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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. Perhaps to someone who has never experienced it (strap on play) it is. I have experience with strap on play and I still consider it a fetish...of sorts.
  2. It will come as no surprise to those who know me that I have been singing Gabriellas praises since the moment I left her hotel room on her first visit. It is on that note that I am ecstatic to hear that she had an enjoyable trip and plans on returning...soon I hope! (Wink, wink) As per the developing tradition of this thread here is this recommendation that I wrote for Gabby on her inaugural visit to Charlottetown.
  3. Gentlemen I never had the chance to meet with Sierra on her trip here but I have met her in the past and she is a gem! If/when she returns you owe it to yourself to meet her...as do I come to think of it! I would post a link to my recos. for Sierra, as I have with other ladies in this thread, but they were early in my posting career and therefore not my finest work.
  4. Yes, your original question may not have been in the best of taste for this board but now you know. Seeing since you are new to the board you probably didn't know the lay of Cerbland and therefore didn't realize that a question like that, honest and hopefully innocent as it was presumably meant, is inappropriate. I say chalk it up to a learning curve, accept the apology and move on but please don't repeat such an indiscretion.
  5. Much like Phaedrus my choice of metal bands pale in comparison to todays bands as my faves are from the 80's and 90's as well.
  6. I can't speak for anyone else Allyson but I know I really enjoyed our time together both mentally and of course physically! For anyone who is interested in learning more about Allyson here is the recommendation thread that I am very fortunate to have started for her here in the PEI section.
  7. Oh Amelia come for a visit, even if it is only a short trip! Please don't make me beg... If anyone is curious to learn more about Amelia here is the recommendation thread that I am proud to have started for her in the Nova Scotia area.
  8. I both agree and disagree with you at the same time. Any wonder I am confused at times. LOL To get back on track, yes recommendations on this board are meant to be just that recommendations which by definition are positive. My interpretation of the rule however applies to the entire board and all of its discussions and topics. Let me be clear I don't believe Cerb is perfect nor am I perfect but I do believe that it (Cerb) is the best of the bunch. We all agreed to be respectful when we signed up and I see no reason why that doesn't carryover into general discussion. In my opinion you are also correct in stating that we should be able to have an open and honest discussion without Mod or Council having to intervene.
  9. Yes it is true that people and internet boards change or evolve to something else, whether they evolve to something greater is an entirely different topic however. That said I am not saying we as an online community shouldn't evolve or grow, quite the contrary actually. Without growth we will become stagnant and simply cease to be. However with that inevitable growth we must be cognizant of the basic Cerb statement: Cerb is not a review board - it is a recommendation board so if you do not having nice to say...please don't say anything at all. We should all remember to work and play well with others...
  10. I have very recently been informed that a former member of this community has returned. As I respected this mans opinion and input greatly I am very happy to see his return. Welcome back!
  11. I wonder if it is simply due to the weather? There is/was a thread on this subject from a few years back and it seems to me the common reason given was weather. I have been told by ladies I have met that summer can get a little slow due family commitments, etc. of your clients. Just my thoughts and attempted recollection of previous ideas/theories.
  12. I suppose the answer to why people quit as opposed to simply taking a leave of absence is simply personal preference or circumstances. No doubt some people believe that when they leave they are not coming back, which was the case for me. I thought I was done therefore why leave an open account. Others may be the type that would be "tempted" by having their account remain active and not achieve the desired break that they originally sought therefore negating the original plan. As you stated you were able to take a self imposed vacation, undoubtedly others could not do the same thing. Hey sometimes we all need a vacation from certain aspects of our lives but if you believe that leaving truly is what you want then I can see why accounts are closed only to be reactivated at a later date.
  13. Where to begin? Well let me explain my situation as it relates to your question both now and THEN. To begin let me assure you all that I attempted to write a thorough and well balanced statement that reflected my beliefs while being contrasted with theory and possibly speculation but nonetheless a fact based response. However, the more I attempted to write said piece the more I kept coming back to the honest truth of the matter, truth as it relates to me and my situation. I left for the simple reason that the board dynamic had become hostile and toxic to the point that the only threads I felt comfortable in responding to were the "funny game" type threads. Threads where responses couldn't be twisted and controversy was easily avoided. At the time I had attempted to justify (to myself) that the reason I was leaving was due to a recent bad experience, lack of interest, time, etc. but in reality it was the atmosphere of Cerb at the time! I no longer had the urge or desire to contribute. I lacked the motivation to read and/or respond to threads. To be honest I felt as though we had to walk on eggshells lest we say something that was even remotely taken out of context. Yes, the envrionment that I had been accustomed to was no more. It seemed as though the self righteous had inherited the earth sort of speak. At that point it was time to leave as quite frankly I am on Cerb to get f$&ked...not get f$&ked over online. My departure was close at hand! I will not get into the details of who or what caused these changes as that topic has been discussed and dealt with in other threads and other places. I will say that the environment here on the board in recent months has been much, much better and I hope it continues to be this way for a long, long time! We all have our reasons and while I can not speak for anyone else listed in your thread I can and will speak for myself. I left for the reasons I stated above and I returned when I heard Mod was starting to address this situation. So let me wish all the departed members best of luck and let me also say thank you and goodbye...your contributions will be missed. If you wish to reconsider the porch light will be kept burning and to those who may never return we will respect your wishes by not speculating or prying into YOUR reasons. Please don't take this response as an attempt to pick a fight or be catty as I answered mrrnice2 in the only way that I know...honestly!
  14. stevecurious

    You still look amazing Allyson!
  15. Personally I don't damn well know where to begin trying to tell someone how to quit their frigging swearing because I don't f@%king swear...ever. I swear too much so I am watching this thread with great (f@%king) anticipation. Ha Ha
  16. I bet yours would be a monster and I know it would be crazy mad. Ha ha If you didn't like Shawshank what about some of my other suggestions?
  17. After my vote she is leading with 39.2% of the vote.
  18. Consider me your first voter and I vote YES!
  19. I'll keep an eye open for that invite. Remember, you have my email, phone number, street address, postal code, mailing address and shoe size so no reason NOT to get in touch with me. Ha Ha
  20. Now this sounds interesting! I am starting to get an idea lodged in my head.
  21. I would be happy to stroke your ego or anything else for that matter, any time you would like me to.;)
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