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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. Being Raunchy And Intimate, Naturally Nasty
  2. Steve Perry - Oh Sherrie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiH24ZefE-8&feature=fvst I guess so...
  3. Radiohead - Karma Police http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBH97ma9YiI
  4. Curious Urges Require Extra Sexuality Amore
  5. Kiss - Rock and Roll All Nite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoMAVlS1Rfo
  6. There is a reason I prefer Coke over Pepsi. Coke: Pepsi:
  7. All the best and take care in the future. You can and will pull through this and although in the here and now it may seem bleak all will be resolved. Maintain a positive attitude looking forward to the day when you can say you won and don't let "it" get the better of you! Keep fighting and never say never as you will come out on top. Best of luck and looking forward to your return to Cerb!
  8. I can not stress the topic of this thread enough. As I am a cancer survivor and a damn lucky one at that I can not stress enough the importance of either checking yourself or getting checked. Ladies and gentlemen do yourself and your loved ones a favour pay attention to your body! On a lighter note, guys if you aren't comfortable checking yourselves all you need to do is get one of the lovely ladies of Cerb to help you out. You can even make it a game for two by "helping" her check her body.:icon_wink: Thanks Isabella for once again putting other people ahead of yourself!
  9. Let me be the first to say gongratulations to Isabella on her impending 500th post. Thank you for all of your Cerb contributions and all of the kind words you have sent my way in the past.
  10. Faith No More - Epic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERTT_sv8sV0
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