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Everything posted by Izzy2

  1. In Toronto for the weekend hoping the Sens win against the Habs!
  2. That does sound like fun! I agree you would want to make sure you connected withe right person or it could get awkward very fast.
  3. I'm getting concerned, no mention of Maya?? Is she still around?
  4. Sounds like Baylie Chayse? she was a regular at the club for sure Izzy
  5. Wow I have spent a lot of time at Pigales over the years but I have never seen either of these classics being asked about Maude or Snow. Sounds like they are worth the effort to keep going Izzy
  6. Happy Birthday Cato! Hope you have some fun today Izzy
  7. Any comments about the Valentines Party?? I'm anxious or jealous to hear how it was. I stopped by early in the afternoon but couldn't make it back last night. Izzy
  8. My wife's shaving cream after dinner!!
  9. Oh she is so hot. I wish she she still did other things! Izzy
  10. I was there one evening not that long ago and as I was leaving I thought I saw Olivia working as the Shooter Girl
  11. Buck Spankalicious and Cerb name - Doctor Lottatang Not sure which one is more fun. I will let the ladies decide Izzy
  12. selection in Ottawa is wild! Not that long ago I got excited about going to TO or Vegas but now I have a list of people I want to spend time with in Ottawa. Izzy
  13. I confess that cristycurves dirty talk and photos are causing this site to crash!
  14. Well my friend thats a lot to consider! I definitely need to pace my self and rest up for Friday!! Sooooo many beautiful ladies CMJ is the Best! Cheers to the weekend! Izzy
  15. Tori is in Ottawa! Just saw a picture on Twitter and she looks HOT HOT HOT!! Wish I was there tonight!
  16. Go to Sexapoolaza and meet Tori Black!
  17. I noticed Tori Black was the special guest so I mentioned the event and her on twitter. My account is now going crazy because she retweeted my post. #Sexapooloza
  18. I'm hearing ads in the radio for Sexapolooza this weekend downtown. Has anyone been in the past? I'm wondering if it's couple friendly worth checking out? Izzy
  19. Thanks for the info. I was actually on my way to Pigals on Friday to see who was around but my GPS took me to CMJ instead. Who was I to argue with my GPS when it involved naked women! I may try again this week! I do miss my lovely Maya! Izzy
  20. Well I officially got signed up as a member @ CMJ and received my member info. So I'm thinking now that I'm a member I should make sure my ID works! I call in to see if the Famous Jessica is available?? YES and I'm off to visit number 3! Thank you Jessica what a great session! Izzy
  21. Maya - yes I think so but I havnt been in recently. I may have to take one for the team and go see! Olivia - Sadly no I think she has retired. I wish either of girls would give Massage a try they both would be VERY successful!! Izzy
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