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Everything posted by Missie

  1. thank you everyone for all of the great information! I do know a lot of people here so i thank you all for showing me a different way of looking at it because you are right it would only be a matter of time before i ran into someone i know. I am very interested in becoming a SP but didn't want to just jump into it without doing my research and making sure i know how to go about it the proper way. i do love meeting new people and believe that two strangers meeting each other and having a great time could be a wonderful experience for both parties. but i don't feel just jumping into this without knowing much would be very responsible or fair for potential clients. what are some good ways to screen clients as you explained in order to keep myself safe? Hoping there are some girls out there who can help me as well! Thanks again everyone : )
  2. Thank you for all of the great information, that helped clear up a lot of the questions i had. Since it is not legal for a provider to hire someone to do their advertising or security even if it would be considered her personal employee. Say for instance a girl was to do that, give hired person a percentage of her money for security and advertising, and this girl was to get busted for prostitution. Could the person she hired be looked at as if he was her pimp and be charged?
  3. Hi everyone! I am a new member interested in becoming a service provider but i would first like to get all of the information i can from both the women and the men : ) To the women, what is the right way to conduct your business and how what should one think about and decide if they are interested in becoming a service provider? To the men, I live in Truro and I was wondering if they was a high demand for service providers in such a small town. Its not something you here of around here often. Also to everyone I have noticed that mostly all of the high end service providers are all comfortable with showing their face in their pictures but many girls are not. Is this normal and to be expected or should them not be willing to show their face rise more questions? Thanks to all who can help! : )
  4. Could someone please explain to me what is the fine line between being a "pimp" and running an escort company? As i have been told they are very similar, in the fact that they make sure the girls are safe and things like that. I know some "pimps" may be forcing women into it but i dont believe that is the case with all situations. If a man has women that are escorts that watches over and they are not forced into it and they enjoy their life and what they are doing is he still doing the wrong thing? I guess im kind of confused why escort companies can be legal if what they do is so very similar then the actions of guys one guy or "pimp".
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