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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. All three pictures are from a Latino SP's SEA account from Toronto...make of that what you will.
  2. Lets reverse that question to gain perspective shall we. Is it against the rules for SP's to post the cell numbers of clients they have met? Keep in mind that the SP may only give her cell number to established clients, etc. Long of the short it is probably best to let the SP post her own contact method.
  3. Here is the link to her recommendation. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=120450
  4. From the Nova Scotia area: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=L&t=130549
  5. Great pic. Amber...love the view.:icon_wink:
  6. I haven't seen/heard anything about this person on Cerb or any of the other usual advertising areas, where does she advertise? If you do decide to meet with her asking to see identification (i.e. proof of age) would seem to be in order.
  7. Judd Hirsch from Taxi...or anything else he has been in. Dr. Marvin Monroe, Bleeding Gums Murphy and Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons.
  8. Andrea from The Walking Dead drives me insane. I mean the world ended and she is still all moral and high and mighty...geez. Oh well don't have to worry about not liking her anymore I suppose. Michael Kay the play by play guy on the YES network....can't stand the guy. What an annoying, now it all "homer." Arya from Game of Thrones; LOVE the show...hate her character. Don't know why just do.
  9. Why is it when someone gets banned or suspended from Cerb it is just a matter of time before they try to open a new account and sneak back in???
  10. Katherine is in town later this week and she provides a wonderful massage...among other wonderful services. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=125875
  11. Perhaps you could write a recommendation for her.
  12. Having seen different ladies, both touring and local, at various hotels in Ch'town I still say The Delta is the best of a limited bunch. Yes it is overpriced BUT as far as discretion is concerned (for both lady and gent) the layout is far superior to any hotel in town. I have been recommending this hotel to ladies who have asked for a few years now and I stick to my beliefs. As taylorforfun has previously mentioned the elevators are not really in the lobby per se and this allows for quick and easy egress. As far as price is concerned just ask yourself, what is discretion worth to me in a city of 35,000 people?
  13. Why is it that I volunteered to work a night shift tonight? I completely forgot a new episode of The Walking Dead is on and my addiction will not be satisfied. SIGH!
  14. Why is it that when you are having fun time flies, but when you aren't having fun time seems to work in reverse?
  15. Not being able to meet with an SP because at the last minute I found out I would have to work a double shift...the joys of my chosen profession!
  16. stevecurious

    Pretty In Pink!

    Well hello to you too.:bigclap:
  17. She did post an ad. two days ago. That said I have tried to connect with her twice via PM and have yet to receive a response.
  18. stevecurious

    IMG 0392

    Yes I do like these boots...mmm.:bowdown:
  19. In this case it seems under review relates to her possibly being underage, see Mods post.
  20. Here is a link to a girl here on Cerb that goes by Miya Morrison, you will notice that this account is "under review." Is this the same person you are asking about? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=80028
  21. stevecurious

    IMG 0388

    Love these boots!!! Do I have a fetish???
  22. Lesley: Lacey: Ashley: Sounds like you had fun but I am wondering why not post these 3 positive experiences in the recommendation area?
  23. I agree, this should be put back on track...immediately! The OP asked a simple and respectful question concerning what he so properly stated is a "unique niche within the poly experience." That statement roughly translates to not everyone's cup of tea. I see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to seek an answer and have an open, honest and respectful discussion about said topic. If he receives no answers either publicly or privately from any ladies than he will have his answer and the thread will die. Commenting that this activity does not comply with YOUR own set of values, beliefs or stereotypes is useless and disrespectful. I mean really this is supposed to be a friendly board how do you think this hobbyist feels now...after he posted for the SECOND time? Time to put this thread back on track and the question at hand, I believe, are there any ladies who offer or enjoy this service?
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