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Everything posted by ruralwater2012

  1. nice review snowman, do you mind telling me how much was the tip worth?
  2. I am eager to hear something about her too. Somebody please say something, even through PM-ing :(
  3. i am also interested, PM would be appreciated
  4. I recall seeing that ad posted by Ashley. I was just wondering if anyone has seen Chyna Doll. PM me some details if available
  5. any information on Chyna Doll (advertises on BP)? any feedback would be highly appreciated :)
  6. thanks alot for the detailed and useful feedback! it is much appreciated!
  7. is it correct to assume that EC ads are more trustworthy (and authentic) than BP ads?
  8. is it correct to assume that EC ads are more trustworthy than ads appearing on BP?
  9. I am wondering the same too. if anyone could PM me info about her that would be highly appreciated :)
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