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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. I am gonna go with the obvious answer of ALL OF THEM! Mrs. Claus OR Her oversexed rebellious barely dressed early twenties daughter?
  2. Should this reco. be merged with the existing recommendation? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=61389
  3. If their new album is half as good as Volume 4 or Sabotage I will be a happy camper!
  4. All the best on YOUR day Lexy. Happy birthday and take care.
  5. It's been much too long since the original Sabbath had new material, this is great musical news!
  6. Still have a couple of Creed albums from when I was younger (and didn't know any better) BUT I can honestly say my music collection is free of the other artists listed.
  7. Keep in mind that not all American sold cars meet the same safety requirements that we have here in Canada. For instance American cars do not come equipped with day time running lights which all cars sold in Canada after 1991 (I believe) are required to have. Also, if memory serves, the American standards for the vehicles S.R.S. (Supplemental Restrain System) or airbags is different as well. At one time imported vehicles required a reinforcement of the vehicles front bumper as the American standards for the rebar was too low. This may no longer be the case however... Also keep in mind that some modifications to the vehicles existing systems may be needed to comply with Canadian standards.
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