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Everything posted by ace881

  1. man i love Kiss Promise Kimmy i use Windows7/ Internet explorer. When i right click, there is an option for "view source" (HTML source code), but no "view info image"
  2. grrrrrr why wont it show the image like the other posts
  3. the curves, facial features, hair, everything! But above all else, that delicious chocolate skin that drives a man crazy!! :D
  4. for ebony fans, its slim pickin's in Ottawa. Toronto's much better for that. Theres definately some that you should avoid here. The Mod wont allow it, so check the other board for the bad reviews. The one with the best reputation is Shy Ebony, but shes slim/athletic, and youre looking for curvy with booty...
  5. read about this idea (no reco for selfish reasons) in Montreal review boards, but yeah, sounds pretty dumb to me. However, seeing some of the trolls on the other boards who post negative reviews on a weekly basis, i wouldn't put it past them to do this...
  6. Another phenomenon is that clients on purpose dont write about an SP they met, because the reco might cause a surge in demand, and then she would be booked solid from months, not available to him!
  7. Usually people say " i had a sort of YMMV experience" and so on, implying that they got bad mileage, but you may get better mileage perhaps. Either that or just subtle words and phrases, like, "it was pretty solid i guess...", "other than X (negative event/trait), it was pretty good". Most people will get the message, and the admins will probably let it fly, but im not sure if its worth writing it in the first place...
  8. I stay up by myself night after night my hand on my cheek who else do i complain to (the last two lines dont translate well, but the gist of it is that he has this thing weighing heavily on him, and he is wondering who he can tell, confide in....)
  9. http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/study-finds-organic-foods-not-much-healthier-than-non-organic-counterparts-1.942443 It was in the news last week that organic is not much healthier. If you wanna dig deeper, i recommend Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma", a great book that takes a serious look at food and food production. In it you find that (real) organic farming is not very sustainable, is very labor intensive, and should be local by definition.
  10. (The) Usual Suspects Additional Comments: oops wrong spot
  11. What is the 'other board'? could you PM me the website please?
  12. nice review and good news to hear, since Asian agencies are pretty much synonymous with Bait and Switch...
  13. YMMV means better looking guys get better GFE. Maybe its a bit negative to say so, but its true at least in some instances
  14. nice reco. I thought her pics looked fake but glad to hear theyre not.
  15. i didnt think of that Aubrey (trafficking), good point. Backrubman, i would cross out Thailand from your bucket list because there is escalating terrorism there, especially in the south, and they do target foreigners...
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