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stevecurious last won the day on August 2 2012

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42059 Excellent


About stevecurious

  • Rank
    Elite Member (500+ Posts)<br><img src=http://www.cerb.ca/nominat

Personal Information

  • Profile Welcome Message
    I am an attached, married professional who is not as active in the hobby as I once was. That said I play when the opportunity presents itself and the interest is there. I definitely enjoy the company of a lady who is into Pegging. Please message me if you have questions or just to say hello.
  • Gender
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  • Biography
    Attached, professional here who used to be much more active than I currently am. Message for more.

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  1. It seems you advertise for her more than she does for herself.
  2. A ton of hits, going by different names from various cities and/or countries, when you do a reverse image search...
  3. Sure do know of another site...this one (Lyla.com).
  4. stevecurious

    This is an amazingly sexy pic. Sierra
  5. Very sexy photo, thank you for sharing it.
  6. Perhaps you would post this or another recommendation in the reco. area.
  7. stevecurious

    Very tempting
  8. stevecurious

    Great view!
  9. Nope, this board isn't for things like that. You should flag the post, as I just did, so Mod can deal with it.
  10. stevecurious


    Very sexy, thanks for sharing.
  11. Not sure as to which ad you are referring to, it would be helpful if you provided a link. As far as the "weird" aspect goes...if you have to ask that you probably already know the answer.
  12. Just had a thought. Let's reverse the situation and ask the same question. Would you as a client, who I assume values discretion, send a picture of your face to a complete stranger who may or may not end up meeting you? Be sure to send a pic. everytime you get asked to!
  13. Wouldn't the pics. on their profile/website/ad be enough?
  14. You might want to do a TinEye or Google search on those pics. of "hers."
  15. stevecurious

    Sexy to be sure.
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