 2 hr appt's with her in 3 weeks and will see her again. No drama, so relaxed and sexy. Role play had me so turned on, the releases were magnificent. A diamond in the rough, and a pierced tongue!
  2. Malika - I miss you. If you visit Ottawa, a great St Emillion will be my treat.
  3. Never be ashamed of pleasure, where everyone wins.
  4. Takes a big person to apologize in a public forum. I say give her a chance and watch to see if she abuses the trust. Good luck Nicole.
  5. Has anyone had the pleasure of this stunning blonde? I see her on ........, seems too good to be true.so cute???
  6. Never thought about that, but was guilty of doing just that last night with my SP. Thanks for the reminder. Rinse and release. :-)
  7. Gentlemen, if you want to share a great bottle of wine with a wonderful lady who can curl your toes, keep you smiling and give you a date to remember - look no further. What a time we had - this will not be the last time we cum together. My nipples still feel her, as does something else! Until then mon Cher! St Emillion has all new memories!
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