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Everything posted by harpo123

  1. There was a YFL Ashley 4 or 5 years ago who was blonde....I wonder if it's the same?
  2. There's like 4 of them now. Arrgh. That was pretty much my sole source of quality and reliability.
  3. Lol, yeah vip is way outdated. Some of those girls have been in their twenties since I was in my twenties! Thanks Dave, I was looking for Jades ad and couldn't find it...I'll keep an eye out. I wish I was on the ball to catch Blaire T this time around - if anyone meets with her, post a reco! (If she allows). There used to be a guy here that would do tons of diligence on the Leo ads and report back...sadly I think he's been banned 5 or 6 times since then....
  4. Are there any confirmed legit Leo ads out there who are petite and not over 30 and aren't scam or bait n switch? I missed the few Lyla / Tryst touring ladies i wanted to see (they book up fast!) It's been a while since I perused Leo, and just when I thought it couldn't be more inundated with TGTBT fakes, it actually seems like there's even more now!
  5. I've chatted with a few ladies who have done exactly that - posted on LL or Tryst - and then disappeared after a while. 3 of them I've talked to this year said the same thing - they list a travel date prior to bookkmg flights, to gauge the level of interest, and if it doesn't pan out they cancel their trip. One lady said she needs 8 solid bookings for a 3 day stay before she'll commit.
  6. I'm closer to 60 than 30 (well, almost), but age embellishment for me is still a massive pissoff. Just tell the truth, what's wrong with that expectation? Hate that we're normalizing deception.
  7. Thanks Sydney. No, that's on me, I should be checking Twitter too.
  8. Keissy H was also very very good, seen her only twice and both times were a good number of years ago, but her new pics make me think she hasn't changed much. I see she is also touring here very soon, if anyone is interested in checking her out.
  9. Yeah, saw that too, thanks Ms. :) guess it's my jib after all!
  10. Apologies, I only meant that based on my one experience, 10 or so years ago, I could have written the exact same response. Different strokes for different folks, however!
  11. Has anyone contacted Evie Rosewood successfully, using her webform? Wondering if perhaps she's inactive, or maybe she just doesn't like the cut of my jib.
  12. Bray for a day, good pressure, eye contact, tongue action. Some of these girls I swear, if I wasn't looking right at them I wouldn't know they were doing it.
  13. This says everything that needs to be said.
  14. There's pimping at Citadel? I am at very close proximity to there for a substantial portion of the day, and have honestly never caught wind of anything.
  15. Oops, I mean I won't look at Leo, not Lyla, due to the 1% / 99% scam ratio.
  16. The way this thread devolved into this massive dumpster fire of drama is the perfect illustration on why Halifax is a hard place to hobby - and from the authors of the drama, it looks like both sides can share that blame. Lyla definitely doesn't help. I remember a few years back, when it was so defensive about posting critical reviews, but at the bottom of the review section you could rate the SP out of 5 stars. So one hobbyist (that is still such a silly term to me), gave one particular SP a good textual review, but a poor star rating. So, naturally, the lyla police were called, and the hobbyist was publicly taken to task. But, for what, the hobbyist argued - for using the 5 star system in the exact manner to which it was designed? Needless to say, the star rating option disappeared shortly after. One person commented above (before things got flame-y) that this board is full of single-post threads where one person asks if anyone has ever seen so-and-so, and no one responds (except sometimes GreenTeal who will patiently explain how to spot scams). Well, now you know why no one posts. Because it rarely adds value. I won't even look at lyla - to luck out and find the 1% truth in the 99%scam, is not worth my time. I come here to check those few out-of-town SPs that still post their tour schedules. Nothing against the few non-drama locals here, I've just never gone to a local SP from lyla - as someone else mentioned in a different post, I prefer exotic tastes. But to watch what this place has turned into....I wish there were more choices....
  17. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/nova-scotia/halifax_downtown_fresh_new_short_stay_so_sexy-7265604?source=list Any experience? Tin eye comes up clean.
  18. We're starting to get mean and that's not the idea. GT, while frustrated by your points, I understand and appreciate them. I suppose the proper recourse here is to pass my contact info over to the old agency (for lack of a better word to describe YFL), in the hopes that they pass it on to Rose's last known contact info.
  19. Hi GT, Normally I consider your contributions quite valuable, but I do take a bit of exception to this one, and I think you're missing the point. Neither my inquiry, or the subsequent response, were in any way violating privacy or right to choose. I didn't ask, 'hey where does Rose live or what's her number'. I just asked 'is she around somewhere else, to the best of anyone's knowledge?' If she chose to retire, that's absolutely her choice, and I'll stop hoping to see her. But maybe she's independent now, and choosing to advertise away from this site. I know of several SPs who did just that, due to one circumstance or another 😉 So if someone knows that she's advertising somewhere else, and they tell me that, wouldn't you expect that Rose would appreciate the extra business, rather than consider the exchange of readily - available information an invasion of her privacy? Edit: Thinking about this more, I can understand if someone left one advertising environment to escape bad clientele, and therefore might not want her new ad location revealed to the old environment.
  20. I know Rose isn't with YFL anymore, but does anyone know if she's out on her own, or retired?
  21. I was fortunate enough to visit with this sweetheart. Truly an amazing experience in all ways! Super cute, fit, and talented. An absolute repeat, the next time she makes the trip East! Feel free to pm any questions.
  22. Likely means she's full already. From what I hear she's inundated with requests so maybe can't respond to all inquiries especially those from 1st timers (like me). Just guessing. She replied to me with only 2 slots left for her whole stay and that was yesterday.
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