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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. When you do finally meet with a lady of your choice, firstly follow Emmas advice! Further to that if your first choice is properly researched you will not be able to stop seeing the ladies on this forum. But the key to your and their (The ladies) happiness is honesty. Research the lady that offers what you are looking for, so that you don't waste time...yours or theres. When you do contact her identify yourself and simply let her know some basic info. about yourself. Don't let your first contact with a lady be of the "Hi, saw your profile I want to get with you and do this and this, etc. to you" type of conversation. This type of first contact would not go well! Good luck!
  2. As I have said in previous posts..."God, I wish I live in Halifax!"
  3. As I sit here reading various topics on Cerb I find myself wondering what is different about the community recently! Then, as I was "browsing," it hit me. The topics, conversation and overall atmosphere haven't been the same since Amelia..."left." I am just wondering if anyone else feels the same way, or is it just me? I always found her posts to be quite interesting, colorful and very enlightening to say the least. Since her departure the conversation, posts or whatever you wish to refer to them as seem to have deminished slightly? Again I may just be imagining this. So does anyone else feel the same way?
  4. Here's the link: http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=29136
  5. Well this is a first...replying to my own post! As I sit in front of my computer on Christmas Eve waiting for my S.O. to return from work I can say that I have indeed been in contact with Lexy, via e-mail, a few times in order to arrange a workable day for a meeting. Thus far she seems VERY professional and quite "open." So all seems quite well...so far. Hopefully the previous thread about her pictures, etc. was not too damaging to her still developing Cerb reputation!
  6. You could also keep an eye out for Emily, Sierra or Rebecca as well as Amber. They all frequent Moncton regularly. Unbelievably I have yet to see Amber??? However I have seen Emily, Rebecca and Sierra and all are worth you time!
  7. Yes you are correct Casey she was there. Sorry to say I did not have the free time to see her again...very sad!
  8. Be sure to keep an eye open for either Amber or Emily! I know they both make regular visits to Moncton.
  9. I am just wondering if anyone has actually seen Lexy? After reading a previous thread I am unsure about her... legitimacy?? That said I am waiting for a reply to a message I sent her. If anyone has any info. I would appreciate you sharing it...if not I may TOFTT.
  10. Thanks but it is not the bills that I am worried about. I am concerned about her finding out about my hobby...
  11. Some advice that I found helpful when I first started on Cerb was simply being polite!When first contacting a lady identify yourself as a Cerb member, clearly and accurately. Be honest but not vulgar. On your first e - mail do not get into specifics of what you want to happen on your "date" with her. Treat your first contact as though you were in fact asking for a "date." Discuss the "details" (does/do nots, donation amounts, etc.) during subsequent conversations. You would be surprised how many ladies have told me that good spelling, use of grammar and above all respect, politeness and honesty have made the difference between seeing a client or not! Best of luck.
  12. I am seeking some information from any guys on this site who are either married or attached. I am a married guy who is also a "hobbyist" and being a "hobbyist" requires proper amounts of cash, as we all know. My situation as a married guy is starting to conflict financially with my hobby and therefore I am wondering how other married/attached men are able to finance there hobby without there partner finding large amounts of money missing from the bank account? Without a "financial plan" I fear that I may have to reduce or God forbid stop participating in my favourite of all "hobbies!" Also, I suppose I should not limit my question to just the guys, possibly some of the ladies have a suggestion for me as well?? Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
  13. Let me weigh in on this topic by saying that there is no GFE here in PEI! I have lived here my entire life and trust me there are no providers here. I have to...sorry, choose to travel to either Halifax or Moncton to visit with SP`s. My advice would be to do you research, choose a lady and travel to see her. You will not regret it!
  14. Does anyone know why Amelia's account is listed as suspended? Curious as to why this has occurred, maybe she said something that "someone" didn't like??? Hope you are back soon, Cerb wouldn't be the same without you!
  15. Since I have posted this less than 24hrs ago I have been asked by many people who the provider is! I don't know if I should respond to these pm's or not?? Therefore I will not be providing her name to anyone. If I am wrong in this belief please feel free to let me know, but I do not believe my view will change.
