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Everything posted by stingray691427

  1. Earth has been around for 4 billion years. The sun has an 11 year cycle, solar maximum and minimum. Flares don't happen everyday, the sun can actually go years dormant with no activity. 2013 solar maximum will peak for this cycle. Our sun is a variable yellow star, it will explode in about 5 billion years anialating everything within a few hundred light years. :)
  2. The Mayan long count calander recycles, there is alot of hype based on this meaning the end of the world, it's not at all what it means. 3ooo years ago the got to 2012 and probably said ''yep, that should be enough, grab me a pint'' Same as all the crap about the Galactic alignment with the center of the Galaxy, bull. The Sun orbits the milky way (our galaxy) it is 120 thousand light years accross (unimaginably massive). It takes the sun 250 million years to orbit it once, think about it... last time we where here Dinasoars roamed the earth. In the Sun's path along the galaxy it bobs up above the galactic plane, through it then below it and one cycle takes 65 million years. What happens is when we bob above the galactic place we are no longer protected by the vast amounts of dust generated by billions of stars burning in the milky way, also dust created by collisions and all kinds of other weird stuff. We orbit the sun and follow along with it around the galaxy. There is a super massive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, we orbit around it... so aren't we always eclipsing it? There will be no tidal forces ejecting earth out of the solar system, even if the Sun did get ejected from the galaxy we would just follow along orbiting it. This process would take millions of years to unfold, but man what a sight that would be. The really freaky thing that gets me are neutron stars, the dead remains of a long exploded super nova. The mass of these things is so great that a teapsoon of it would fall through earth. They emit gama ray bursts, a stream of incredibly radiocative particles traveling at the speed of light. If one was to burst within a few thousand light years of us, and was aimed at us... lights out, it would strip the earth of life instantly. Astroids are a real threat, constant threat. We get at times no warning, hey look.... that was a near miss. Although most the size of buses one the size of Ottawa would really cause a bad day. What is interesting are the Nostradamous prophecies, finacial colapse, climate change..... these are all things that have been happening to earth long before we where ever here. They will happen again for the next 5 billion years, when the Sun turns into a red giant, swallows earth and Mars then explodes. We are so isignificant in the grand scheme of things, it really makes me wonder, what is it? Why is it? God? If the Universe was created from a singularity (infinatley small particle) that expolded out of nothing, creating time and space, who created the particle? How could there have been anything before time? We live in facinating times. the scientific advances in understanding it all has taken enourmous leaps forward and I hope to live long enough to learn what it is all about. The world will not end in 2012, life on it will end eventually and start over again over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. We are definatly heading for change, we will whitness unprecedented world events that will break us or make us. Yes, i am a total geek about this stuff. Thought i'd share :)
  3. Thanks Spud, means alot. I am a better man and father for it. Great bunch of people here!
  4. Lived with an abusive alcholic woman for 14 years. She would pound the crap out of me, cheat, steal. I stayed for my son, I was afraid for him. I finally left when he was 10 after catching her smoking crack in the bathroom while he was watching cartoons. I was awarded custody and raised him myself. She's pretty much homeless now, doesn't bother with him at all, was given numerous oportunies but always stood him up. Now, he has a good job, is 18 almost dome school and going to colledge. I'm proud of him and myself, but am dreading the day I get the call that she's dead, then that will replace this story as the hardest thing I've ever had to do, telling him.
  5. This is cool, archelogist have discovered ancient Roman coins dating back at least 2000 years. They depict sexual acts. They where found on the site of an ancient brothel, men used them to pay for services. Escorts had their own money in ancient times, speaks volumes!!!
  6. Man, that is creepy! Is move the hell out and never sleep again!
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