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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. I don't believe I slammed you in anyway and you did give an honest and frank account of your experiences, that is why I chose to respond. Secondly you will never meet anyone more frank or honest than me, I just choose to with hold some honesty and frankness at times when discretion and taste are warranted! As far as the Winnipeg section goes I am well aware of you... Oh yes my age and life expectations are certainly none of your concern so from this point on...well you know where I am going!
  2. Cato to be honest with you I often forget to check the social groups to which I belong. I try to check in on them as often as I can but to be honest they always seem to slip my mind. I believe others have already mentioned that the social groups are not as visable as they either could or should be and this probably limits the amount of visits each group receives. How to solve this problem...hmm that appears to be the question at hand. Is it possible or even feasible to have a section here on Cerb devoted entirely to social groups? Perhaps it is worth investigating further, yes?
  3. Well in my experience I find this statement to be less than accurate! I have met and become friends with ladies who have husbands, boyfriends and even girlfriends and I have yet to have any complaints with any of these fine ladies. I have had the opportunity to enjoy their company and have never felt rushed or restricted. Perhaps there are other reasons why you are feeling restricted?
  4. So I have just returned home from a weeks vacation to the New England area of the U.S. and I had a great week! The weather was great, the sites great and according to my wife so too was the shopping. All that aside being the ravid Boston Red Sox fan that I am got a special treat. Now I have seen many, many games at Fenway and other parks over the years and this trip was to be no exception...but there is an exception. After the game was over I got to go onto the field...THE field! Not only that but I actually got access to the Green Monster. Being the huge ball fan that I am this was a Monster experience to say the least. Oh yeah I also managed to "liberate" a small bag of the warning track to add to my den of memorabilia. Anyway onto the reason for this thread, I am wondering who else has great vacation stories that they want to share.
  5. Everyone please join me in congratulating Emily for her recently reaching 1000 posts! Thank you Emily for your continued input on this board, I for one always enjoy you comments.
  6. Emily, to answer your question there are both cans and plastic bottles of pop. The popular choice seems to be the bottle due mostly I am sure to the recent lift of "the can ban." You see up until about two years ago carbonated beverages could only be sold on PEI in refillable containers. This of course meant glass bottles only! There was a law enacted in the mid eighties to "protect the environment" by allowing carbonated beverages to be sold only in glass bottles. This of course did nothing about every other product for sale in either cans or plastic. As I mentioned the law was enacted to protect the environment but the real reason was to protect a local bottleing company that had the rights to produce, bottle and distribute the Pepsi brand here on PEI. If cans, etc. were allowed to remain than distribution would be from the mainland and this would cause hundreds of locals to lose their jobs. After about twenty five years the owner of this company passed away and the company sold to Pepsi. All of a sudden without local ownership the urge to "protect the environment" faded and we no have cans and plastic bottles full of pop and beer distributed from New Brunswick. Yeah this ban meant that beer could only be sold in bottles as well!
  7. Congratulatins Scott, thanks for all the posts and keep up the good work!
  8. Always great to read your opinion and thoughts, congrats Cindy!
  9. Steve Winwood - Higher Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37vM8u1zrY
  10. Easton Corbin - Roll With It http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37vM8u1zrY
  11. Angel, I believe the "cheese" in cheesecake is actually cream cheese but don't quote me as I am far from a master chef...err baker.
  12. After spending way too many nights at home with my wife I wish the entire TLC network would cease to be. If the network itself has to remain I hope against hope that the following shows will be cancelled! (1) John & Kate - Hate them both! (2) 18 Kids and counting - I mean really 18 kids?? (3) Say yes to the dress - Yes say yes, get out and stop watching this show. Add to this list any and all reality TV shows!
  13. I basically have to have the lady ask me to spank her in order for me to do it. I have and never will just haul off and start smackin' her bottom as spanking is something I do for her enjoyment and not mine. I just do not find administering a spanking to be that sexually arousing but I understand that others do and I am more than willing to accomodate that request. Additionally, to just start spanking without talking about it prior is very inappropriate...at least in my opinion.
  14. Happy slightly belated birthday, hope it was a good one!
  15. Tonight I was fortunate...fortunate enough to be able to spend more time with Miss Angel Star! I was made aware of Angels return to Moncton, just prior to her posting here on Cerb last week, and I quickly pre-booked for an extended evening appointment. I can certainly classify that decision as one of the better choices I have made in life. After the initial contact was made and all the details set all I had to do was wait...six long days for Thursday to arrive. When I arrived at her incall location I was greeted at the door by a sight that had to be seen to be believed...stunning, sexy and tempting all rolled into one lady! After I removed my lower lip from the top of my shoe and regained some composure we sat, talked and visually explored the other person. Well I visually explored anyway...;) As always the details are intentionally left out...this is just one more reason for YOU to book with her, so you can find out first hand how great she is! However I will divulge a little nugget of information...maybe two. Nugget number one, Angel likes to shop and has very good taste in "clothing" and other "date related implements." Nugget number two, she spoke the question "ooh can I play?" with huge eyes mid evening. I say no more...you will have to guess. Afterward, as our evening started to pass we laid, cuddled and talked even more about various topics and I got to discover that she has a few "sensitive areas" that are quite sensitve and sexy. A true treat for me to be sure! As mentioned I was lucky enough to spend some quality cuddle time with our resident Cerb Angel and I discovered that she has a quirky if not quacky sense of humour and loves to use appropriately quacky and quirky terms. Her views are honest, her personality sweet and in my estimation her heart is large and warm! So gentlemen of Cerb this little Angel is certainly a combination of naughty and nice. Naughty at all the right times in all the best ways but nice every other second that she isn't being "naughty." My advice is to book with her as you will not be disappointed! P.S. Congratulations Angel on the "loss" you had told me about, not an easy task to be sure!
  16. Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - I Won't Back Down
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