  16. After my last post concerning my poor session I felt the need to point out ALL the great ladies I have met. Now I am not going to name names but my reviews can be seen/read in the recomendation area! So please to all the great ladies in Halifax and to those who travel there I say "Thank You!" You are a credit to your profession and truly look forward to repeating with you. My only problem is I live so damn far away...
  17. ...Furthermore it is not just the fact that it was an outfit not worn. It was the fact that we had talked about and agreed on a total of three (3) requests! Combine that with the phone, which I had asked her to turn off, makes for a very poor session, and as we all know one poor sessions equals no repeat sessions. As of yet I have NEVER had the misfortune of a lady leaving her phone on, or not honouring requests. I realize everyone has an opinion...and I have mine. I just felt this needed to be said and discussed.
  18. Thank you Amelia, I knew that a professional such as yourself would understand! Having your phone off is not something that you need business training for. All you need is common sense training!
  19. Sadly you are more than correct, a major mood killer! The amazing thing is it just kept ringing....unbelievable!
  20. To further comment on the MOD post it is more than just the ladies that experience these issues. I can, and will only speak for myself about anything but when requests are made, be they large or small, they should be fulfilled! When a lady requests that her donation be placed on the table before the session starts I don't wait until I am leaving to go home to give it to her! The same should hold true for the SP's! I like to think my time is just as valuable as their time is, so please let us all respect each others time and requests! That way SP's will have repeat clients and we (the clients) will be more than happy to return!
  21. I recently met a lady whom I had never seen before and felt the need to post this. I realize that on Cerb we are not to post anything negative and for the most part I agree with this. However, I hope that by not using names, locations, etc. I can freely post this article. The lady that I met with was everything that her profile and reviews say that she is, physical description, etc. However my issues lie elsewhere. We had e-mailed many times about all the usual details, questions, etc. concerning a first time meeting. All seemed well...until I got to her room. I had requested some special attire and one or two other details that she agreed to in our e-mail conversations. When she opened the door she had on Jeans and a sweater, which I fully expected for a first time meeting. After all who answers their door in their underwear! After we talked for a bit she excused herself to "change." I, fully expecting my requests to be honoured waited anxiously. I was shocked when my requests were NOT honoured. When I brought up my requests she seemed totally confused and shocked by my comments. Add to this her Blackberry ringing endlessly through the entire session! Not at all what I had expected or hoped for from a lady who appears to come very highly recommended! I do not want to seem as though I am whining or sulking, because I am not. I just felt the need to post this and express my concerns the same way some of the ladies express there's! So hopefully this post will be taken the way I meant it to be, nothing more or nothing less than an honest and constructive piece of information about someone who will go forever nameless.
  22. Hawkeye, I live in PEI and let me assure you there are NO providers in this province. Unfortunately the closest reliable providers are located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Having said that some VERY reputable ladies do travel to Moncton, New Brunswick on occasion. There is an agency that is "on again off again" that may or may not be operating that provides out service. PM me if you have questions or are looking for further info.
  23. I tried to set something up that would accomodate my schedule but she said she was out of the country for the dates I requested. Maybe she is indeed on a trip?? She did seem very open and accommodating up until the dates were discussed.
  24. Had the good fortune of being able to meet with Sierra this past week. An excellent decision on my part. She is very non rushed and great at what she does. This was my first visit, however I plan on being a repeat client.
  25. I had the pleasure of meeting Emily, for the first time, in Moncton recently and let me say she is definitely more than what I expected. To say I was both shocked and amazed would be understatements. She is much, much more than I would or could have hoped for. She is first of all very beautiful and sexy, but in a classy way. She answered the door, introduced herself and we sat and talked for while, actually it was a long while! After we were done discussing various topics she escorted me into the "other room." This is where of course I will offer NO details, but let me assure you, her pictures do NOT do her justice. A beautiful, soft, sensual woman is what she is. If, and only if you are lucky enough to be afforded an appointment with her treat her with respect because that is what she absolutely deserves. So let me sum up by just saying this, if you are looking for "a half hour quickie" or some other faceless encounter please do us all a favour and go elsewhere! Please do not misunderstand me there is nothing wrong with "quickies," etc. it is just you will not find that with Emily. However if you are looking for a truly classy, respectful encounter by all means contact her and if you are lucky enough she will see you. Also, to respond to a previous post on Cerb, we are indeed lucky she visits the Maritimes!
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