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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. I was off of work for a few weeks due to illness this past winter and all I can say is CSI re-runs (CSI Las Vegas not Miami...I really hate David Caruso) kept me sane...well relatively sane. Up until that point I had no idea how bad daytime TV actually is.
  2. "Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society... It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff." Stephen Harper Really?! I am ashamed to share names with this hair sprayed hick with a "lego man" hair cut. Go ahead compare...
  3. Wow... Admittedly I never watch American Idol but that was a real eye opening moment. Makes one thankful for what he has and what he doesn't. I could not imagine being...well being in that type of situation. As is often said the grass is not always greener on the other side. Take care everyone!
  4. Take a trip to Texas, any town will do, and call a public meeting. At that meeting tell all in attendance that they are no longer allowed to own firearms. The reaction you get would be on par with what would happen if OUR health care system was taken from us. Point being people from other countries will never know what our health system means to us. Just the same as we, Canadians, will never know or understand what the right to bear arms means to Americans!
  5. Although she is not the leader of the Conservative Party I would very much enjoy "meeting" Rona Ambrose...
  6. Deep Purple - Loosen My Strings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a93fWy941VA
  7. Thank you Sophia. It appears that we have a first hand account of the business practices and reputation of this "agency." Proceed at your own peril would seem to be an appropriate phrase in this case.
  8. You might consider any one of the following ladies. Although I am unsure of the availability of some. You may also consider reading through the ladies postings in the scheduling area in case I missed someone. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=39030 - Ashley http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=34324 - Meaghan http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=47431 - Amelia http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27326 - Celina
  9. Thank you Shortcake that response is very Wrinkledintime of you. :wink:
  10. Bending Down Seductively Manifests Urges HCUFF
  11. But yet April Dawns post has yet to be mentioned. She had made mention of being involved with a gentlemen who has the same condition but you have made no mention of her post...at least publicly.
  12. "Leafs to take new direction direction next year." Mmm so by that statement I assume they are going to win more than 8 games prior to Christmas and actually MAKE the playoffs next year. Believe it when I see it!:icon_razz:
  13. Who are we, the Cerb community, to say that drloves' former girlfriend doesn't have this particular disorder! How do we know whether she is or is not ill. I agree that bringing that topic up for discussion may not have been the most appropriate thing to do but that doesn't change the fact that she may indeed actually have a mental sickness! Dismissing it as one mans attempt to soften the blow of a break up is quite frankly wrong!
  14. Here is a link to a recommendation for Amber...
  15. My deepest and most sincere condolences to you and your family. Although I am not a religious man per se you will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Take care and cherish the memories that you hold so dear. All the best!
  16. I will have to "thank" that birdie the next time I see her...err...it.
  17. As my esteemed colleague has already pointed out (I have always wanted to say that but never had the chance until now) we are fortunate to have some wonderful ladies visit us from time to time. Keep an eye on the schedule page and as mrnice2 has already pointed out when you, or should I say anyone, books please do not pull a no show! FYI a little birdie MAY have told me that Angel Starr might be returning to PEI in the near future... Also I suspect the lovely Emily Rushton will be visiting again soon.
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