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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. It's funny cause I like the sexy red head!:D
  2. Going back to work after having a great week on vacation...sigh.
  3. This is true and I never said it wasn't a business or that it wasn't up to each of you to decide. As I said ultimately it is none of my business or concern, all that I was attempting to do was put a spotlight on the many positives that she does offer...non professional pics. included!!!
  4. As great as The Stones have been over the decades they just haven't been the same since Brian Jones was killed/committed suicide/died accidentally in his swimming pool in 1969. He certainly was a huge part of their early sound and equally huge in regards to their creativity. Don't get me wrong Mick Taylor and later Ron Wood were/are great players but they aren't Brian Jones...and don't even get me started on Bill Wymans replacement. Funny how the article conveniently neglects the former Stones bass player.
  5. You may find that this topic has been touched on previously. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59905&highlight=shoe
  6. Aubrey, I am going to make a comment/suggestion that I hope is not take the wrong way. I hope I am not sticking my nose where it doesn't belong but I am going to suggest it anyway. I am wondering if you really need professional photographs? The reason I say this is...well...there are many reasons really. You already have a wide variety of self taken photos in your albums and a even a few face pics. (which is a gutsy move) so the number of pics. is not an issue. Considering you are (in your words) relatively new to the business the self taken photo via webcam or cellphone is more then adequate. All I am trying to say is don't sell yourself short and think you need to "keep up with the Joneses." Undoubtedly other SP's will have a website and professional pictures, etc. but keep in mind their situation, location, etc. If you are to invest in a professional photographer say in Halifax there are added expenses involved with just getting there. Keep in mind that there are plenty of SP's on this site that have stood in front of a white bed sheet as a backdrop and have wonderful, sexy pics. posted on their profiles and/or websites! Have or would you consider having a friend take some pics. of you in street clothes while out and about in town? Remember you live in Ch'town and it is currently July...there are literally hundreds of places around the town/province where you could have very well done amateur photos taken. It is also worth mentioning that you will never have enough pictures, amateur or professional, to satisfy everyone's wants. There will always be people who want daily updated photo albums and new pics. by the truck load just to stare at. If you are seeking a professional photographer in an attempt to satisfy your client base I would respectfully suggest you reconsider as NO RESPECTFUL CLIENT will ever say that she (the SP) needs new or professional pics. in order to satisfy his requirements. This post is meant as an honest and polite response and in no way do I mean to meddle in your business. All this said if you still wish to secure a professional photographer contact Emily as she has so generously offered...she will treat you honestly and fairly!
  7. An afternoon watching a live ball game! There is nothing more enjoyable, at least to me, than sitting in the stands on a hot summers day watching a live game. If anyone is even remotely interested in baseball do yourself a favor and see a game at either Fenway Park (Boston), Wrigley Field (Chicago), Camden Yards (Baltimore) or Yankee Stadium (New York)...next on my hit list Kauffman Stadium (Kansas City).
  8. Hello and welcome to Cerb from a member who is slightly east of you.
  9. -- Sunshine and temperatures in the mid to high twenties. -- On vacation for the week. -- Bushes trimmed and pruned. -- Faucet in kitchen replaced. -- Wifey gone for the night!!! -- Sitting in front of a bonfire, laptop in hand watching the MLB All Star Game! -- Adult beverages...dangerously low. -- Oh and Aubreys most recent pics.!!!
  10. First thing I would do would be a divorce, I don't care if it costs half of my winnings or not! Second thing would be early (very early) retirement followed by a lot of sex and making sure I saw at least one game in every Major League park. Red Sox season tickets would follow soon after that! Did I mention the divorce???
  11. I don't see an issue with it per se as even I have asked the odd BP question. That said I generally relate to more Cerb centred topics but such is life. I second your comment about the girls in Nova Scotia Angela, sometimes all we need do is look next door for what we have been searching for from afar. Remember if you want to drive a Ferrari you shouldn't be shopping at a Ford dealership.
  12. A few days late with this one but had a wonderful social visit with Katherine on her latest trip to Charlottetown. It was a great afternoon of catching up and enjoying each others company...something that I have sorely missed these past few months.
  13. Get involved with an SP...sure why not? Trying to understand why I wouldn't has me perplexed. I really can not see the issue in this topic. I know that certain aspects of society would be hung up on such a thing but these are not Puritan times and yes women are allowed to work, drive and vote. I mean SP's are SP's...not mass murderers. I consider this a no brainer but that is just me. That said I respect that everyone has the right to their own opinion even if it differs from mine. I say that "less receptive" need to take a step back and realize that the days of Father Knows Best are long gone.
  14. True! Either way when perusing BP, CL, etc. if it looks too good to be true chances are it is. It is always good practice to do your research.
  15. I would wager that he used TinEye, of course I don't know for sure.
  16. On the board, as in life, there are rules and when you break the rules you pay the price. If everyone plays nice and rules don't get broken no one will get suspended or banned.
  17. I am assuming by this point you have Googled her? If not a quick search will turn up a lot of hits...most of, if not all of, appear to be legit.
  18. Venting...yes, which is understandable. Ranting...maybe, but we have all done it. Complete bitch...NEVER! As you said the line needed to be drawn and you shouldn't feel any remorse for the way you handled the situation.
  19. I did know that Ron Howard or Ronnie Howard as played Opie...and don't forget Don Knotts in his pre Mr. Furley days.
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