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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. stevecurious

    new pic 3

    Long hair and tall boots...excellent!
  2. Mmm, my inner Sherlock Holmes thinks you may be onto something here Gabriella.:icon_biggrin:
  3. She advertised on Escorts Canada while she was visiting but I am unsure of her current advertising.
  4. Majorly turned on by: Glasses, pigtails, confidence, having my neck/ears kissed and any lady who greets me in Red Sox apparel! Turned off by: Keeping her phone on and/or answering it, not punctual, smell of body odor (you know who you are!) and being greeted by a lady in Yankee apparel.:lol:
  5. This shirt can be found in any married mans wardrobe:
  6. Well done Emily, there are few who are more or equally deserving of this Cerb honor than you!
  7. Congratulations on reaching number 3000, looking forward to congratulating you on 3500!
  8. Congrats and well done on 4500 well said posts!
  9. Always suspected that about The Yankees Part of the reason I am a proud member Not really funny but certainly relevant...
  10. Mmm, isn't Mod the only one who can end a thread?;)
  11. Andy...never met they guy BUT I know he is a class act and worthy of the respect that I and others have for him! Kudos to you my friend.
  12. For me 2012 will be a year in which I vow to gain a new and perhaps clearer perspective on things and life in general. This year will be the year in which I pay more attention to all aspects of my life and stop "taking my off of the ball" sort of speak. Not every little issue that pops up is the end of the world and I vow to keep things in perspective and not let my plate get too full with lesser issues that morph into larger issues than they need be. This year is the year I take a step back and look at life as the big picture...not the individual brush stroke. Yes, it's time that I start looking at the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and not get overwhelmed...at least that is what I am trying to accomplish!
  13. stevecurious


    LOVE this pic./pose!!!
  14. Where to begin? What to say and how do I go about saying it correctly? I have always been one to get to the point so I might as well hurry up and get there. I am leaving Cerb and I just wanted to say thank you and goodbye. The reasons for my departure are not even entirely clear to me but I just know that it is time to go (at least for now). I am not the same man that I was when I first logged and chose my handle almost three years ago. I thought I needed time away in the past and I took it but to no avail. So today I have finally come to the decision to walk away and give (hobby) retirement a go. Some of you may have noticed that I hardly post anymore, I haven't written a reco. in months and I have gone into virtual hiding...almost lurking. This is not the person I actually am and if I can not enjoy something that is by its very nature fun and exciting then what is the point? I have met some wonderful ladies, had some amazing conversations and unfortunately had an argument or two but such is life. One can't experience the highs without having experienced the lows to contrast them to. So, once this thread is created and posted I will have some last minute housekeeping to do on my profile, copying of email addresses, messages to be sent and things of that sort. Followed by my resignation from Cerbs Town Council...yes I was on council since its inception AND I enjoyed my time there. Sadly I believe that is one reason why I must say goodbye. I found myself being less and less concerned with hobbying and more worried about "Council" stuff. Guess I forgot the main reason I was here was to make friends and "shag." Ha ha. Please don't get me wrong Mod and the other councilors are fantastic and I was honored that Mod chose me but...well...it's no longer for me. As I said the remaining Council all have the best interests of the board at heart so you should all be secure in that! Well as I said all good things must come to an end and so too does my message. Thank you one and all for making my Cerb life happy and enjoyable. To those of you who I have met thank you for allowing me to bask in your company. To those who I didn't meet, for whatever reason, all I can say is "guess it is my loss." To Katherine, Isabella and Penelope a special thanks for...well just being the ladies who you are. I have enjoyed our friendship and who knows possibly our paths will cross again if I pick up my hobby again in the future (which is always possible). Thank you all and take care of yourselves and each other. One last goodbye from Fenway Park...
  15. She has been advertising on another site with similar info. for about a month. Yes, she looks young and that MUST be taken into account if someone were to book with her. Personally if I were wanting to meet her (I am not by the way) I would feel more comfortable if she were a member of Cerb and Mod asked her to provide proof of her age. After all, when using the internet there is no way to know for sure a persons actual age, looks, etc. that is why I always say I look just like Brad Pitt only a little bit younger...and in better shape than him too. Seriously, it's on the net so it's gotta be true...right?
  16. I both agree and disagree (at the same time) with Isabella and CK. Yes this is a discussion/recommendation board and why not discuss our favorite ladies, after all we all seem to notice that not enough recos. are posted. I am all for respectfully discussing a positive experience that I had and see no harm in "contributing" to an existing reco. thread. However, I do agree that reco. threads are for RECOMMENDING not for general discussion, etc. I doubt very much that a rule could be created let alone enforced on this so it is incumbent on us all to mind what we say in each section. Recommendation threads are for recos. and general banter is best kept in the general discussion area. Much the same as jokes have their own section we should be mindful that "yeah she is great where can I find her" comments should be kept out of the recommendations. Now lets get back to positive recos. about the sexy and intelligent women that we have here on the board. We don't need to make mountains out of mole hills...especially during the holiday season.
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